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Integrating Polars With an SQL Database Using Efficient Caching

%%{init: {'theme': 'base', 'themeVariables': { 'primaryColor': '#FFF5E6', 'secondaryColor': '#FFF5E6' }}}%% graph LR; source[Source system] dw[Data Warehouse] csv[Local .csv] ds[Data application] source-->dw-->csv-->ds dw-->ds

Many data-driven applications involve data that must be retrieved from a database, either a remote data warehouse solution such as Databricks or Snowflake, or a local database such as DuckDB or SQLite3. Patito offers a database-agnostic API to query such sources, returning the result as a polars DataFrame, while offering intelligent query caching on top. By the end of this tutorial you will be able to write data ingestion logic that looks like this:

from typing import Optional

from db import my_database

def users(country: Optional[str] = None):
   query = "select * from users"
   if country:
      query += f" where country = '{country}'"
   return query

The wrapped users function will now construct, execute, cache, and return the results of the SQL query in the form of a polars.DataFrame object. The cache for users(country="NO") will be stored independently from users(country="US"), and so on. This, among with other functionality that will be explained later, allows you to integrate your local data pipeline with your remote database in an effortless way.

The following tutorial will explain how to construct a patito.Database object which provides Patito with the required context to execute SQL queries against your database of choice. In turn patito.Database.query can be used to execute SQL query strings directly and patito.Database.as_query can be used to wrap functions that produce SQL query strings. The latter decorator turns functions into patito.Database.Query <patito.database.DatabaseQuery> objects which act very much like the original functions, only that they actually execute the constructed queries and return the results as DataFrames when invoked. The Query object also has additional methods <QueryMethods> for managing the query caches and more.

This tutorial will take a relatively opinionated approach to how to organize your code. For less opinionated documentation, see the referenced classes and methods above.

Table of Contents


The following tutorial will depend on patito having been installed with the caching extension group:

pip install patito[caching]

Code samples in this tutorial will use DuckDB, but you should be able to replace it with your database of choice as you follow along:

pip install duckdb

Construct a patito.Database Object

To begin we need to provide Patito with the tools required to query your database of choice. First we must implement a query handler, a function that takes a query string as its first argument, executes the query, and returns the result of the query in the form an Arrow table.

We are going to use DuckDB as our detailed example in this tutorial, but example code for other databases, including SQLite3, is provided at the end of this section. We start by creating a module in the root of our application, and implement db.connection as a way to connect to a DuckDB instance.

import duckdb

def connection(name: str) -> duckdb.DuckDBPyConnection:
   return duckdb.connect(name)

Here db.connection() must be provided with a name, either :memory: to store the data in-memory, or a file name to persist the data on-disk. We can use this new function in order to implement our query handler.

import duckdb
import pyarrow as pa

def connection(name: str) -> duckdb.DuckDBPyConnection:
   return duckdb.connect(name)

def query_handler(query: str, *, name: str = ":memory:") -> pa.Table:
    connection = connection(name=name)
    return connection.cursor().query(query).arrow()

Notice how the first argument of query_handler is the query string to be executed, as required by Patito, but the name keyword is specific to our database of choice. It is now simple for us to create a patito.Database object by providing db.query_handler:

from pathlib import Path

import duckdb
import patito as pt
import pyarrow as pa

def connection(name: str) -> duckdb.DuckDBPyConnection:
   return duckdb.connect(name)

def query_handler(query: str, name: str = ":memory:") -> pa.Table:
    cursor = connection(name).cursor()
    return cursor.query(query).arrow()

my_database = pt.Database(query_handler=query_handler)

Additional arguments can be provided to the Database constructor, for example a custom cache directory. These additional parameters are documented here <Database.__init__>. Documentation for constructing query handlers and patito.Database objects for other databases is provided in the collapsable sections below:


See "Examples" section of patito.Database.


You are welcome to create a GitHub issue if you need help integrating with you specific database of choice.

Querying the Database Directly

The db module is now complete and we should be able to use it in order to execute queries directly against our in-memory database.

>>> from db import my_database
>>> my_database.query("select 1 as a, 2 as b")
shape: (1, 2)
│ a   ┆ b   │
│ --- ┆ --- │
│ i32 ┆ i32 │
│ 1   ┆ 2   │

The query result is provided in the form of a polars DataFrame object. Additional parameters can be provided to patito.Database.query as described here <Database.query>. As an example, the query result can be provided as a polars.LazyFrame by specifying lazy=True.

>>> from db import my_database
>>> my_database.query("select 1 as a, 2 as b", lazy=True)
<polars.LazyFrame object at 0x13571D310>

Any additional keyword arguments provided to patito.Database.query are forwarded directly to the original query handler, so the following will execute the query against the database stored in my.db:

>>> my_database.query("select * from my_table", name="my.db")

%%{init: {'theme': 'base', 'themeVariables': { 'primaryColor': '#FFF5E6', 'secondaryColor': '#FFF5E6' }}}%% graph LR; input["<code>Database.query(query, lazy, cache, ttl, model, kwargs)</code>"] query[patito.Query] query_handler[Database query handler] input-->|<code>lazy, cache, ttl, model</code>|query input-->|<code>query,kwargs</code>|query_handler

Wrapping Query-Producing Functions

Let's assume that you have a project named user-analyzer which analyzes users. The associated python package should therefore be named user_analyzer. By convention, functions for retrieving data from a remote database should be placed in the user_analyzer.fetch sub-module. Using this module should be as simple as...

from user_analyzer import fetch

user_df = fetch.users()

Start by creating the python file for the fetch sub-module, it should be located at projects/user-analyzer/user_analyzer/ Next, implement the users function as a function that returns a SQL query that should produce the intended data when executed in the remote database...

def users():
    return "select * from d_users"

This is clearly not enough, the fetch.users function only returns a query string for now, but it can trivially be converted to a function that returns a dataframe instead by using the query decorator from db...

from db import query

def users():
    return "select * from d_users"

Polars vs. Pandas

When user_analyzer.fetch.users() is invoked it will return a polars DataFrame by default. Polars is a DataFrame library that is highly recommended over pandas; it will be familiar to most pandas users and can be easily converted to pandas when needed. You can find introductory documentation for polars here. If you still prefer to use pandas you can use the .to_pandas() method like this...

from user_analyzer import fetch

# This returns a polars DataFrame
user_df = fetch.users()

# This returns a pandas DataFrame
user_df = fetch.users().to_pandas()

We can also add parameters to the users function, if needed, let's say we want to be able to filter on the users' country codes:

from typing import Literal, Optional

from db import query

def users(country: Optional[str] = None):
    if country_code:
        return f"select * from d_users where country_code = '{country}'"
        return "select * from d_users"

You can now construct a DataFrame of all Finish users by writing fetch.users(country="FI"). If you want to access the SQL query rather than executing it, you can retrieve it with fetch.users.query_string(country="FI").

Specifying custom database parameters

The @query decorator will by default execute your SQL query against the ANALYTICS.ANALYTICS database schema. If your query needs to use different schema, warehouses, users, etc., you can specify a custom db_params parameter to the query decorator.

Here is an example where we execute the query against ANALYTICTS.ANALYTICS_FORECASTING instead of ANALYTICS.ANALYTICS.

from db import query


def covid_cases():
    return "return * from stg_covid_cases"

Normalizing column types

A Snowflake query might produce different column types based on how many rows are returned and/or the value bounds of each column. In order to ensure consistent behavior, db.query by default _upcasts all lower-typed dtypes such as Int8 to Int64, Float16 to Float64, and so on. This behavior can be disabled by providing normalize_column_types=False to the @query decorator.

from db import query

def example_query():
    return "example query"

Cache Your Queries to Speed Up Data Retrieval

Some database queries may take a long time to execute due to the data set being large and/or the computations being intensive. In those cases you might want to store the result for reuse rather than re-executing the query every single time you invoke fetch.X(). Luckily, this is really easy with db.query, you can simply add the query=True parameter to the decorator and caching will be automatically enabled!

Enabling caching for fetch.users will look like this...


def users(country: Optional[str] = None):

Now, if you execute fetch.users() it will query the database directly, but the _next time you execute it, it will instantaneously return the result from the previous execution. The @query decorator will cache the results based on the query string itself, so fetch.users(), fetch.users(country="FI"), fetch.users(country="NO"), and so on will be cached independently.

Lazy data retrieval

You can also specify the lazy=True parameter to the @query decorator in order to receive the query result in the form of a LazyFrame object rather than a DataFrame. This parameter plays well with cached query decorators since it will only read the strictly required data from the cache.


@query(cache=True, lazy=True)
def users():

# Only the subset of the rows with age_in_years >= 67 will be read into memory
pensioners = users().filter(pl.col("age_in_years") >= 67).collect()

Refreshing the cache

Sometimes you may want to forcefully reset the cache of a query function in order to get the latest version of the data from remote database. This can be done by invoking X.refresh_cache() rather than X() directly. Let's say you want to retrieve the latest set of Norwegian users from the database...

from user_analyzer import fetch

user_df = fetch.users.refresh_cache(country="NO")

This will delete the cached version of the Norwegian users if the result has already been cached, and return the latest result. The next time you invoke fetch.users(country="NO") you will get the latest version of the cache. If you want to clear all caches, regardless query parameterization, you can use the X.clear_caches() method.

from user_analyzer import fetch


The .refresh_cache() and .clear_caches() methods are in fact part of several other methods that are automatically added to @query-decorated functions, the full list of such methods is:

  • .clear_caches() - Delete all cache files of the given query function such that new data will be fetched the _next time the query is invoked.
  • .refresh_cache(*args, **kwargs) - Force the resulting SQL query produced by the given parameters to be executed in the remote database and repopulate the parameter-specific cache.
  • .cache_path(*args, **kwargs) - Return a pathlib.Path object pointing to the parquet file that is used to store the cache for the given parameters.
  • .query_string(*args, **kwargs) - Return the SQL query string to be executed.

Automatically refreshing old caches

Sometimes it makes sense to cache a query result, but not forever. In such cases you can specify the Time to Live (TTL) of the cache, automatically refreshing the cache when it becomes older than the specified TTL. This can be done by specifying the ttl argument to the @query decorator as a datetime.timedelta.

Let's say that we want to fetch the newest collection of users once a day, but otherwise cache the results. This can be achieved in the following way...

from datetime import timedelta

from db import query

def users(country: Optional[str] = None):

The first time you invoke fetch.users(), the query will be executed in the remote database and the result will be cached. After that, the cache will be used until you invoke fetch.users() more than 24 hours after the cache was initially created. Then the cache will be automatically refreshed. You can also force a cache refresh any time by using the .refresh_cache() method, for instance for all Norwegian users by executing fetch.users.refresh_cache(country="NO").

Specify custom cache files (advanced)

If you want to store the cached results in specific parquet files, you can specify the cache parameter to the @query decorator as a string or as a pathlib.Path object. Let's say you want to store the users in a file called users.parquet, this can be done in the following way:

from db import query

def users(country: Optional[str] = None):

The file path users.parquet is a so-called relative path and is therefore interpreted relative the artifacts/query_cache sub-directory within the project's root. You can inspect the resulting path by executing users.cache_path():

from user_analyzer import fetch

# Outputs: /repo/projects/user-analyzer/artifacts/query_cache/users.parquet

You can also specify an absolute path if required, let's say you want to place the file in <REPO>/projects/user-analyzer/users.parquet:

from db import PROJECT_DIR, query

@query(cache=PROJECT_DIR / "users.parquet")
def users(country: Optional[str] = None):

The problem with the previous custom cache path is that fetch.users(country="NO") and fetch.users(countr="FI") will write to the same cache file, thus refreshing the cache much more than strictly necessary. It would be more efficient to have a separate cache file for each country. You can achieve this by inserting a {country} formatting placeholder, like with an f-string, in the custom cache path:

from db import PROJECT_DIR, query

@query(cache=PROJECT_DIR / "users-{country}.parquet")
def users(country: Optional[str] = None):

Finish users will now be cached in users-FI.parquet, while Norwegian users will be cached in users-NO.parquet.

Automatic Data Validation

The @query decorator integrates with the patito DataFrame validation library, allowing you to automatically validate the data fetched from the remote database. If the concept of data validation, and why you should apply it in your data science projects, is new to you, then you should read "Using Patito for DataFrame Validation".

Let's say that we have a fetch.products() query function which produces a DataFrame of three columns.

from db import query

def products():
    return """

        from products

Given this query we might want to validate the following assumptions:

  • product_id is a unique integer assigned to each product.
  • warehouse_department takes one of three permissible values: "Dry", "Cold", or "Frozen".
  • current_retail_price is a positive floating point number.

By convention we should define a Patito model class named Product placed in <project_module>/

import patito as pt

class Product(pt.Model):
    product_id: int = pt.Field(unique=True)
    warehouse_department: Literal["Dry", "Cold", "Frozen"]
    current_retail_price: float = pt.Field(gt=0)

We can now use user_analyzer.models.Product to automatically validate the data produced by user_analyzer.fetch.products by providing the model keyword to the @query decorator.

from db import query

from user_analyzer import models

def products():
    return """

        from products

Whenever you invoke fetch.products, the data will be guaranteed to follow the schema of models.Product, otherwise an exception will be raised. You can therefore rest assured that the production data will not substantially change without you noticing it in the future.