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Releases: jakobkmar/KSpigot


19 Jan 12:55
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  • updated for Spigot 1.16.5


10 Jan 21:21
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  • the task function now returns the instance of the KSpigotRunnable
  • updated APIs


25 Dec 01:01
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  • fixed a bug regarding LocationArea


23 Dec 03:22
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  • IPAddressData values now do not contain " at the beginning and the end anymore
  • Color conversion between bungee colors, bukkit colors and java awt colors
    • example: KColors.AQUA.bukkitColor.javaAwtColor.bungeeColor.javaAwtColor
    • (org.bukkit.ChatColor) can only be converted one way, because it is limited in its color variations
  • the fireworkItemStack function allows you to easily create firework items with custom firework meta
    • use addEffect { } inside of the FireworkMeta builder
  • the editMeta function can be called on any Firework entity, to change the firework effects (this is possible until it explodes)
  • added Player.give(itemStacks)
    • itemStacks is a vararg
  • the legacyText function for chat component building now has a new builder parameter


02 Nov 22:32
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  • kSpigotJsonConfig now has a saveAfterLoad parameter
    • If true, the loaded config will be saved immediately. This is useful, if the config structure was changed and new default parameters were applied
  • org.bukkit.event.block.Action now has the extension values isLeftClick and isRightClick
  • org.bukkit.event.inventory.InventoryAction now has the extension value isSimple
    • this indicates if the action was a simple inventory click (a mouse click, where items were picked up or placed)
  • Player.ipAddressOrNull returns the players ipAddress as a string
  • the value onlineSendersreturns a collection of all online players plus the console command sender
  • added Player.actionBar(stringWithColorCodes) method
  • use Player.sendToServer(servername) to send a player to another server in the BungeeCord network
  • added sendPluginMessage methods
    • these methods offer response handling
  • added PluginMessage presets, such as:
    • PluginMessageConnect
    • PluginMessagePlayerCount
    • PluginMessagePlayerList
    • PluginMessageGetServers
    • and more


30 Oct 15:17
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  • GUIs are now protected from item dragging
  • renamed createCompound for reactangle compounds to createRectCompound
  • the new value allBlocks for Chunks returns all blocks in this chunk
  • the new simpleCompounds cover the most common compound use cases (functions createSimpleCompound and createSimpleRectCompound)
    • the element data type of these compounds is GUICompoundElement


28 Oct 20:25
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  • added pluginKey(key) as a new shortcut for NamespacedKey creation
  • PersistentDataHolders and ItemStacks now offer markings:
    • mark(key) marks the object with the given key (conflicts with other plugins are not possible)
    • unmark(key) removes the key from the objects' markings
    • hasMark(key) return true, if the key is among the objects' markings


28 Oct 17:16
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  • added KSerializers for kotlinx.serialization to support common bukkit and spigot classes
  • fully implemented core GUI API
  • GUIs can now be shared (same view for all players) or individual
  • new PlayerInput API provides simple input callbacks for chat, anvils and books
  • toLoreList() function converts a long string into a lorelist
  • the value lengthWithoutMinecraftColour allows you to get the length of a string ignoring all minecraft colour codes
  • the value content returns the whole content of a book as a single string