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File metadata and controls

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Getting Started


The recommended way to install GETTSIM is via conda, the standard package manager for scientific Python libraries. If conda is not installed on your machine, please follow the installation instructions of its user guide.

With conda available on your path, installing GETTSIM is as simple as typing

$ conda install -c gettsim gettsim

in a command shell.

To validate the installation, start a Python shell and type

import gettsim



Say you have a dataset for the year 2019 that you store in a pandas DataFrame using the variable name data. Your dataset needs to adhere to a particular format; all the columns specified in :ref:`required_cols` below need to be present.

To calculate the taxes and transfers for the households / tax units / individuals in the dataset, you can use the following Python code:

from gettsim.tax_transfer import calculate_tax_and_transfers

calculate_tax_and_transfers(dataset=data, year_of_policy=2019)

The function calculate_tax_and_transfers will update your dataset data with the columns specified below in :ref:`returned_cols`. Note that the dataset needs to be in long format, i.e. each person no matter what age has his/her own row.

Required columns in input data

Variable Explanation Type
hid Household identifier Int
tu_id Tax Unit identifier Int
pid Personal identifier Int
head_tu Whether individual is head of tax unit Bool
head Whether individual is head of household Bool
adult_num Number of adults in household Int
child0_18_num Number of children between 0 and 18 in household Int
hh_wealth Wealth of household Float
m_wage Monthly wage of each individual Float
age Age of Individual Int
selfemployed Whether individual is self-employed Bool
east Whether location in former east or west germany Bool
haskids Whether individual has kids Bool
m_self Monthly wage of selfemployment of each individual Float
m_pensions Monthly pension payments of each individual Float
pkv Whether individual is (only) privately health insured Bool
m_wage_l1 Average monthly earnings, previous year Float
months_ue Months in unemployment, current year Float
months_ue_l1 Months in unemployment, previous year Float
months_ue_l2 Months in unemployment, two years before Float
w_hours Weekly working hours of individual Int
child_num_tu Number of children in tax unit Int
adult_num_tu Number of adults in tax unit Int
byear Year of birth Int
exper Labor market experience, in years Int
EP Earning points for pension claim Float
child Dummy: Either below 18yrs, or below 25 and in education Bool
pensioner Dummy: Pensioner employment status Bool
m_childcare Monthly childcare expenses Float
m_imputedrent Monthly value of owner-occupied housing Float
m_kapinc Monthly capital income Float
m_vermiet Monthly rental income Float
miete Monthly rent expenses (without heating) Float
heizkost Monthly heating expenses Float
renteneintritt Statutory retirement age (might be in the future) Int
handcap_degree Handicap degree (between 0 and 100) Int
wohnfl Size of dwelling in square meters Int
zveranl Dummy: Married couple filing jointly for income tax Bool
ineducation Dummy: Employment status "in education" Bool
alleinerz Dummy: Single parent Bool
eigentum Dummy: owner-occupied housing Bool
cnstyr Construction year of dwelling (1: <1965,2:1966-2000,3:>2000) Int
m_transfers Sum of monthly public/private transfers not simulated. E.g. transfers from parents, alimonies, maternity leave payments Int

Columns returned by the simulator

Note that if one of these columns exists, it will be overwritten.

Variable Explanation Type
svbeit Monthly amount employee soc. sec. contributions Float
rvbeit Monthly amount employee old-age pensions contrib. Float
avbeit Monthly amount employee unempl. insurance contrib. Float
gkvbeit Monthly amount employee health insurance contrib. Float
m_alg1 Monthly amount of unemployment assistance Float
pensions_sim Monthly amount of old-age pensions Float
gross_e1 Inc. from self-employment subject to tax, individual Float
gross_e5 Inc. from Capital subject to tax, individual Float
gross_e6 Inc. from Rents subject to tax, individual Float
gross_e7 Inc. from Pensions subject to tax, individual Float
gross_e1_tu Inc. from Self-Employment subject to tax, couple sum Float
gross_e4_tu Inc. from Earnings subject to tax, couple sum Float
gross_e5_tu Inc. from Capital subject to tax, couple sum Float
gross_e6_tu Inc. from Rents subject to tax, couple sum Float
gross_e7_tu Inc. from Pensions subject to tax, couple sum Float
abgst_tu Monthly capital cncome tax due, couple sum Float
abgst Monthly capital cncome tax due, individual Float
soli Monthly solidarity surcharge due, individual Float
soli_tu Monthly solidarity surcharge due, couple sum Float
kindergeld Monthly child Benefit, individual Float
kindergeld_tu Monthly child Benefit, household sum Float
incometax Monthly income Tax Due, individual Float
incometax_tu Monthly income Tax Due, couple sum Float
uhv Alimony advance payment, individual Float
regelbedarf Household socio-economic need, incl. housing cost Float
regelsatz Household socio-economic need, lump-sum Float
alg2_kdu Housing cost covered by social assistance Float
uhv_hh Alimony advance payment, household sum Float
kiz Monthly additional child benefit, household sum Float
wohngeld Monthly housing benefit, household sum Float
m_alg2 Monthly social assistance, household sum Float
dpi_ind Monthly disposable income, individual Float
dpi Monthly disposable income, household sum Float
gross Monthly market income Float