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Unsupervised Machine Learning - Cryptocurrency Clusters


  • One of my clients was interested in offering a new cryptocurrency investment portfolio for its customers. The company, however, was lost in the vast universe of cryptocurrencies. They’ve asked me to create a report that includes what cryptocurrencies are on the trading market and determine whether they can be grouped to create a classification system for this new investment.

  • I took raw data and processed it to fit the machine learning models. Unsupervised machine learning was used since there was no known classification system. I used several clustering algorithms to explore whether the cryptocurrencies could be grouped together with other similar cryptocurrencies. I used data visualization to share my findings with client.

Data Preparation

  • Read crypto_data.csv into Pandas. The dataset was obtained from CryptoCompare.

  • Discarded all cryptocurrencies that are not being traded. Filtered for currencies that are currently being traded. Dropped the IsTrading column from the dataframe.

  • Removed all rows that have at least one null value.

  • Filtered for cryptocurrencies that have been mined. That is, the total coins mined should be greater than zero.

  • In order for the dataset to be comprehensible to a machine learning algorithm, its data should be numeric. Since the coin names do not contribute to the analysis of the data, I deleted the CoinName from the original dataframe.

  • Next I converted the remaining features with text values, Algorithm and ProofType, into numerical data. I used Pandas to create dummy variables.

  • Last I standardize the dataset so that columns that contain larger values do not unduly influence the outcome.

Dimensionality Reduction

  • I created a dummy variables above which dramatically increased the number of features in the dataset. I performed dimensionality reduction with PCA. Rather than specify the number of principal components when I instantiated the PCA model, it is possible to state the desired explained variance. I preserved 90% of the explained variance in dimensionality reduction.

  • I further reduced the dataset dimensions with t-SNE and visually inspected the results. I ran t-SNE on the principal components: the output of the PCA transformation. Then created a scatter plot of the t-SNE output.

Cluster Analysis with k-Means

  • I used an elbow plot to identify the best number of clusters. A a for-loop was used to determine the inertia for each k between 1 through 10. The elbow plow appears at which value of k it appears.

  • Based on Elbow curve using t-sne data we could divide cryptocurrencies data into 5 clusters


Unsupervised Machine Learning






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