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Error reading char at handle 26, status=5 #42

joshuajeschek opened this issue Feb 2, 2022 · 31 comments

Error reading char at handle 26, status=5 #42

joshuajeschek opened this issue Feb 2, 2022 · 31 comments


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Hi, I'm having a weird problem, preventing me to use this at all. As far as I know, @sud33p has the same issue.

I wanted to set up an ESP32 with for my Idasen desk with this config:

  name: idasen
  platform: ESP32
  board: esp32dev

# === DESK ===

  - source: github://j5lien/esphome-idasen-desk-controller@v3.0.0

  - mac_address: "CA:B3:52:CE:1E:70" # Replace with the desk bluetooth mac address
    id: idasen_desk

    # Reference to the ble client component id
    # -----------
    # Required
  ble_client_id: idasen_desk
    # Fallback to use only up and down commands (less precise)
    # -----------
    # Optional
  only_up_down_command: false

  - platform: idasen_desk_controller
    name: "Desk"

However, I keep getting the same error:

[16:36:03][D][esp32_ble_tracker:214]: Starting scan...
[16:36:03][D][esp32_ble_tracker:720]: Found device DE:9E:9A:10:97:6B RSSI=-86
[16:36:03][D][esp32_ble_tracker:741]:   Address Type: RANDOM
[16:36:03][D][ble_client:047]: Found device at MAC address [CA:B3:52:CE:1E:70]
[16:36:03][I][ble_client:085]: Attempting BLE connection to ca:b3:52:ce:1e:70
[16:36:04][W][idasen_desk_controller:049]: [Desk] Disconnected!
[16:36:04][W][ble_client:117]: connect to ca:b3:52:ce:1e:70 failed, status=133

This error is repeating over and over again, until I press the pairing button on my desk. Then this happens:

[16:36:04][D][esp32_ble_tracker:214]: Starting scan...
[16:36:04][D][ble_client:047]: Found device at MAC address [CA:B3:52:CE:1E:70]
[16:36:04][I][ble_client:085]: Attempting BLE connection to ca:b3:52:ce:1e:70
[16:36:04][I][idasen_desk_controller:042]: [Desk] Connected successfully!
[16:36:05][I][ble_client:161]: Service UUID: 0x1800
[16:36:05][I][ble_client:162]:   start_handle: 0x1  end_handle: 0x9
[16:36:05][I][ble_client:341]:  characteristic 0x2A00, handle 0x3, properties 0xa
[16:36:05][I][ble_client:341]:  characteristic 0x2A01, handle 0x5, properties 0x2
[16:36:05][I][ble_client:341]:  characteristic 0x2A04, handle 0x7, properties 0x2
[16:36:05][I][ble_client:341]:  characteristic 0x2AA6, handle 0x9, properties 0x2
[16:36:05][I][ble_client:161]: Service UUID: 0x1801
[16:36:06][I][ble_client:162]:   start_handle: 0xa  end_handle: 0xd
[16:36:06][I][ble_client:341]:  characteristic 0x2A05, handle 0xc, properties 0x20
[16:36:06][I][ble_client:161]: Service UUID: 99FA0001-338A-1024-8A49-009C0215F78A
[16:36:06][I][ble_client:162]:   start_handle: 0xe  end_handle: 0x13
[16:36:06][I][ble_client:341]:  characteristic 99FA0002-338A-1024-8A49-009C0215F78A, handle 0x10, properties 0xc
[16:36:06][I][ble_client:341]:  characteristic 99FA0003-338A-1024-8A49-009C0215F78A, handle 0x12, properties 0x12
[16:36:06][I][ble_client:161]: Service UUID: 99FA0010-338A-1024-8A49-009C0215F78A
[16:36:06][I][ble_client:162]:   start_handle: 0x14  end_handle: 0x17
[16:36:06][I][ble_client:161]: Service UUID: 99FA0020-338A-1024-8A49-009C0215F78A
[16:36:06][I][ble_client:162]:   start_handle: 0x18  end_handle: 0x1f
[16:36:06][I][ble_client:341]:  characteristic 99FA0021-338A-1024-8A49-009C0215F78A, handle 0x1a, properties 0x12
[16:36:06][I][ble_client:341]:  characteristic 99FA0029-338A-1024-8A49-009C0215F78A, handle 0x1d, properties 0x2
[16:36:06][I][ble_client:341]:  characteristic 99FA002A-338A-1024-8A49-009C0215F78A, handle 0x1f, properties 0x2
[16:36:06][I][ble_client:161]: Service UUID: 99FA0030-338A-1024-8A49-009C0215F78A
[16:36:06][I][ble_client:162]:   start_handle: 0x20  end_handle: 0xffff
[16:36:06][I][ble_client:341]:  characteristic 99FA0031-338A-1024-8A49-009C0215F78A, handle 0x22, properties 0xc
[16:36:06][D][esp32_ble_tracker:214]: Starting scan...
[16:36:06][D][esp32_ble_tracker:720]: Found device CA:B3:52:CE:1E:70 RSSI=-56
[16:36:06][D][esp32_ble_tracker:741]:   Address Type: RANDOM
[16:36:06][D][esp32_ble_tracker:745]:   TX Power: 2
[16:36:06][D][esp32_ble_tracker:720]: Found device FE:96:45:99:85:E0 RSSI=-92
[16:36:06][D][esp32_ble_tracker:741]:   Address Type: RANDOM
[16:36:06][D][esp32_ble_tracker:743]:   Name: 'Charge 4'
[16:36:07][D][esp32_ble_tracker:720]: Found device 37:F7:7F:51:C3:81 RSSI=-50
[16:36:07][D][esp32_ble_tracker:741]:   Address Type: RANDOM
[16:36:10][D][esp32_ble_tracker:720]: Found device B4:E8:42:2D:D0:89 RSSI=-66
[16:36:10][D][esp32_ble_tracker:741]:   Address Type: PUBLIC
[16:36:10][D][esp32_ble_tracker:743]:   Name: 'LEDnetWF0100332DD088'
[16:36:11][W][idasen_desk_controller:104]: Error reading char at handle 26, status=5
[16:36:13][D][esp32_ble_tracker:720]: Found device DE:9E:9A:10:97:6B RSSI=-84
[16:36:13][D][esp32_ble_tracker:741]:   Address Type: RANDOM
[16:36:22][D][esp32_ble_tracker:720]: Found device 7E:C8:A9:90:13:FC RSSI=-82
[16:36:22][D][esp32_ble_tracker:741]:   Address Type: RANDOM
[16:36:25][D][esp32_ble_tracker:720]: Found device C4:80:7F:64:1D:5F RSSI=-90
[16:36:25][D][esp32_ble_tracker:741]:   Address Type: RANDOM
[16:36:36][W][idasen_desk_controller:049]: [Desk] Disconnected!

Looks promising at first, but then the error pops up, it disconnects again and the loop with the first log I showed continues.
Any idea what could be causing this?
If you need any more information, please let me know!
Thank you.

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Looking at the documentation for BLE error codes:

Status Status Hex Description

Seems to be some sort of authentication failure. Any idea why? I pressed the pairing button, maybe I could also try completely resetting the desk

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hey did you get a fix for this?

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I didn't! If you have any additional information though, please let me know!

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DJAMIRSAM commented Feb 24, 2022

I was thinking maybe the desk is asking for a code but esphome does not support codes yet
If there was a code I’d would be 0000 or 1111

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mmmh, that could be a reason but I wouldn't think so, this is working for so many other people
what kind of board are you using?

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esp 32 and my table is a new idasen

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Okay, I bought mine in september 2020 🤔

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Got the same errors in the log unfortunately. Was working with 1.2.3 until a few days ago but now neither 3.0.0. nur 1.2.3 is working.

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hmm so its nothing new then, where did u get your esp 32 i got mine off amazon it may be the ble chip (which i doubt)

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@j5lien can you please look into this?

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zmasek commented Mar 15, 2022

Happens to me, too.


  1. add v1.2.3 with the accompanying config and install
  2. overwrite with the 3.0.0 config

Sensors are not updating, though...

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I have the same issue :(

I was thinking maybe the desk is asking for a code but esphome does not support codes yet If there was a code I’d would be 0000 or 1111

I don't think this is the case, since when pairing the desk to my phone it didn't ask for any pairing code

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  1. add v1.2.3 with the accompanying config and install
  2. overwrite with the 3.0.0 config

Sensors are not updating, though...

In my case workaround doesn't help. Actually, it helps for a moment, and then I get the same error.

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Happens to me, too.


1. add v1.2.3 with the accompanying config and install

2. overwrite with the 3.0.0 config

Sensors are not updating, though...

In the end, I tried this yesterday, and it worked! I've used v1.2.2, because v1.2.3 did not work for me. Saw this workaround originally here and followed its steps.

It is working since yesterday, both moving the desk and reading the sensors

To do the initial pairing with the desk used the following config:

  name: *********    <- put the desired name here
  platform: ESP32
  board: esp32dev
    - "ESP32 BLE Arduino"
# Enable logging

# Enable Home Assistant API

  password: ***************************************

  ssid: !secret wifi_ssid
  password: !secret wifi_password

  # Enable fallback hotspot (captive portal) in case wifi connection fails
    ssid: "*********"
    password: "**************"


  - source: github://j5lien/esphome-idasen-desk-controller@v1.2.2

  mac_address: "**:**:**:**:**:**"

  - platform: idasen_desk_controller
    name: "Desk"

Once paired successfully, used the following config:

  name: *********    <- put the desired name here

  board: esp32dev
    type: arduino

# Enable logging

# Enable Home Assistant API

  password: ***************************************

  ssid: !secret wifi_ssid
  password: !secret wifi_password

  # Enable fallback hotspot (captive portal) in case wifi connection fails
    ssid: *********************
    password:  *********************


  - source: github://j5lien/esphome-idasen-desk-controller@v3.0.0

  # To store the Desk Connection Status
  - id: ble_client_connected
    type: bool
    initial_value: 'false'

  - mac_address: "**:**:**:**:**:**"
    id: idasen_desk
        # Update the Desk Connection Status
        - lambda: |-
            id(ble_client_connected) = true;
        - delay: 5s
        # Update desk height and speed sensors after bluetooth is connected
        - lambda: |-
        # Update the Desk Connection Status
        - lambda: |-
            id(ble_client_connected) = false;

  ble_client_id: idasen_desk
  only_up_down_command: false
  - platform: idasen_desk_controller
    name: "Desk"

  # Desk Height Sensor
  - platform: ble_client
    ble_client_id: idasen_desk
    id: desk_height
    name: 'Desk Height'
    service_uuid: '99fa0020-338a-1024-8a49-009c0215f78a'
    characteristic_uuid: '99fa0021-338a-1024-8a49-009c0215f78a'
    icon: 'mdi:arrow-up-down'
    unit_of_measurement: 'cm'
    accuracy_decimals: 1
    update_interval: never
    notify: true
    lambda: |-
      uint16_t raw_height = ((uint16_t)x[1] << 8) | x[0];
      unsigned short height_mm = raw_height / 10;

      return (float) height_mm / 10;

  # Desk Speed Sensor
  - platform: ble_client
    ble_client_id: idasen_desk
    id: desk_speed
    name: 'Desk Speed'
    service_uuid: '99fa0020-338a-1024-8a49-009c0215f78a'
    characteristic_uuid: '99fa0021-338a-1024-8a49-009c0215f78a'
    icon: 'mdi:speedometer'
    unit_of_measurement: 'cm/min' # I'm not sure this unit is correct
    accuracy_decimals: 0
    update_interval: never
    notify: true
    lambda: |-
      uint16_t raw_speed = ((uint16_t)x[3] << 8) | x[2];
      return raw_speed / 100;

  # Desk Bluetooth Connection Status
  - platform: template
    name: 'Desk Connection'
    id: desk_connection
    lambda: 'return id(ble_client_connected);'

  # Desk Moving Status
  - platform: template
    name: 'Desk Moving'
    id: desk_moving
    lambda: 'return id(desk_speed).state > 0;'

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Thanks for sharing. I'll try this approach.

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Reading sensors works, for now, however moving is not :(
I'll see if it keep working over longer period of time

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leukanos commented Mar 21, 2022

And it got disconnected after 2 days and doesn't connect anymore...

[W][idasen_desk_controller:104]: Error reading char at handle 29, status=5
[W][ble_sensor:082]: Error reading char at handle 29, status=5
[W][ble_sensor:082]: Error reading char at handle 29, status=5
[W][idasen_desk_controller:104]: Error reading char at handle 29, status=5
[W][ble_sensor:082]: Error reading char at handle 29, status=5
[W][ble_sensor:082]: Error reading char at handle 29, status=5

🤞 for @ammmze PR mentioned above

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joshuajeschek commented Mar 21, 2022

@leukanos at least you progressed 3 handles! 😁
does anybody know if it is possible to use esphome at the pull requests head?

I think I'll try the pull request out with my installation (guide)

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zmasek commented Mar 21, 2022

I did pretty much what andrethrill said in the comment below me. Things work, but the sensors don't :/ I'm using Adafruit ESP32 feather board if that's any help. The controls don't work for down (up and stop do), but the automation does (because it's behaving like a curtain).

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ammmze commented Mar 21, 2022

@leukanos at least you progressed 3 handles! 😁
does anybody know if it is possible to use esphome at the pull requests head?

I think I'll try the pull request out with my installation (guide)

👍🏻 Let us know how it goes. Hopefully it gets things rolling. While I got mine paired and from the logs it looks pretty good, I did notice some quirks in home assistant. Often I would be manually raising and lowering the desk and the speed and other statuses would get stuck showing it in motion (i.e. having a positive speed value greater than 0), however in the esphome logs I did see 0 as the last speed. So I wonder if esphome is throttling the messages to esphome and dropping some of them. Regardless, I think it's a separate issue that we can dig into more once we are successful in the pairing process.

Edit: Ah...yea...looks like the reason why home assistant doesn't always see the final state is because there's not enough buffer space to store all the messages that get produced when moving the desk up/down.

[10:43:45][V][api.connection:893]: Cannot send message because of TCP buffer space

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d0ugal commented Apr 15, 2022

I’m also seeing this issue. I just got a new desk, partly because I wanted to automate it with this project 😄

Is there anything I can do to test/debug? It isn’t clear from reading the thread if there are any leads to follow up on.

Otherwise I’ll do my own investigation

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Unfortunately we have not found a fix yet. But please send your progress here so others don’t have the same issue

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small update from me:

  • I've updated my esphome in home assistant to this version (look at these release notes, they changed the install method:

  • it worked for a bit, but the card showed wrong values so i tinkered a bit with the configuration. The reported height is correct now, but the connection status is false and sometimes it randomly stops working - I haven't found out why yet.

  • I'll post my configuration here later, probably tomorrow. I'll also continue to look into why the bugs are still occuring

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ammmze commented Apr 16, 2022

See below for what I'm running currently. This is running on ESPHome 2022.3.2. I have 2 external_components setup:

  1. My fork of this repository, which I've enhanced (or fixed?) the ability to auto drive on the desks that don't have auto drive. For example, when the component received a request to go to a certain position, it was sending that to the desk and the desk would start moving, but it would only move a couple of inches at most and then stop. But the component didn't attempt to continue sending the command even though it could see that it wasn't at the right position. I'm not sure if this was intentional or not...but regardless, I can auto drive my desk now. I still need to figure out the calibration though because I'm pretty sure the numbers are off, but I haven't measured. Also there are some edge cases where I've found that it gets stuck in the loop continuously sending the command to move, but the desk doesn't move. However because the ESP keeps sending the command, the paddle on the desk becomes non-responsive until I restart the ESP (and maybe the desk). Also, I think when the desk is moving, there are a lot of updates that come through, but I don't think all of them make it to home assistant. The buffer of queued messages gets too full. So for example, on my home assistant card I have a stand position at 117cm and if I press it, the desk does it's thing and it does in fact make it to the position, but home assistant may get the last update at like 115cm. A quick tap of the paddle that effectively doesn't move the desk much causes one more update to run through and home assistant shows it at 117cm.
  2. The PR I had submitted to ESPHome, which I believe is in the 2022.4.0b1 release
  name: office-desk-controller-frontier

  board: esp32dev
    type: arduino

# Enable logging
  level: INFO

# Enable Home Assistant API

  password: !secret ota_password

  ssid: !secret wifi_ssid
  password: !secret wifi_password

  # Enable fallback hotspot (captive portal) in case wifi connection fails
    ssid: "Office-Desk-Controller-Frontier"
    password: !secret ap_password


  - source: github://ammmze/esphome-idasen-desk-controller@make-it-work
  - source: github://pr#3320
      # list all components modified by this Pull Request here
      - ble_client
      - esp32_ble_tracker

  # To store the Desk Connection Status
  - id: ble_client_connected
    type: bool
    initial_value: 'false'


  - mac_address: "00:00:00:00:00:00" # Replace with the desk bluetooth mac address
    id: idasen_desk
        # Update the Desk Connection Status
        - lambda: |-
            id(ble_client_connected) = true;
        - delay: 5s
        # Update desk height and speed sensors after bluetooth is connected
        - lambda: |-
        # Update the Desk Connection Status
        - lambda: |-
            id(ble_client_connected) = false;

    # Reference to the ble client component id
    # -----------
    # Required
    ble_client_id: idasen_desk
    # Fallback to use only up and down commands (less precise)
    # -----------
    # Optional
    only_up_down_command: false

  - platform: idasen_desk_controller
    name: "Office Desk"

  # Desk Height Sensor
  - platform: ble_client
    ble_client_id: idasen_desk
    id: desk_height
    name: 'Office Desk Height'
    service_uuid: '99fa0020-338a-1024-8a49-009c0215f78a'
    characteristic_uuid: '99fa0021-338a-1024-8a49-009c0215f78a'
    icon: 'mdi:arrow-up-down'
    unit_of_measurement: 'cm'
    accuracy_decimals: 1
    update_interval: never
    notify: true
    # filters:
    #   - debounce: 0.5s
    lambda: |-
      uint16_t raw_height = ((uint16_t)x[1] << 8) | x[0];
      unsigned short height_mm = raw_height / 10;

      return (float) height_mm / 10;

  # Desk Speed Sensor
  - platform: ble_client
    ble_client_id: idasen_desk
    id: desk_speed
    name: 'Office Desk Speed'
    service_uuid: '99fa0020-338a-1024-8a49-009c0215f78a'
    characteristic_uuid: '99fa0021-338a-1024-8a49-009c0215f78a'
    icon: 'mdi:speedometer'
    unit_of_measurement: 'cm/min' # I'm not sure this unit is correct
    accuracy_decimals: 0
    update_interval: never
    notify: true
    # filters:
    #   - debounce: 0.5s
    lambda: |-
      uint16_t raw_speed = ((uint16_t)x[3] << 8) | x[2];
      return raw_speed / 100;

  # Desk Bluetooth Connection Status
  - platform: template
    name: 'Office Desk Connection'
    id: desk_connection
    lambda: 'return id(ble_client_connected);'

  # Desk Moving Status
  - platform: template
    name: 'Office Desk Moving'
    id: desk_moving
    lambda: 'return id(desk_speed).state > 0;'

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well thanks to you this is the first time HA moved my desk

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d0ugal commented Apr 18, 2022

@ammmze Neat! I also tried this config out and it seems to partially work. I can now move the desk up and down with Home Assistant. However, the sensors don't seem to be updating. I don't need them for now, it isn't quite as nice but I can work with a cover percentage in Home Assistant so I just removed them for now. My more minimal config therefore look like...

  - source: github://ammmze/esphome-idasen-desk-controller@make-it-work
  - source: github://pr#3320
      - ble_client
      - esp32_ble_tracker

   nicename: Study
   devicename: study

  name: ${devicename}
  platform: ESP32
  board: esp32dev

# Enable logging
  level: INFO

# Enable Home Assistant API

  password: "***************************************"

  ssid: !secret wifi_ssid
  password: !secret wifi_password
  fast_connect: true
  - mac_address: "00:00:00:00:00:00" # Replace with the desk bluetooth mac address
    id: idasen_desk

    ble_client_id: idasen_desk
    only_up_down_command: false

  - platform: idasen_desk_controller
    name: "Study Desk"

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@d0ugal the first time I loaded it in the sensors did not update but then I unplugged it and plugged it back in (the esp) and it’s working

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d0ugal commented Apr 18, 2022

Good point, the height did seem to update once after restart. It didn't seem to update after that but I'll do some experimentation.

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callumgare commented Feb 27, 2023

@d0ugal Did you ever get a chance to do some experimenting? I'm getting the same thing where the sensors are updated when the ESP first boots up but never again.

Update: Slightly frustratingly the sensors seem to have started updating for me now and I'm not really sure why. The main thing I did before they started working was pair the desk to my computer using Bluetility (it's a mac app but I'm sure sure there are similar ones for other platforms) and subscribed to height changes there. Then I turned off bluetooth for my computer and my phone which I've previously connected to the desk and restarted the ESP holding down the pairing button on the physical desk control. I've restarted the ESP and unplugged and replugged in my desk many times at that point so I'm assuming it was something to do with the pairing and unpairing that did it rather than just the restarting but honestly I don't really have any idea what happened 🤷‍♀️

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d0ugal commented Feb 27, 2023

@callumgare I had some problems until 4.0.0 was released. Since then it has worked fine and I don't get the issue anymore. My full config is now the following;

  - source: github://j5lien/esphome-idasen-desk-controller@v4.0.0

   name: study-desk

  name: ${name}
  platform: ESP32
  board: esp32dev


  - mac_address: "00:00:00:00:00:00" # Replace with the desk bluetooth mac address
    id: idasen_desk

    ble_client_id: idasen_desk
    only_up_down_command: false

  - platform: idasen_desk_controller
    name: "Study Desk"

# These just include some common things like wifi details that I share between devices. Nothing speicifc to the desk.
<<: !include .common.yaml
<<: !include .atom-identify.yaml

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Thanks for that @d0ugal!

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