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The CQRS pattern splits Command actions (mutations actions like CUD of CRUD) from Query actions (read actions like R of CRUD).

To do that you need 2 APIs, one of which implements the "read" part.

This project addresses the latter, in order to quickly create a Query API with little code.

2. Business Domain Model vs Persistence Data Model

The persistence is the system by which you store data on the long term.

It can be a SQL database, a document based system, etc... whatever technology.

There is a data model specific to this technology which is often different from your business domain model.

But there is no need to expose to the user the persistence data model.

It has more sense to expose the Business domain model, but it requires some data mapping, which, for a developer, is annoying and time consuming.

This project addresses this problem, by making it easy to map persistence model to business model.

3. GraphQL

When you want to fetch data in a REST APIs, you always get the complete resource (all its fields), and the way to provide the params are sometimes non intelligible.

With this project, you can query a resource this way, with a js object

   fields: {
      field_name: true // the field of the resource you want the value
   filters: {
      field_name: { // you can filter on this field_name
         value: 'some value' // matching this value according to the operator of your choice under
         operator: 'equals' | 'greater_than' | 'greater_than_or_equals' | 'lesser_than' | 'lesser_than_or_equals' | 'contains'
      // you can combine other fields by using an array, which can be "and" or "or", according to your logic
   options: {
      offset: 0,
      limit: 10

You can jump directly to the examples

  • a query server running on node
  • a query server running on deno

Both serves use the same domains, so the differences between them are just due to node and deno.

For each server, you can generate a client to be run on deno or node. Then whatever client you use (deno or node), you can query both server indifferently.

These are just examples, to help you start quickly.

But you can embed the following package in your own server.

A package named Domain Request

Domain as in Domain Driven Design

Request as in data request

Domain Request is a package to make custom request of a domain (i.e. to get a fields subset of a domain fields set) independently of

  • the persistence strategy (e.g. database)
  • the calling interface (e.g. API)

A classic implementation of data request is a REST API plugged to a database. The REST resource being the Domain.

The 2 examples mentioned above implement this case.


Data request

Fields selection

Use a simple js object to request the data you want

   fields: { // fields of the resource you want the value
      field_name: true,
      other_field_name: true,
         name: true,
         nested_object: {
            value: true

Value filtering

   filters: {
      field_name: { // you can filter on this field_name
         value: 'some value' // matching this value according to the operator of your choice under
         operator: 'equals' | 'greater_than' | 'greater_than_or_equals' | 'lesser_than' | 'lesser_than_or_equals' | 'contains'
      // you can combine other fields by using an array, which can be "and" or "or", according to your logic

Classic API options

limit, offset, order by

   options: {
      offset: 0,
      limit: 10


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