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Challenge 10 - Write Your Own uniq Tool

This challenge corresponds to the tenth part of the Coding Challenges series by John Crickett


The uniq tool is written in uniq.ts file and the uniq.index.ts is the command line version of the tool.


You can use ts-node to run the tool as follows:

# Using input file
npx ts-node uniq.index.ts [-option] <path/to/input-file>

# Using standard input
cat filename | npx ts-node uniq.index.ts [-option] -

# Using output with input file
npx ts-node uniq.index.ts [-option] <path/to/input-file> <path/to/output-file>

# Using output with standard input
cat filename | npx ts-node uniq.index.ts [-option] - <path/to/output-file>

The following options are supported:

  • -c or --count: prefix lines by the number of occurrences
  • -d or --repeated: only print duplicate lines
  • -u: only print unique lines
  • -: read from standard input

Run tests

To run the tests for the uniq tool, go to the root directory of this repository and run the following command:

npm test src/10/

All the tests are made for LINUX environment only. If you want to run the tests in Windows environment, you can use the Git Bash terminal or Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL).