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This folder has MATLAB scripts for:

  1. Generation of time-evolution equations for feedforward networks:

the script FEEDME.m includes stoichiometry and reaction definitions for the fast subnetwork of Fig. 3 and Table 2 in Kim and Sontag, PLoS Com Biol (2017): 0 → E → 0 0 → F → 0 E+P → E+P+Q Q → 0 F+Q → F+Q+R R → 0

To apply to a different network, simply change the following variables:

● syms (include here symbols for all species and all parameters) ● params (repeat here only the parameters and slow species) ● species (repeat here only the fast species) ● G (the stoichiometry matrix of fast reactions) ● R (the vector of fast reactions, given as a row) ● startexponents (the list of derived moments, for example [1 3 0 1] would mean )

  1. Derive the equation for stationary moments for feedforward networks:

run in the same MATLAB session the script feedforward_solve_steady_state.m in order to get a matrix form for stationary moments. [WARNING: if there are conservation laws, then matrix is singular, and the code will terminate with an error condition because X = -inv(A1)*b1 is not defined (see "if" condition). In that case, one should eliminate variables first, and then solve.]

  1. Calculate the stationary moments for feedforward networks:

run in the same MATLAB session the script moment_calculation.m in order to solve the matrix equation for stationary moments derived from feedforward_steady_state.m. paramsv (parameter values)

  1. calculation of steady state moments using complex balancing:

The script competitive_binding_mean_D_using_normalized.m illustrates this method.
The script needs arguments: L, K, and the vector of total conserved quantities, assuming for simplicity that n_B=1. Sample usage: competitive_binding_mean_D(3,8,[4,1,7]) is used when L=3, M=8, n_A=4, and n_C=7 (and n_B=1).

Reference: Jae Kyoung Kim & Eduardo Sontag, Reduction of Multiscale Stochastic Biochemical Reaction Networks using Exact Moment Derivation, PLoS Computational Biology (2017)


Matlab codes to calculate stationary moments of feed forward network and complex balanced network






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