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Pokedex-Server - GraphQL

Pokedex Server Graphql Repository. I have used a dynamodb database together with a graphql library to go (

1. Stack

2. Requirements

  • Go version 1.15.8 or higher.
  • npm version 6.4.1 or higher.
  • yarn version 1.22.10 or higher.
  • docker version 15.10.2 or higher.

3. Project setup

Download this repository, open a terminal, and move into it.

3.1. Requirements installation steps

# install dependencies
go mod tidy
cd test-functional

4. Change GraphQL schema

# When we change graphql schema, we have to execute this command to autorefresh go files into graph directory
gqlgen generate

5. Execute test

5.1. Unit test

go test ./...

5.1. Unit test coverage

go test ./... -cover

5.2. Functional test

cd test-functional
yarn test

NOTE: To execute functional test we need execute docker containers

6. Docker

NOTE: we have two docker images, one of them is the dynamodb (Database) and the other is the graphql server which contains all the logic

# to execute docker containers
docker-compose up -d

7. GraphQL schema

    type Query {
        #limit is to set the number of the number of records that you want to return
        #Get a list of pokemons, we can filter by favorite pokemon (isfavorite)
        #we can filter by Name pokemon if we pass the SearchName variable
        #we can filter by Type pokemon if we pass the SearchType variable
        listPokemon(input: PokemonsQueryInput!): PokemonConnection!
        #We obtain details of one pokemon when we pass a id variable
        getPokemonById(id: ID!): Pokemon
        #we get a list of diferent names of type of all pokemons
        listPokemonTypes: [String!]!

    type Mutation {
        #we update favorite to pokemon sending true or false in isfavorite variable and id of pokemon
        updateFavoritePokemon(id: ID!, isFavorite: Boolean): Pokemon

8. Environment Variables

    #Image Url of jpg of pokemon 
    IMAGE_URL: ""
    #Base Url to get the sounds of repo
    BASE_URL: ""
    #Name of table of database
    TABLE_NAME : "Pokemon"
    #Entry point of dynamodb server

9. Example functional test


9.1 Example unit test coverage
