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Managing remote events and remote functions on Roblox is kind of tedious, I made this module to help out

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Roblox SignalManager

Managing remote events and remote functions on Roblox is kind of tedious, I made this module to help out

The Problem

Remote event and functions are just that: functions! I don't want to have to manage storing, organizing and finding them in multiple scripts.

This pattern specifically was really annoying me:

-- ServerScript.lua
local ReplicatedStorage = game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage")

-- Print a string on the server
local printStringOnServer ="RemoteEvent", ReplicatedStorage) -- boilerplate (grows with # of signals)
printStringOnServer.Name = "PrintStringOnServer" -- boilerplate (grows with # of signals)

local function onPrintStringOnServer(player, string) -- the actual valuable code

printStringOnServer.OnServerEvent:Connect(onPrintStringOnServer) -- boilerplate (grows with # of signals)

-- Print 2 strings on the server
local printTwoStringsOnServer ="RemoteEvent", ReplicatedStorage) -- boilerplate (grows with # of signals)
printTwoStringsOnServer.Name = "PrintTwoStringsOnServer" -- boilerplate (grows with # of signals)

local function onPrintTwoStringsOnServer(player, string) -- the actual valuable code

printTwoStringsOnServer.OnServerEvent:Connect(onPrintTwoStringsOnServer) -- boilerplate (grows with # of signals)

-- ClientScript.lua
local ReplicatedStorage = game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage")
local printStringOnServerRequest = ReplicatedStorage:WaitForChild("PrintStringOnServer") -- boilerplate (grows with # of signals)
local printTwoStringsOnServerRequest = ReplicatedStorage:WaitForChild("PrintStringOnServer") -- boilerplate (grows with # of signals)

printStringOnServerRequest:FireServer("Hello, tedious boilerplate") -- the actual valuable code
printTwoStringsOnServerRequest:FireServer("Hello", ", tedious boilerplate") -- the actual valuable code

All this boilerplate is required for every single signal you add! You can imagine as a game scales, this boilerplate will start taking a ton of space, make code less readable and generally be annoying. Instead, I would rather just define a function on the server, and call it on the client.

My Solution

Enter SignalManager

Reduced, and constant boilerplate regardless of how many signals you have

-- ServerScript.lua
local ReplicatedStorage = game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage")
local SignalManager = require(ReplicatedStorage.SignalManager)

-- Instantiate one single signal manager
local MySingalManager = SignalManager:new("MySingalManager", SignalManager.EventType.RemoteEvent) -- boilerplate (does not grow with # of signals)

-- Print a string on the server
MySingalManager.PrintStringOnServer = function(player, string) -- valuable code

-- Print 2 strings on the server
MySingalManager.PrintTwoStringsOnServer = function(player, string1, string1) -- valuable code
    print(string1 .. string2)

-- ClientScript.lua
local ReplicatedStorage = game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage")
local SignalManager = require(ReplicatedStorage.SignalManager)

-- Instantiate one single signal manager
local MySingalManager = SignalManager:new("MySingalManager") -- boilerplate (does not grow with # of signals)

MySingalManager.PrintStringOnServer:FireServer("Hello, less tedious boilerplate") -- valuable code
MySingalManager.PrintTwoStringsOnServer:FireServer("Hello, ", "less tedious boilerplate") -- valuable code

Free Organization

SignalManager also organizes your signals into folders under ReplicatedStorage, hidden away for free:

└─── Signals
    └─── SomeSignalManager
    │   |    CoolRemoteSignal
    │   |    AlsoCoolRemoteSignal
    └─── AnOtherSignalManager
        |    CoolRemoteSignal
        |    AlsoCoolRemoteSignal

Free nil protection

The signal manager takes care of calling WaitForChild("RemoteSignal") the first time you try and access a signal on the client, but it then stores it internally so subsequent accesses are faster.

Free namespace management

It prevents the re-registering of the same signal name (with a clear and obvious error) and allows you to have two remote signals have the same name in different contexes for free. This can significantly shorten the remote signal names. E.g.:

-- ClientScript.lua
local PlayerSignals = SignalManager:new("PlayerSignals")
local MonsterSignals = SignalManager:new("MonsterSignals")



The SignalManager constructor takes 3 Parameters:

  • @name: name of the manager, it will also ne the name of the folder created under ReplicatedStorage.Signals
  • @eventType: [SERVER ONLY] type of signals created; options are EventType.RemoteFunction or EventType.RemoteEvent
  • @dontCreateNew: [SERVER ONLY] use this if you want to use the same SignalManager in two different server-side scripts. All but one such instantiations should set this to true. This can also be used to place RemoteEvents and RemoteFunctiosn under the same folder that can be accessed by one single SignalManager on the Client

You can use dontCreateNew to put RemoteEvents and RemoteFunctions under the same folder:

local MyFunctions = SignalManager:new("MySignals", SignalManager.EventType.RemoteFunction)
local MyEvents = SignalManager:new("MySignals", SignalManager.EventType.RemoteEvent, true) -- dontCreateNew used here

MyFunctions.printFunction = function(player, string)
    return string

MyEvents.printEvent = function(player, string)

Both printFunction and printEvent will be under ReplicatedStorage.Signals.MySignals


Managing remote events and remote functions on Roblox is kind of tedious, I made this module to help out






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