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File metadata and controls

500 lines (379 loc) · 15.9 KB

Item Reference

Doorstop items are files formatted using YAML. When a new item is added using doorstop add, Doorstop will create a YAML file and populate it with all required attributes (key-value pairs). The UID of an item is defined by its file name without the extension. An UID consists of two parts, the prefix and a number or name. The two parts are divided by an optional separator. The prefix and separator are determined by the document to which the item belongs. By default, the number is automatically assigned by Doorstop. Optionally, a user can specify a name for the UID during item creation. The name must not contain separator characters.

Items can be stored in different formats. Two types are currently supported and can be configured via itemformat in the .doorstop.yml configuration file:

The default yaml format stores the requirement items completely as yaml. Advantage is the standardized and easily parsable format in case the files need to be processed furher. The disadvantage is that there is little editor support when writing longer requirement texts, as the text need to adhere to the yaml formatting rules (e.g. indentation).

The alternative markdown format stores requirement items as markdown text with yaml frontmatter. This concept is used by many other tools as well (e.g. jekyll). With this format, the header attribute is automatically derived from the first level 1 header line within the text, the remaining content of the markdown text section is used as text attribute.

Example item in yaml format: REQ_000.yml

active: true
derived: false
header: |
level: 2.1
links: []
normative: true
ref: ''
reviewed: 9TcFUzsQWUHhoh5wsqnhL7VRtSqMaIhrCXg7mfIkxKM=
text: |
  Doorstop **shall** provide unique and permanent identifiers to linkable
  sections of text.

The equivalent item in markdown format:

active: true
derived: false
level: 2.1
links: []
normative: true
ref: ''
reviewed: 9TcFUzsQWUHhoh5wsqnhL7VRtSqMaIhrCXg7mfIkxKM=

# Identifiers

Doorstop **shall** provide unique and permanent identifiers to linkable 
sections of text.

Regarding the documentation below both formats are equivalent, besides the specific header and text handling as shown above. The decision can be based on whether the better text editing support of the markdown format or the consistent yaml structure is more important. The formats can also be freely mixed within a document tree, the decision can be made and configured per document.

Standard Item Attributes


Determines if the item is active (true) or not (false). Only active items are included when the corresponding document is published. Inactive items are excluded from validation.

The value of this attribute does not contribute to the fingerprint of the item.


Indicates if the item is derived (true) or not (false).

AcqNotes defines derived requirements as:

'...requirements that are not explicitly stated in the set of stakeholder requirements yet is required to satisfy one or more of them. They also arise from constraints, consideration of issues implied but not explicitly stated in the requirements baseline, factors introduced by the selected architecture, Information Assurance (IA) requirements and the design.'

Doorstop does not expect parent links on derived items.

The value of this attribute does not contribute to the fingerprint of the item.


Indicates if the item is normative (true) or non-normative (false).

Wikipedia on Normative in standards documents:

'In standards terminology still used by some organizations, "normative" means "considered to be a prescriptive part of the standard". It characterizes that part of the standard which describes what ought (see philosophy above) to be done within the application of that standard. It is implicit that application of that standard will result in a valuable outcome (ibid.). For example, many standards have an introduction, preface, or summary that is considered non-normative, as well as a main body that is considered normative. "Compliance" is defined as "complies with the normative sections of the standard"; an object that complies with the normative sections but not the non-normative sections of a standard is still considered to be in compliance.'

The value of this attribute does not contribute to the fingerprint of the item.


Indicates the presentation order within a document. A level of 1.1 will display above level 1.2 and 1.1.5 displays below 1.1.2.

If the level ends with .0 and the item is non-normative, Doorstop will treat the item as a document heading. See the text-section for an example.

The value of this attribute does not contribute to the fingerprint of the item.

If you edit the item file by hand or use other tools be aware of the implicit typing rules in YAML. For example the following level value

level: 1.10

will parsed as a 1.1 float value. Doorstop will interpret this as level 1.1 and store this level in the item file. Use quotes around non-float values, e.g. level: '1.10'.


Gives a header (i.e. title) for the item. It will be printed alongside the item UID when published as HTML and Markdown. Links will also include the header text. This is different from a heading item.

The value of this attribute does not contribute to the fingerprint of the item.

Example: Header


level: 1.5
normative: true
- REQ023: null
header: |
    Gradual Temperature Drop Test
text: |
    Lower the external air temperature gradually from 0 to -15 degrees Celsius over a period of 30 minutes.
    Ensure the system performs a safe shutdown when -15 degrees Celsius is reached.

When this item is published, Doorstop will place the item's Header next to its UID.

TST007 Gradual Temperature Drop Test
  Lower the external air temperature gradually from 0 to -15 degrees Celsius over a period of 30 minutes.
  Ensure the system performs a safe shutdown when -15 degrees Celsius is reached.

  Parent Item: REQ023 Temperature Interlock


Each item has a fingerprint. By default, the UID of the item, the values of the text and ref attributes, and the UIDs of the links attribute contribute to the fingerprint. Optionally, values of extended attributes can be added to the fingerprint through a document configuration option.

The value of the reviewed attribute indicates the fingerprint of the item when it was last reviewed. "null" if the item has not yet been reviewed. Doorstop will use this to detect unreviewed changes to an item by comparing the current item fingerprint to the last reviewed fingerprint. The fingerprint hash algorithm is SHA256 stored in URL-safe Base64 encoding.

You should not calculate this value manually, use doorstop review.


A list of links to parent item(s). A link indicates a relationship between two items in the document tree.

In the following example, REQ001 is a parent to the item.

- REQ001: avwblqPimDJ2OgTrRCXxRPN8FQhUBWqPIXm7kSR95C4=

A link consists of two parts, the parent item UID and the fingerprint of the parent when it last reviewed. If the link has not yet been reviewed, the fingerprint is set to "null" or omitted.

- REQ001: null

is equivalent to

- REQ001

In the cases where no fingerprint exists or a null-fingerprint is specified, Doorstop will add a new fingerprint whenever a review occurs.

The link fingerprint is used by Doorstop to detect when a parent item is changed, as a convenience to the writer since such change may also affect its children.

Only the UID part of the link contributes to the fingerprint of the item (the item of the reviewed attribute, not the parent item of the link). The fingerprint of the link is does not contribute to the fingerprint of the item.

references (new array behavior)

An array of external references. An item may reference a number of external files. The external references are displayed in a published document.

Doorstop will search in the project root for a file matching the specified reference. If multiple matching files exist, the first found will be used.

The value of this attribute contributes to the fingerprint of the item.

Example: Reference files

  - path: tests/test1.cpp
    type: file
  - path: tests/test2.cpp
    type: file

Generating hash for referenced files

Doorstop has an extension to generate a hash for each referenced file inside the array.


  digits: 3
  prefix: REQ
  sep: ""
  item_sha_required: true

Now when reviewing items, Doorstop will insert a field named sha where each item reference will contain a sha256.


active: true
derived: false
header: ""
level: 2.0
links: []
normative: true
ref: ""
  - path: files/a.file
    sha: 28c16553011a46bca9b78d189f8fd30c59c4138a1b6a9a4961f525849d48037e
    type: file
reviewed: BU95pdUUcz5DrFur8GUUqBaIXSNPBYMEZVMy-6IPM4s=
text: |
  My text

Note: new behavior vs old behavior

Note: Newer references attribute is a new array behavior compared to the original ref attribute's string behavior. The old behavior supports referencing only one file via file name or referencing a file that contains a given keyword.

The new behavior of references attribute allows referencing many files. The old behavior matching a specified keyword is enabled via optional keyword parameter:

- path: tests/test1.cpp
  type: file
  keyword: REQ1
- path: tests/test2.cpp
  type: file
  keyword: REQ2

Doorstop will search a specified file to find the specified reference.

ref (deprecated behavior, see 'references')

Please check the "references (new array behavior)" section before reading further.

External reference. An item may reference an external file or a line in an external file. An external reference is displayed in a published document.

Doorstop will search the project root and it's sub-directories for a filename matching the specified reference. If multiple matching files exist, the first found will be used.

If a file is not found, Doorstop will also search the contents of all text-files in the project root and it's sub-directories. If a line contains the referenced keyword, Doorstop will reference the file and line number where it found the keyword. If the keyword is found in multiple lines or files, the first found will be used.

A file is considered a text-file unless its file extension is listed in SKIP_EXTS (

The value of this attribute contributes to the fingerprint of the item.

Example: Reference keyword

ref: 'TST001'

References the filename and line number of a text-file that contains the keyword "TST001".

Example: Reference file

ref: 'test-tst001.c'

References a file called "test-tst001.c".

If a reference is specified and Doorstop is unable to find it, Doorstop will exit with an error unless reference checking is disabled.


Item text. This is the main body of the item. Doorstop treats the value as markdown to support rich text, images and tables. To specify a multi-line text, use block scalar types as specified by the YAML standard.

The value of this attribute contributes to the fingerprint of the item.

Example: Heading


level: 1.1.0
normative: false
text: |
    This is the heading

    This is some text that goes into chapter 1.1.0.

When this item is published, Doorstop will create a new heading with the text "1.1.0 This is the heading" and put the remaining text into its body.

Example: Normative item


level: 1.1.0
normative: true
text: |
    Doorstop **shall** support exporting to the ReqIF file format.

When this item is published, Doorstop will create a new heading with the text "1.1.0 REQ001" and put the all of the text in its body.

Example: LaTeX-like math expressions

You can use math expressions in LaTeX interpreted by the markdown extension python-markdown-math and rendered by MathJax, when using the HTML publisher.


level: 1.6
normative: true
- REQ023: null
text: |
  When $a \ne 0$, there are two solutions to \(ax^2 + bx + c = 0\) and they are
  $$x = {-b \pm \sqrt{b^2-4ac} \over 2a}.$$

Extended Item Attributes

In addition to the standard attributes, Doorstop will allow any number of custom extended attributes (key-value pairs) in the YAML file. The extended attributes will not be part of a published document, but they can be queried by a 3rd party application through the REST interface or the Python API.

In this example, an extended attribute invented-by is added to the item.


Defaults for extended attributes

Optionally, you can add custom default values for extended attributes. Add them as key-value pairs to the defaults dictionary under the attributes section in the corresponding document configuration file .doorstop.yml. There is no command to maintain this configuration option. You have to edit the document configuration file .doorstop.yml by hand.

  digits: 3
  prefix: REQ
  sep: ''
    attribute-key-0: a scalar default value
    - default values can
    - be lists
      default: values can
      be: dictionaries
    attribute-key-3: ... default values can be arbitrarily complex

Extended reviewed attributes

By default, the values of extended attributes do not contribute to the fingerprint of the item. Optionally, you can add the values of extended attributes to the fingerprint through the reviewed list under the attributes section in the corresponding document configuration file .doorstop.yml. The reviewed list must be a non-empty list of attribute keys. There is no command to maintain this configuration option. You have to edit the document configuration file .doorstop.yml by hand.

  digits: 3
  prefix: REQ
  sep: ''
  - type
  - verification-method

If attributes listed in reviewed do not exist in an item of this document, then these attributes are skipped in the fingerprint calculation and no warning is issued by the validation command doorstop. Validation of items against a template should be done by third-party tools. Changing the order of reviewed attributes listed in the document configuration changes the fingerprint of existing item of the documents which have these attributes. Adding new reviewed attributes to the document configuration does not change the fingerprint of existing items of the document, if they do not have them, otherwise the fingerprint changes. Removing a reviewed attribute from the document configuration changes the fingerprint of all items of the document with such an attribute. The type of the values, empty strings, lists, and dictionaries affect the fingerprint.

Publishing extended attributes

Introduced in v2.2, Doorstop can include extended attributes in published output.

Edit the document configuration file .doorstop.yml by hand to include the desired attributes.

For example, to include the invented-by extended attribute key and value in the published output:

  digits: 3
  prefix: REQ
  sep: ''
    - invented-by