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Bulletin for Friday, 02 Dec 2022

7 days digest

Eugene Yan (1)

Surfing Complexity (1)

Notes on software development (1)

Computer Things (1)

dr knz @ work (1)

Programming Digest (1)

The Teleport Blog (1)

Irrational Exuberance (1)

Tech at Meta (1)

Retool Blog (1)

Microsoft Security Blog (1) (1)

Engineering at Meta (1)

PlanetScale - Blog (1)

Metadata (1)

The Hacker Factor Blog (1)

Marc Brooker's Blog (1)

Bert Hubert's writings (1)

Tech Notes (1)

Sentry Blog RSS (2)

DTN (2)

Timescale Blog (2)

Weaveworks (2)

LinkedIn Engineering (2)

Blog on Tailscale (2)

ongoing by Tim Bray (2)

Krebs on Security (2)

Earthly Blog (3)

The CircleCI Blog Feed - CircleCI (3)

Google AI Blog (4)

Blog – Hackaday (4)

Stack Overflow Blog (4)

Daniel Lemire's blog (4)

Pluralistic: Daily links from Cory Doctorow (4)

Simon Willison's Weblog: Blogmarks (4)

The Cloudflare Blog (5)

Changelog Master Feed (6)

The Full Feed - All of the Packet Pushers Podcasts (6)

Amazon Science homepage (6)

Towards Data Science - Medium (9)

Cloud Blog (20)

The fundamentals of text-to-image generation, relevant papers, and experimenting with DDPM. (BACK TO TOP)

My colleagues recently wrote a great post on the Netflix tech blog about a tough performance issue they wrestled with. They ultimately diagnosed the problem as false sharing, which is a performance problem that involves caching. I’m going to take that post and write a simplified version of part of it here, as an exercise … Continue reading Cache invalidation really is one of the hardest problems in computer science → (BACK TO TOP)

You acquire a skill or experience through time and effort, then downplay the impact of writing and sharing the learning process. Professionals seem naturally to imagine a high bar for what is worth writing about. I think that's misguided. This article is not criticism of folks with these beliefs, but rather encouragement for folks looking for a reason to write. There are (at least) a few concrete reasons to write about what you've learned, even when it's not novel. Daily, really. If I . (BACK TO TOP)

Here’s weird thing about me: I’m pro-dynamic types. This is weird because I’m also pro-formal methods, in fact teach formal methods as a career, which seems completely antithetical. So on one hand I teach people how to do static analysis, on the other I use languages which make static analysis impossible. My fondness for dynamic types is ultimately more social than technical: Python helped me escape academia and my first two jobs were in Ruby. I think this approach is ultimately bankrupt. 1 .  ↩ (BACK TO TOP)

Abstract In the Bubbline project we are trying to build readline-like semantics on top of Charm’s Bubbletea . As of Bubbletea v0.23, we discovered this is currently impossible to do in a way that preserves input continuity reliably across readline invocations. This result is general. Any Bubbletea-based program or … (BACK TO TOP)

#501 – November 28, 2022 The Distributed Computing Manifesto Today, I am publishing the Distributed Computing Manifesto, a canonical document from the early days of Amazon that transformed the architecture of Amazon's ecommerce platform. It highlights the challenges we were facing at the end of the 20th century, and hints at where we were headed. The Complete List of OAuth 2.0 Grants, Explained (sponsor) Grants are authentication flows for obtaining access tokens from the Authorization Server. (BACK TO TOP)

An introductory guide for how to secure and protect Active Directory Security (AD DS). (BACK TO TOP)

Back when I was managing at Uber, I latched onto a thinking tool that I drilled into the teams I worked with: reach the right outcomes by prioritizing the company first, your team second, and yourself third. This company/team/self framework proved itself a helpful decision-making tool, and almost always led to the “correct” outcome. As I’ve become a more experienced manager, I’ve stopped giving this advice. People are complex, and they get energy in complex ways. That’s great. That’s great, too. (BACK TO TOP)

Today, we announced a new augmented reality (AR) effect created in collaboration with Girls Who Code and The Chadwick Boseman Foundation for the Arts (CBFA) in honor of actor, director, writer, and producer Chadwick A. Boseman. (BACK TO TOP)

Solution for Advent of Code 2022 Day one challenges. Code samples in JavaScript. (BACK TO TOP)

Protect business data—and employee privacy—with conditional access on employees’ personal devices with Trustd MTD and Microsoft Entra. The post Implementing Zero Trust access to business data on BYOD with Trustd MTD and Microsoft Entra appeared first on Microsoft Security Blog . (BACK TO TOP)

Edward Green, Head of Commercial Technology at McLaren Racing, keynoted at the VMware Explore tech conference in Barcelona. I had the honor of sitting down with him for a few minutes to talk about the role of IT in F1. Most of us watch the races with multiple screens, the main TV for the race […] The post Unexplored Territory Podcast 32 – IT giving McLaren Racing the edge appeared first on . (BACK TO TOP)

UPM is our internal standalone library to perform static analysis of SQL code and enhance SQL authoring.  UPM takes SQL code as input and represents it as a data structure called a semantic tree. Infrastructure teams at Meta leverage UPM to build SQL linters, catch user mistakes in SQL code, and perform data lineage analysis [...] Read More... The post Enabling static analysis of SQL queries at Meta appeared first on Engineering at Meta . (BACK TO TOP)

PlanetScale is more than just a drop-in replacement for MySQL. Learn about everything PlanetScale can do for you. Read the full story (BACK TO TOP)

This is a 2009 paper by Leslie Lamport, Dahlia Malkhi, and Lidong Zhou. This paper was very well written and it was clear, and easy to follow (at least for me after having read so many Paxos papers). I finished reading the paper in one hour -- a record time for a slow reader like me. I knew about this work, but had not read the paper carefully before. The downside is that, the configuration master itself would have to be implemented as a Paxos group for fault-tolerance. That came later in 2016. (BACK TO TOP)

The demise of Twitter certainly happened faster than I imagined. My Twitter stream went from hundreds of new messages per hour to at-most a dozen a day. The topics changed from a wide range of discussions to nearly all being centered around some kind of conspiracy. And people who had been blocked or banned are suddenly back in my feed. (Long ago, I had muted and blocked Elon Musk. Yet now he's at the top of my feed. Rather, I've been watching where people have been going (or trying to go).g.g.g. (BACK TO TOP)

Lambda Snapstart, and snapshots as a tool for system builders Clones. Yesterday, AWS announced Lambda Snapstart , which uses VM snapshots to reduce cold start times for Lambda functions that need to do a lot of work on start (starting up a language runtime 3 , loading classes, running static code, initializing caches, etc). Here's a short 1 minute video about it: Or, for a lot more context on Lambda and how we got here 5 : Snapstart is a super useful capability for Lambda customers. (BACK TO TOP)

A brief review of Stefan Zweig’s 1942 book “Die Welt von Gestern: Erinnerungen eines Europäers”, which I read in the earlier English translation by Benjamin W. Huebsch and Helmut Ripperger (public domain copy). There is also a more recent translation by Anthea Bell, The World of Yesterday: Memoirs of a European. It too appears to be excellent. (BACK TO TOP)

I am not a car person, which is to say both that I don't know much about cars and also that I am generally not excited by them. With that important credibility-disqualifying background up front, let me tell you about a car we bought that I am unexpectedly happy with. (It's my first new car ever! All my previous cars were bought used.) When we moved to the suburbs we brought with us the single car our family had been using. It's super easy to park in the city because it's so short. (BACK TO TOP)

Sentry helps every developer diagnose, fix, and optimize the performance of their code, and we need to deliver high quality stack traces in… (BACK TO TOP)

Today Codecov is joining the Sentry family. Codecov began as a code coverage reporting tool in 2014 and has since emerged as a market leader… (BACK TO TOP)

In our final blog in this series, we’ll address recent developments, and reveal five key factors that will drive oil and gas prices in 2023. The post Five Factors Set to Move Oil and Gas Markets in 2023 appeared first on DTN . (BACK TO TOP)

With extreme winter weather already hitting parts of the United States, utilities must prepare their operations to manage the season's impacts. The post Winter is Coming… Here’s How to Shore Up Infrastructure and Prepare for Climate Change Chaos appeared first on DTN . (BACK TO TOP)

We’re super excited to be at AWS re:Invent 2022! Read what we have in store for you, and don’t forget to drop by our booth (#452 at The Venetian)! (BACK TO TOP)

Read how the analytics company Nodecolytics is making their queries up to six times less costly by using wide tables instead of relational tables in TimescaleDB while ingesting and recording millions of events per day. (BACK TO TOP)

We are thrilled to tell you that Flux, the Weaveworks sponsored open source GitOps project, has reached Graduated status in the Cloud Native Computing Foundation (CNCF). Flux achieved the CNCF’s highest level of project maturity due to the project’s levels of security, health and governance. Further achievement includes earning a Core Infrastructure Initiatives Best Practices Badge endorsed by the Open Source Security Foundation for projects meeting security best practices. (BACK TO TOP)

Tenancy is a topic that is not discussed as much as it should be, and yet, it is one of the most important parts of making cloud-native operational at scale. Every organization deals with numerous teams, projects, applications, partners, and customers. These groups of people or ideas, or objects often share a common underlying infrastructure. In doing so, they become tenants of each other. Managing these tenants is key to ensuring the success of an organization. (BACK TO TOP)

Co-authors: Sofus Macskássy, Yi Pan, Ji Yan, Yanen Li, Di Zhou, Shiyong Lin As industries rapidly evolve, so do the skills necessary for success. Skill sets for jobs globally have changed by 25% since 2015 and this number is expected to double by 2027. Yet, we’ve long relied on insufficient and unequal signals when evaluating talent and predicting success - who you know, where you went to school, or who your last employer was. (BACK TO TOP)

Introduction Apache Kafka is an open-sourced event streaming platform where users can create Kafka topics as data transmission units, and then publish or subscribe to the topic with producers and consumers. While most of the Kafka topics are actively used, some are not needed anymore because business needs changed or the topics themselves are ephemeral. Kafka itself doesn’t have a mechanism to automatically detect unused topics and delete them. However, if the […] (BACK TO TOP)

This is a re-publishing of our monthly newsletter sent to subscribers earlier this month. Sign up to receive future email newsletters . 👉 We’d love to hear what you think about Tailscale, and filling out this  Google form  helps us build a better product for you! 🛎️ Tailscale has recently been notified of security vulnerabilities in the Tailscale Windows client. If you are running Tailscale on Windows,  upgrade  to Tailscale v1.32.3 or later, or v1.33.S. The Kubelist Podcast, ep. Stay well! 🔈P. (BACK TO TOP)

Today, we’re sharing golink , an open source private URL shortener service for tailnets . Using golink, you can create and share simple go/name links for commonly accessed websites, so that anyone in your network can access them no matter the device they’re on — without requiring browser extensions or fiddling with DNS settings. And because golink integrates with Tailscale, links are private to users in your tailnet without any separate user management, logins, or security (BACK TO TOP)



ConnectWise, a self-hosted, remote desktop software application that is widely used by Managed Service Providers (MSPs), is warning about an unusually sophisticated phishing attack that can let attackers take remote control over user systems when recipients click the included link. The warning comes just days after the company quietly patched a vulnerability that makes it easier for phishers to launch these attacks. (BACK TO TOP)

A recent scoop by Reuters revealed that mobile apps for the U.S. Army and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) were integrating software that sends visitor data to a Russian company called Pushwoosh, which claims to be based in the United States. (BACK TO TOP)

As a developer, you’ll have likely heard about Docker Compose and Kubernetes –two of the most popular container orchestration tools on the market. If you’re just getting started with these technologies, it can be hard to know which one to choose. In this article, you’ll learn about Docker Compose and Kubernetes, and compare them based on their features and use cases. By the end, you’ll have a better understanding of which tool is right for you.yml file.yml file. This ensures high availability. (BACK TO TOP)

Structural Pattern Matching is a new feature introduced in Python 3.10 in the PEP 634 specification. The feature verifies if the value of an expression, called the subject , matches a given structure called the pattern . Structural Pattern Matching provides an elegant method to destructure, extract, and match the values or attributes of an object using an easy-to-read syntax. We’ll explore this new feature to match the structure and attributes of the response from the JSONPlaceholder Fake API. (BACK TO TOP)

Docker’s CLI and API are powerful tools, but they can be unwieldy when you’re working with large container fleets or looking for a more visual experience. Portainer , a web-based Docker management system that provides a convenient graphical user interface (GUI), lets you take charge of your containers, images, volumes, and other resources, without memorizing long terminal commands. This article will show you how to set up and start using Portainer.docker.gpg] https://download.docker.list. ...6. (BACK TO TOP)

This tutorial covers: Creating and setting up a React application Using Cypress to test React components Automating component testing for React Components are reusable bits of code that, most of the time, work and function independently. If you want to be confident that components are working properly, you need to test them. Conveniently, has designed their testing framework to include component testing. Then, you will learn how to use Cypress for component testing.js .visit(url) .cy. (BACK TO TOP)

Earlier this year, CircleCI added GitLab as the third version control system that we support, in addition to GitHub and Bitbucket. At CircleCI, it’s vital that we meet our users where they are, and many of our users are on GitLab. We were happy to make it possible for our users to build, test, and deploy via the GitLab platform. The experience had to contain everything a user would need to complete their journey with no manual interventions. Continuous delivery was critical during this phase. (BACK TO TOP)

This tutorial covers: Building a RESTful API with Laravel Testing the API locally Automating API tests When it comes to building RESTful APIs, PHP’s open source Laravel framework remains a top 5 backend framework for web development. Laravel also makes testing your API endpoints a breeze by providing an easy-to-use testing suite. In this post, we will build a token-based authentication API with Laravel, write tests for the endpoints, and automate the build and testing process with CircleCI.env. (BACK TO TOP)

Posted by Corey Lynch, Research Scientist, and Ayzaan Wahid, Research Engineer, Robotics at Google A grand vision in robot learning, going back to the SHRDLU experiments in the late 1960s, is that of helpful robots that inhabit human spaces and follow a wide variety of natural language commands. Over the last few years, there have been significant advances in the application of machine learning (ML) for instruction following , both in simulation and in real world systems.5%.g.5% +- 3.g.g. (BACK TO TOP)

Posted by Alexander Zlokapa, Student Researcher, and Hartmut Neven, VP of Engineering, Quantum AI Team Wormholes — wrinkles in the fabric of spacetime that connect two disparate locations — may seem like the stuff of science fiction. But whether or not they exist in reality, studying these hypothetical objects could be the key to making concrete the tantalizing link between information and matter that has bedeviled physicists for decades.6121×10 −70 m 2 ) has at most A /4 bits of information.e. (BACK TO TOP)

Posted by Jason Wei and Yi Tay, Research Scientists, Google Research, Brain Team In recent years, language models (LMs) have become more prominent in natural language processing (NLP) research and are also becoming increasingly impactful in practice. Scaling up LMs has been shown to improve performance across a range of NLP tasks. However, one of the challenges of continued scaling is that training new, larger models requires great amounts of computational resources.g.g., T5).e.8K tasks.g.g.g.e. (BACK TO TOP)

Posted by Cat Armato, Program Manager, Google This week marks the beginning of the 36th annual Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems ( NeurIPS 2022 ), the biggest machine learning conference of the year. NeurIPS 2022 will be held as a hybrid event, in person in New Orleans, LA with some virtual attendance options, and includes invited talks, demonstrations and presentations of some of the latest in machine learning research. Lindell, David J. Thorben Frank, Oliver T. M.T. A.   ↩ (BACK TO TOP)

A benchtop power supply is a key thing to have for any aspiring electronics hacker. While you can always buy one, plenty of us have old computer PSUs lying around …read more (BACK TO TOP)

There is nothing worse than that sinking feeling as a computer or other device fails just after its warranty has expired. [Robotanv] had it with his Xbox Series S whose …read more (BACK TO TOP)

Working on car electrical systems used to be easy. The battery simply provided power for the car’s starter motor when starting or to run the small number of accessories when …read more (BACK TO TOP)

Snapping pictures is not technically difficult with modern technology, but taking good photographs is another matter. There are a number of things that a photographer needs to account for in …read more (BACK TO TOP)

Dynamic application security testing (DAST) can help catch security flaws in your code. And it can do it automatically in your build process. The post Continuous delivery, meet continuous security appeared first on Stack Overflow Blog . (BACK TO TOP)

Patreon’s VP of Eng talks product roadmap, deployment best practices, and UX philosophies. The post From Twitter Bootstrap to VP of Engineering at Patreon, a chat with Utkarsh Srivastava (Ep. 514) appeared first on Stack Overflow Blog . (BACK TO TOP)

We dig into two of the most popular API protocols to see where they work best. The post When to use gRPC vs GraphQL appeared first on Stack Overflow Blog . (BACK TO TOP)

"Performant", knights who need glasses, and keyboard shortcuts for all The post The Overflow #153: How to get a job in Japan   appeared first on Stack Overflow Blog . (BACK TO TOP)

Amazon has some neat ARM-based systems based on Amazon’s own chips (Graviton). You can access them through Amazon’s web services (AWS). These processors have advanced vector instructions able to process many values at once. These instructions are part of an instruction sets called SVE for Scalable Vector Extension. SVE has a trick: it hides its … Continue reading How big are your SVE registers ? (AWS Graviton) (BACK TO TOP)

I have done a lot of work that involves compressing and uncompressing data. Most often, I work on data that has specific characteristics, e.g., sorted integers. In such cases, one can do much better than generic compression routines (e.g., zstd, gzip) both in compression ratios and performance. But how well do these generic techniques do … Continue reading Generic number compression (zstd) (BACK TO TOP)

In Molière’s famous play, Tartuffe, the main characters is outwardly pious but fundamentally deceitful. Are people who insist on broadcasting their high virtue better people, or are they more like Tartuffe? Dong et al. (2022) conclude that people who say that they have good values are not necessarily better people in practice, but they are … Continue reading Science and Technology links (November 26 2022) (BACK TO TOP)

You sometimes feel the need to make all of your integers positive, without losing any information. That is, you want to map all of your integers from ‘signed’ integers (e.g., -1, 1, 3, -3) to ‘unsigned integers’ (e.g., 3,2,6,7). This could be useful if you have a fast function to compress integers that fails to … Continue reading Making all your integers positive with zigzag encoding (BACK TO TOP)

Today's links All the books I reviewed in 2022: A year in books. Hey look at this: Delights to delectate. I should probably mention here that I had a book of my own come out in 2022: Chokepoint Capitalism (co-authored with Rebecca Giblin) A solutions-oriented look at how concentration in the tech and culture industries screws over creative workers, filled with detailed proposals for unrigging these markets and getting artists paid: https://chokepointcapitalism. https://pluralistic. The genocide. (BACK TO TOP)

Today's links Booz Allen tickemastered America's public lands: An arms dealer makes millions on junk fees from National Parks visitors. Hey look at this: Delights to What's a junk fee? It's all the crap that Ticketmaster tacks onto the cost of your ticket, like a "convenience fee" for using a credit card. Once all these fees are assessed, 78% of the price of some tickets is just fees. Take cable TV. I know. What. The. Fuck. (BACK TO TOP)

Today's links The Big Four accounting firms are one (more) scandal away from collapse: Mutually assured destruction at the heart of the economy. Hey look at this: Delights to delectate. This day in history: 2007, 2012, 2017, 2021. Amidst this carnage, it's easy to forget that the Big Four accounting firms are terrible enablers of fraud, and the fact that they sign off on your books is no guarantee that you're not a giant scam waiting to implode. This is just wild to consider.substack.iasplus. (BACK TO TOP)

Today's links How monopoly enshittified Amazon: Chokepoint Capitalism ruins everything. Hey look at this: Delights to delectate. This day in history: 2002, 2007, 2012, 2017, 2021 Colophon: Recent publications, upcoming/recent appearances, current writing projects, current reading How monopoly enshittified Amazon (permalink) In Bezos's original plan, the company called "Amazon" was called "Relentless," due to its ambition to be "Earth's most customer-centric company. The state is grim. Seriously. (BACK TO TOP)





After not raising prices in our history, this was something we thought carefully about before deciding to do. While we have over a decade of network expansion and innovation under our belts, what may not be intuitive is that our goal is not to increase revenue from this change. (BACK TO TOP)

Today, along with our strategic partners, we’re excited to announce expansion of our Cloudflare One product suite to tackle these problems, with the goal of creating the best SASE experience for users and organizations in China (BACK TO TOP)

Many leaks happen because of software bugs and security vulnerabilities. In this post we will learn how the Linux kernel can help protect cryptographic keys from a whole class of potential security vulnerabilities: memory access violations. (BACK TO TOP)

Yesterday, November 24, 2022, was Thanksgiving Day in the US. Last year, we saw how the US paused shopping (and browsing) for Thanksgiving. So, how was it this year? (BACK TO TOP)

In this blog we'll discuss how we manage Cloudflare IP addresses used to retrieve the data from the Internet, how our egress network design has evolved, how we optimized it for best use of available IP space and introduce our soft-anycast technology (BACK TO TOP)

That is the question. Whether ’tis nobler in the mind to suffer the slings and arrows of outrageous test coverage, or to take arms against a sea of bugs… (BACK TO TOP)

In today’s episode, we have the pleasure of two guests: Whitney Lee, Staff Technical Advocate at VMware, the one behind the ⚡️ Enlightning episodes, and Mauricio Salatino, which you already know from 🎧 on Continuous Delivery for Kubernetes. (BACK TO TOP)

There are some big AI-related controversies swirling, and it’s time we talk about them. A lawsuit has been filed against GitHub, Microsoft, and OpenAI related to Copilot code suggestions, and many people have been disturbed by the output of Meta AI’s Galactica model. Does Copilot violate open source licenses? Does Galactica output dangerous science-related content? In this episode, we dive into the controversies and risks, and we discuss the benefits of these technologies. (BACK TO TOP)

Heroku’s free plans officially reach EOL, Swyx explains the mixed reaction to Stable Diffusion 2.0, a real Twitter SRE explains how it continues to stay up even with ~80% gone, Tyler Cipriani tells us about one of Git’s coolest, most unloved features & we chat with Joel Lord about brewing beer with IoT & JavaSCript at All Things Open 2022. Oh, and help make this year’s state of the “log” episode awesome by lending your voice! (BACK TO TOP)

This week we’re back talking to Gergely Orosz — this time not quite about the insane tech hiring market, but more so the flip side, the 180, the not so good tech hiring market, the layoff market and what you can expect. There’s a lot of FUD out there, so hopefully this show gives you a lens into what’s really going on, and what to really expect. Maybe more so, how to keep your job or find a new job. There’s a lot of people in our Slack. (BACK TO TOP)

Debbie O’Brien –Senior Program Manager at Microsoft– joins Amal & Nick for a deep-dive on Playwright, an automation library for cross-browser end-to-end testing. Along the way, we learn why Microsoft decided to fork Puppeteer, Playwright’s unique value proposition, cool features like auto-waiting & the trace viewer, how it compares to Cypress & a lot more. (BACK TO TOP)

In this episode, Ed, Scott, and Tom talk about DNS and IPv6. We cover legacy IPv6 brokeness and DNS, how DNS performs over v6, and how DNS works with v6-only networks. The post IPv6 Buzz 115: DNS And IPv6 appeared first on Packet Pushers . (BACK TO TOP)

On today's Day Two Cloud podcast we walk through how to build a Kubernetes cluster to support a container-based application. We cover issues such as what constitutes a minimum viable cluster, rolling your own vs. Kubernetes-as-a-service, managing multiple clusters, pros and cons of bare metal vs. running clusters in VMs, design recommendations and gotchas using a cloud service, and more. The post Day Two Cloud 174: Building Kubernetes Clusters appeared first on Packet Pushers . (BACK TO TOP)

This week's Network Break podcast discusses UK and EU regulators wanting a closer look at Broadcom's VMware acquisition, Google settling with 40 US states over location tracking charges, and the FCC publishing responses from the 15 biggest US mobile providers regarding customer geolocation data tracking, plus even more IT news. The post Network Break 409: Regulators Tap Brakes On Broadcom, VMware; Google Settles Location Tracking Charges For $392M appeared first on Packet Pushers . (BACK TO TOP)

Today’s Tech Bytes podcast, sponsored by VMware, dives into VMware’s vSphere+. vSphere+ allows you to operate your on-prem workloads and infrastructure as if they were a public cloud. It supports VMs and Kubernetes, and provides admin, developer, and add-on services delivered via SaaS. The post Tech Bytes: Run On-Prem Infrastructure Like Public Cloud With vSphere+ (Sponsored) appeared first on Packet Pushers . (BACK TO TOP)

If you're headed to AWS re:Invent in Las Vegas, you can catch Ned & me recording a show live. On Wednesday, November 30, 2022, we’ll be at TopGolf with sponsor Prosimo from 4 to 7 pm. Join us to have some fun! Links and drinks, meet fellow engineers building clouds for their companies, and then watch us record the show. Space is limited, so register at We’ll see you at TopGolf Las Vegas on Wednesday the 30th! The post Day Two Cloud Invite: Recording At TopGolf Las Vegas Nov. (BACK TO TOP)

Today on Heavy Networking, a discussion with sponsor VMware about SD-WAN and SASE. We’re diving into announcements from VMware Explore Barcelona 2022 covering a new SD-WAN client and more. With this client, you’ll be able to connect your users to the SASE cloud with software--no hardware edge box required. We dive into how it works, the network architecture, use cases, and more. (BACK TO TOP)

At re:Invent, AWS announces that the CodeWhisperer preview has added support for two new programming languages. (BACK TO TOP)

When optimizing for a new solution in deep reinforcement learning, it helps if the optimizer gravitates toward the previous solution. (BACK TO TOP)

Prem Natarajan, Alexa AI vice president, and Michael Kearns, an Amazon Scholar, discuss fairness, accountability, transparency, and ethics topics applied to machine learning, automation, robotics, and space themes. (BACK TO TOP)

Using the prior model to rerank outputs of the new model increases backward compatibility. (BACK TO TOP)

The professor of collective intelligence and robotics at the University of Cambridge earned a 2019 Amazon Research Award for “Learning Explicit Communication for Multi-Robot Path Planning”. (BACK TO TOP)

Students had a chance to gain industry exposure and interact with Amazon researchers. (BACK TO TOP)

Learn the intricacies of list comprehensions (listcomps), set comprehensions (setcomps), dictionary comprehensions (dictcomps) — and even… Continue reading on Towards Data Science » (BACK TO TOP)

Part 7: Charting Continue reading on Towards Data Science » (BACK TO TOP)

Two ways to easily estimate the carbon footprint of machine learning models and 17 ideas for how you might reduce it Photo by Appolinary Kalashnikova on  Unsplash The environmental sustainability of machine learning models is increasingly receiving attention, however mostly from academia. In addition, existing material on the topic of the environmental impact of machine learning puts too little emphasis on how the environmental impact can actually be estimated and reduced. 1. This consumed 0.g. (BACK TO TOP)

A deep dive into the features and options for the popular text-to-image creation system Continue reading on Towards Data Science » (BACK TO TOP)

How to find related articles with TF-IDF. Implementing and optimizing a TF-IDF algorithm in Python. Continue reading on Towards Data Science » (BACK TO TOP)

Great data-science blog posts come in all shapes, formats, and reading times; it takes a lot of skill to produce a short and effective tutorial or a quick, well-scoped explainer! The TDS team does have a soft spot for those longer, thought-provoking articles our authors excel at writing, though—and we’ve published a particularly impressive crop of these in recent weeks. They cover a wide range of topics and approaches, and do so with patience, passion, and attention to detail.e. (BACK TO TOP)

An illustrative guide to choosing an appropriate validity metric based on cluster conformation Continue reading on Towards Data Science » (BACK TO TOP)

Yet, with a long-lived data product also come the unavoidable and often unanticipated problems related to data drift and bit rot. Data drift (also referred to as concept drift in the Data Science Community) is the change in the statistical properties of data over time . For Data Scientists, data drift can affect the accuracy and timeliness of your models. Data pipelines are implemented using software, either directly or indirectly, and thus are susceptible to bit rot. So, change is inevitable. (BACK TO TOP)

With visualization to clearly explain the impacts of hyperparameters Continue reading on Towards Data Science » (BACK TO TOP)

Hey there! It’s been a minute since we last wrote about Google Cloud and MongoDB Atlas together. We had an idea for this new genre of experiment that involves BigQuery, BQML, Vertex AI, Cloud Functions, MongoDB Atlas, and Cloud Run and we thought of putting it together in this blog. You will get to learn how we brought these services together in delivering a full stack application and other independent functions and services the application uses. ML Model Creation . . (BACK TO TOP)

Editor’s note : The post is part of a series highlighting our partners, and their solutions, that are Built with BigQuery . Datalaksa is a unified marketing and customer data warehouse created by Persuasion Technologies , a Big Data Analytics & Digital Marketing consultancy serving clients throughout South East Asia.  “Marketing and CRM teams find it difficult to gain the insights that drive decisions across their marketing channels.” said Tzu Ming Chu, Director, Persuasion Technologies.99% SLA. (BACK TO TOP)

To help customers break down data silos, we launched BigQuery Omni in 2021. Organizations globally are using BigQuery Omni to analyze data across cloud environments. Now, we are excited to launch the next big evolution for multi cloud analytics: cross-cloud analytics. Cross-cloud analytics tools help analysts and data scientists easily, securely, and cost effectively distribute data between clouds to leverage the analytics tools they need. We’ve learned a lot in this preview period. (BACK TO TOP)

Google Cloud Marketplace helps scale and simplify procurement for your organization with online discovery, flexible purchasing, and easy fulfillment of top cloud solutions. Today we are proud to announce an additional Marketplace deployment option for select VM products: Terraform. Now with just a few clicks, you can auto-generate a configuration file to use with Terraform, the popular open-source, infrastructure-as-code tool from HashiCorp.g. It’s really that simple. (BACK TO TOP)

PowerShell is a powerful scripting tool often used by database administrators for managing Microsoft SQL Server. This blog will focus on the aspects of using PowerShell for common database tasks and management on a Cloud SQL for SQL Server instance. We will also look at and how this can be used on instances with cross-region replicas , external replication, and other key features Verify setup Step 1 . Create a VM Step 2 .  Step 3 . Step 5 . Install dbatools.59. (BACK TO TOP)

Editor's note : Melina López describes her job as "training the workforce of the future" across much of Latin America. She is a native of Argentina, and now works in Brazil seeking ways to empower underrepresented groups through podcasts, training sessions, skills-building websites, and more. Her quest for greater social justice began years ago, and has expanded in unexpected ways since she joined Google Cloud. How did you come to this? I've always worked hard to fuse my passion with my work.S.. (BACK TO TOP)

Today the Google Cloud Pub/Sub team is excited to announce the GA launch of exactly-once delivery feature. With this availability, Pub/Sub customers can receive exactly-once delivery within a cloud region and the feature provides following guarantees: No redelivery occurs once the messages has been successfully acknowledged No redelivery occurs while a message is outstanding. A message is considered outstanding until the acknowledgment deadline expires or the message is acknowledged.g.g. (BACK TO TOP)

Want to know the latest from Google Cloud? Find it here in one handy location. Check back regularly for our newest updates, announcements, resources, events, learning opportunities, and more.  Tip : Not sure where to find what you’re looking for on the Google Cloud blog? Start here:  Google Cloud blog 101: Full list of topics, links, and resources . Read more here . Please help us share the good news via  Twitter ,  Facebook , and  LinkedIn . Read more here . Learn more here . Read more .23.39. (BACK TO TOP)

When multiple siloed systems and platforms are used to collect marketing data, marketers often struggle to create a holistic view of their performance and the business impact of marketing initiatives. If this scenario sounds familiar to you, you’ll be happy to hear that Google Cloud has marketing analytics tools to help marketers bring together data and increase marketing ROI. These tools can be used to break down data silos and decrease time to insights.   (BACK TO TOP)

In 2021 and 2022, Google I/O invited remote attendees to meet each other and explore a virtual world in the I/O Adventure online conference experience powered by Google Cloud technologies.  (For more details on how this was done, see my previous post.) When building an online experience like I/O Adventure, it's important to decide on a provisioning strategy early on. Before we could make that decision, however, we needed to have a reasonably accurate estimate of how many attendees to expect.g.. (BACK TO TOP)

Welcome to November’s Cloud CISO Perspectives. I’d like to celebrate the first year of the Google Cybersecurity Action Team (GCAT) and look ahead to the team’s goals for 2023.   As with all Cloud CISO Perspectives, the contents of this newsletter are posted to the Google Cloud blog . If you’re reading this on the website and you’d like to receive the email version, you can subscribe here .wagtailcore.rich_text.chronicle. Click here to reserve your spot and we’ll see you there (virtually).S. (BACK TO TOP)

Zeotap’s mission is to help brands monetise customer data in a privacy-first Europe. Today, Zeotap owns three data solutions. Zeotap CDP is the next-generation Customer Data Platform that empowers brands to collect, unify, segment and activate customer data. Zeotap CDP puts privacy and security first while empowering marketers to unlock and derive business value in their customer data with a powerful and marketer-friendly user interface.g.  Click here to learn more about Built with BigQuery ... (BACK TO TOP)

Imagine ordering a “ready-to-assemble” table online, only to find that the delivery package did not include the assembly instructions. You know what the end product looks like, but have little to no clue how to start assembling the individual pieces to get there. A poorly designed API tends to create a similar experience for a consumer developer. Well designed APIs make it easy for consumer developers to find, explore, access, and use them. Think big and think creatively.wagtailcore.rich_text... (BACK TO TOP)

Each time someone makes a purchase with a credit card, financial companies want to determine if that was a legitimate transaction or if it is using a stolen credit card, abusing a promotion or hacking into a user's account. Every year, billions of dollars are lost due to credit card fraud, so there are serious financial consequences. Companies dealing with these transactions need to balance predicting fraud accurately and predicting fraud (BACK TO TOP)

Geospatial data analytics lets you use location data (latitude and longitude) to get business insights. It's used for a wide variety of applications in industry, such as package delivery logistics services, ride-sharing services, autonomous control of vehicles, real estate analytics, and weather mapping.  BigQuery, Google Cloud’s large-scale data warehouse, provides support for analyzing large amounts of geospatial data. A polygon is closed only if it's a full polygon.wagtailcore.rich_text. (BACK TO TOP)

In today’s world, organizations view data sharing to be a critical component of their overall data strategy. Businesses are striving to unlock new insights and make more informed decisions by sharing and consuming data from partners, customers, and other sources. There are many organizations also looking to generate new revenue streams by monetizing their data assets. However, existing technologies used to exchange data pose many challenges for customers. (BACK TO TOP)

There’s a lot we can learn from combining technology with science to help support the development of amazing discoveries. By using an AI system to predict protein shapes, we have the potential to accelerate research in every field of biology. Inside every cell in your body, billions of tiny molecular machines are hard at work. They are what allow your eyes to detect light, your neurons to fire, and the ‘instructions’ in your DNA to be read. These intricate machines are known as proteins. 2. (BACK TO TOP)

Marketing strategies based on complex and dynamic data get results. However, it’s no small task to extract easy-to-act-on insights from increasing volumes and ever-evolving sources of data including search engines, social media platforms, third-party services, and internal systems. That’s why organizations turn to us at Seer Interactive . Keeping up with the unique analytics requirements of each client has required a fair amount of IT agility on our part. (BACK TO TOP)

Electric motors in everything from pool pumps and gate motors to the large industrial fans and pumps consume approximately 50% of the world’s generated electricity. Optimizing old equipment with more efficient engineering has the potential to deliver significant energy savings.   Our approach is very focused. We retrofit technology, called a variable speed drive (VSDs), onto industrial equipment such as fan and pump motors. BigQuery is especially critical to our business. (BACK TO TOP)

For several decades, before the rise of cloud computing upended the way we think about databases and applications, Oracle and Microsoft SQL Server databases were a mainstay of business application architectures. But today, as you map out your cloud journey, you’re probably reevaluating your technology choices in light of the cloud’s vast possibilities and current industry trends. Let’s dive into our five new videos.999% availability and a PostgreSQL interface. More open. More intelligent... (BACK TO TOP)

Bulletin by Jakub Mikians