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global ocean using the cubed-sphere grid 32x32x32 with 15 levels

Specific option:
* Use Non-Linear Free surface formulation with z* coordinate
   with real fresh-water flux.
* Oceanic set-up on the cubed-sphere grid using the vector-invariant

Forcing :
 use Monthly mean climatological forcing (except P-E-R, annual mean).
 same data set as global-ocean lat-long experiments but interpolated
  on CS-32 grid.

* bathymetry :
 designed to be coupled to Atmospheric model, therefore includes
 most of the semi-enclosed sea (Mediterranean, Black-Sea, Red-Sea,
   Hudson Bay ...)
 bathy_cs32.bin: initial bathymetry
   h < 0 is meant to stay wet-point whatever delZ(1) is ; Consequently
   the global ocean area is not affected by the vertical resolution.
 bathy_Hmin50.bin: bathymetry file used in the current set-up
    generated from bathy_cs32.bin using matlab script mk_bathy4gcm.m
 mk_bathy4gcm.m matlab script that deepen all shallow point up to 50m.
* global integral of E-P-R and annual mean net Q flux are zero.
* package thSIce and bulk_forc are included but not used in the standard

* additional forcing fields and parameter files are provided (in input.thsice)
  in order to illustrate the use of thSIce pkg.
  the output of a short run (20.iter) is given in results/output_thsice.txt

October 1rst, 2005:
* input.viscA4/data has been added to test biharmonic viscosity on CS-grid
  with side-drag. However, this set of parameters has only be used for
  short tests and is not recommended to begin with.