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Pi Plant

  • A python written plant irrigation system.
  • Uses both a 5V pump and a moisture sensor.
  • Incorporates pushover notifications.


My sister is into gardening and planting and I wanted to make something that could automatically water the plants if needed. I also wanted to combine what I learnt in my previous project to incorporate a notification system when the plants have been watered or not.


Intial Testing:

After the initial setup of installing Raspbian and configuring it I first started to play around with the moisture sensor to see if I could get a reading of whether or not it was activating.

After studying the GPIO diagram I hooked up the sensor and wrote some code to detect if it was in water.

import RPi.GPIO as GPIO

GPIO.setup(20, GPIO.IN)

if GPIO.input(20):
    # off
    print("Soil is not wet")
    # on
    print("Soil is wet!")

Now that the moisture sensor was correctly reading I could focus on powering the pump and understanding how the relay works.

This was a bit harder than my previous projects but after watching this video I understood how the wiring worked.

I then wrote more code to power on the pump from my raspberry pi.

import RPi.GPIO as GPIO
import time

channel = 21
# GPIO setup
GPIO.setup(channel, GPIO.OUT)

def pump_off(pin):
    GPIO.output(pin, GPIO.HIGH)  # Turn pump off

def pump_on(pin):
    GPIO.output(pin, GPIO.LOW)  # Turn pump on


This code allowed me to pump the water out for 5s and then power down my pump.

The main app:

After I figured out how to power the pump and get a reading for the soil sensor it wasn't too hard to get them to work in tangent.

import RPi.GPIO as gpio
import time
import sys
from pushover import init,Client

# pushover
init("<api key>")

pump_pin = 21
soil = 20
sec_to_water = 30

gpio.setup(pump_pin, gpio.OUT)
gpio.setup(soil, gpio.IN)

def pump_off():
    gpio.output(pump_pin, gpio.HIGH)

def pump_on():
    gpio.output(pump_pin, gpio.LOW)

def soil_check(seconds):
    if gpio.input(20):
        print("Watering the plant for:" + str(seconds) + "s")
        # off
        print("Finished Watering! Now sending push notification...")
        Client("<user key>").send_message(
            "Pumped water to the plants", title="Plants have been watered!"
        print("Sending notification plants already watered!")
        Client("<user key>").send_message(
            "No water pumped to plants", title="Plants have already been watered!"


This code allowed me to do the following:

  • Check if the soil is wet or not and store it in a variable called wet.
  • If !wet pump water.
  • If wet then don't pump water.

I also incorporated what I learnt from my pi-mail project to add notifications to when the plant gets watered and when it is not.

Final Demo:

In the video you can see the setup of the water tank and raspberry pi in a container with the needed components. More pics can be found in the pics folder

I also setup the linux crontab allowing me to schedule this python command everyday at 7PM

00 19 * * * python /home/pi/plant-pi/ &


This project was a lot more fun than my other one as it was cool to see a water pump be powered on when I told it to.

To improve this project I could maybe:

  • Add a camera to my pi and take a photo every time it was getting watered and send it to pushover.
  • Maybe add a web interface with a camera to watch the plant and pump it directly from the web