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221 lines (162 loc) · 4.63 KB


demo site


browser compatibility

  • IE: not supported
  • Chrome: v51 or higher
  • Safari: v10 or higher
  • Firefox: v54 or higher
  • Edge: v15 or higher
  • Opera: v38 or higher
  • Samsung Internet: v5 or higher


With NPM

npm install super-simple-react-toast

With yarn

yarn add super-simple-react-toast

Getting Started

First, add a container HTML element in your html file where react root element exists (I used toast container element's id as toast-root, but whatever name is OK):

  <div id="root"></div>
  <div id="toast-root"></div>

Next, instantiate a toast instance by giving the toast root element we've just created, and pass this as a prop to ToastProvider:

import { ToastProvider, Toast } from 'super-simple-react-toast';

const toastInstance = new Toast(document.getElementById('toast-root'));

export default function App() {
  return (
    <ToastProvider toastInstance={toastInstance}>
      <Example />

If you provide an element that does not exist, the library creates <div id="toast-root"></div> element into your HTML's <body> element and use it as a toast root element.

Lastly, useToast inside of a component and invoke a method of a message type you want to notify:

import { useToast } from 'super-simple-react-toast';

function Example() {
  const toast = useToast();

  const notifySuccessMessage = () =>
      message: 'Hello, world!'

  return (
      <button onClick={notifySuccessMessage}>Success Message</button>


Message Types

In this library, there are 4 message types:


toast.success({ message: 'A success message' });

success message


toast.warning({ message: 'A warning message' });

warning message

info{ message: 'A info message' });

info message


toast.error({ message: 'A error message' });

error message

Message duration

By default, the message is shown in 3000ms. You can adjust this by providing duration property when invoking a method:

// Default duration is 3000ms
toast.success({ message: 'hello, world' });

// Set duration to 5000ms
// (i.e., the message disappears automatically after 5000ms).
  message: 'hello, world',
  duration: 5000

// Maximum duration is 2,147,483,647ms
// because the library is using setTimeout internally.
  message: 'hello, world',
  duration: 2147483647 // maximum duration

// So if the given duration is greater than 2^31 - 1,
// it won't work correctly.
  message: 'hello, world',
  duration: 2147483648 // Oops!


There are total of 6 positions message can appear:

  • topLeft
  • topCenter
  • topRight
  • bottomLeft
  • bottomCenter
  • bottomRight

You can set position of a message by providing position property. The default position is topLeft.

// Default position is topLeft.
  message: 'hello, world'

// Set position to topRight.
  message: 'hello, world',
  position: 'topRight'

Maximum number of messages per position

You can set the maximum number of messages per position by providing maxNumOfMessages property.

The default is 0, which means there's no limit on number of messages per position.

// Default is 0 (i.e. you can show an infinite number of messages).
  message: 'hello, world'

// Set max num of messages to 5 in the topLeft position.
  message: 'hello, world',
  maxNumOfMessages: 5

// Set max num of messages to 3 in the bottomCenter position.
  message: 'hello, world',
  position: 'bottomCenter',
  maxNumOfMessages: 3

// Of course you can set max num of messages in different position simultaneously.
// Here, we set max num to 3 in topCenter and 5 in bottomLeft
// so up to 3 messages will appear on topCenter position
// while up to 5 messages will appear on bottomLeft position.
  message: 'hello, world',
  position: 'topCenter',
  maxNumOfMessages: 3

  message: 'hello, world',
  position: 'bottomLeft',
  maxNumOfMessages: 5