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 _______  _______  _______  _______  _        _______  _______ 
(  ____ )(  ____ )(  ____ \(  ____ \( (    /|(  ____ \(       )
| (    )|| (    )|| (    \/| (    \/|  \  ( || (    \/| () () |
| (____)|| (____)|| (__    | (__    |   \ | || (__    | || || |
|  _____)|     __)|  __)   |  __)   | (\ \) ||  __)   | |(_)| |
| (      | (\ (   | (      | (      | | \   || (      | |   | |
| )      | ) \ \__| (____/\| (____/\| )  \  || )      | )   ( |
|/       |/   \__/(_______/(_______/|/    )_)|/       |/     \|

Here is the repo of the first preenfm version.

Firmware version V2.01
By Xavier Hosxe 
PreenFM contact : p r e e n f m 1 <at> g m a i l  <dot> com

Frequency modulation synth for the Maple mini
Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License 
as published by the Free Software Foundation version 3.

Preen Current Features

. 9 different FM alogorithms with up to 6 operators
  Each operator includes an oscillator and ADSR enveloppe
  Oscillator : 7 waveforms (4 sin variation + noise + square + sawtooth), 
  linked to keyb freq or fix, fine tune

. Up to 4 voice polyphony with 3 operators FM algoriyhm
  Up to 3 voice polyphony with 4 operators FM algoriyhm 
  and up to 2 with 6 operators FM algoriyhm.

. Glide available when voice set to 1

. 3 standard LFOs (4 waveforms (saw, ramp, square, random), frequency in Hz, ramp up to 4 seconds, reset on new note).
. 1 Enveloppe type LFO 
. 2 Step sequencers LFO (16 steps) : independant gate value and BPM. Their scale allow controlling pitch in semitones.

. 12 rows modulation matrix - 14 different sources and 33 destinations.

. 4 banks of 128 user presets

. System exclusive to exchange patches and banks with a computer

. Midi control : 44 control input/output control changes linked to parameters
  Nrpn : input/ouput of all paremeters
  Midi channel selectable : Midi for other channges can be forwarded to plug several PreenFM in serial

. Large readable 4x20 LCD 

. Friendly surface controle : You always clearly see on the screen what you're currently editing

. Sampling rate : 32768 Hz (Makes integer division faster ;-). Pseudo 11 bits.
  1024 Hz for LFO and modulation matrix

. Test note : play note without keyboard. Pitch and velocity editable.

. 6th order butterworth analog filter to convert the 1 bit output into a nice waveform

. Transparent case that allows you to see every day your nice work




Firmware for the preenfm (version 1)






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