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File metadata and controls

43 lines (29 loc) · 1.61 KB


Msgstore is a distributed message storage service for the ciphrtxt protocol. Msgstore instances are designed to work in conjunction with ctcd, the cryptocurrency-based token service for ciphrtxt.

Running a msgstore node is relatively straightforward:

  1. Install leveldb

    # for ubuntu 14:
    sudo apt-get install python3-pip libleveldb1 libleveldb-dev -y
    # for ubuntu 16:
    sudo apt-get install python3-pip libleveldb1v5 libleveldb-dev -y
    # for centos:
    sudo yum install -y leveldb leveldb-devel 
    # for OS X
    brew install leveldb
  2. Clone msgstore

    git clone
  3. Install python dependencies (NOTE: msgstore is tested with python 3.5.1 - if your system python is 2.x you should probably use pyenv to set python preference for the local directory)

    sudo pip3 install -r msgstore/requirements.txt
  4. Ensure your network and host are configured to allow incoming connections on ports 7764 (ctcd) and 7754 (msgstore) from your external network hostname/address (which you will need). If you cannot use the standard ports you can override them on the command line (see "python3 ./ --help")

  5. (optional)Obtain a Network Access Key (NAK) to support onion routing connecitons

  6. Start msgstore (using the same RPC username and password)

    python3 ./ --rpcuser=[USERNAME] --rpcpass=[PASSWORD] --exthost=[EXTERNAL HOSTNAME] --nakpriv=[NAK PRIVATE KEY]
  7. Install and bootstrap your ctcd instance. See ctcd page on github for more information