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executable file
83 lines (65 loc) · 4.99 KB

React Redux Catalog Test

Install from source

First, clone the project:

Then install dependencies and check to see it works. It is recommended that you use Yarn for deterministic installs, but npm install will work just as well.

$ yarn install    # Install project dependencies
$ yarn start      # Compile and launch (same as `npm start`)

If everything works, you should see the following:

While developing, you will probably rely mostly on npm start; however, there are additional scripts at your disposal:

npm run <script> Description
start Serves your app at localhost:3000. HMR will be enabled in development.
compile Compiles the application to disk (~/dist by default).
dev Same as npm start, but enables nodemon for the server as well.
test Runs unit tests with Karma and generates a coverage report.
test:dev Runs Karma and watches for changes to re-run tests; does not generate coverage reports.
deploy Runs linter, tests, and then, on success, compiles your application to disk.
deploy:dev Same as deploy but overrides NODE_ENV to "development".
deploy:prod Same as deploy but overrides NODE_ENV to "production".
lint Lint all .js files.
lint:fix Lint and fix all .js files. Read more on this.

Application Structure

The application structure presented in this boilerplate is fractal, where functionality is grouped primarily by feature rather than file type. Please note, however, that this structure is only meant to serve as a guide, it is by no means prescriptive. That said, it aims to represent generally accepted guidelines and patterns for building scalable applications. If you wish to read more about this pattern, please check out this awesome writeup by Justin Greenberg.

├── bin                      # Build/Start scripts
├── config                   # Project and build configurations
├── public                   # Static public assets (not imported anywhere in source code)
├── server                   # Express application that provides webpack middleware
│   └── main.js              # Server application entry point
├── src                      # Application source code
│   ├── index.html           # Main HTML page container for app
│   ├── main.js              # Application bootstrap and rendering
│   ├── components           # Global Reusable Presentational Components
│   ├── containers           # Global Reusable Container Components
│   ├── layouts              # Components that dictate major page structure
│   │   └── CoreLayout.js    # CoreLayout which receives children for each route
│   │   └── CoreLayout.scss  # Styles related to the CoreLayout
│   │   └── index.js         # Main file for layout
│   ├── routes               # Main route definitions and async split points
│   │   ├── index.js         # Bootstrap main application routes with store
│   │   ├── Home             # Fractal route
│   │       ├── index.js     # Route definitions and async split points
│   │       ├── assets       # Assets required to render components
│   │       ├── components   # Presentational React Components
│   │       └── routes **    # Fractal sub-routes (** optional)
│   ├── store                # Redux-specific pieces
│   │   ├── createStore.js   # Create and instrument redux store
│   │   └── reducers.js      # Reducer registry and injection
│   └── styles               # Application-wide styles (generally settings)
└── tests                    # Unit tests


Developer Tools

We recommend using the Redux DevTools Chrome Extension. Using the chrome extension allows your monitors to run on a separate thread and affords better performance and functionality. It comes with several of the most popular monitors, is easy to configure, filters actions, and doesn’t require installing any packages.

However, adding the DevTools components to your project is simple. First, grab the packages from npm:

npm i --save-dev redux-devtools redux-devtools-log-monitor redux-devtools-dock-monitor

Then follow the manual integration walkthrough.


We use react-router route definitions (<route>/index.js) to define units of logic within our application. See the application structure section for more information.