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Quickstart: Contributing

First off, thanks for taking the time to contribute! ✨🎉

This document assumes that you have forked and cloned the repository to work on the package locally. If you are unsure how to do this, please see the contributing documentation.

To test the package, start by installing it locally.

$ pip install -r requirements.txt
$ python develop

To run the test suite on a single version of Django (assuming you have a version of Django installed), run the script from the root of the project.

$ python

You can limit tests or pass paramaters as when using test.

$ ./ tests.test_basic -v 3

If you have all of the supported Python versions installed (Python 3.7, 3.8, 3.9, and 3.10), you may use tox to run all linters and test the package with multiple versions of Python and Django.

$ tox

You may also limit tests to specific environments or test suites with tox. For instance:

$ tox -e py36-django111-unit tests.test_basic
$ tox -e py36-django111-integration user_integration.tests.TestViews.test_home

Any change to the code should first be discussed in an issue.

For any changes, please create a new branch, make your changes, and open a pull request on github agains the development branch. Refer to the issue you are fixing or building. To make review of the PR easier, please commit small, targeted changes. Multiple small commits with clear messages make reviewing changes easier. Rebasing your branch to help clean up your changes is encouraged. Please remember that this is a volunteer-driven project; we will look at your PR as soon as possible.