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Development and Testing

How to work on and test Factory Djoy, across different versions of Django.

Quick start

The test framework is already in place and tox is configured to make use of it. Therefore the quickest way to get going is to make use of it.

Clone the repository and drop in:

$ git clone
$ cd factory_djoy

Create a virtual environment. This uses a bare call to virtualenv, you might prefer to use workon:

$ make venv

Activate the virtual environment and install requirements:

$ . venv/bin/activate
$ make install

Run all tests using tox for all versions of Python and Django:

$ make test

Circle will also run linting before the main test run:

$ make lint

Testing with real Django projects

factory_djoy is asserted to work with different vanilla versions of Django. For each version of Django tested, a default project and app exist in the test_framework folder.

This structure has the following features:

  • test_framework contains a folder for each version of Django. For example, the Django 1.11 project is in the test_framework/django111 folder.
  • Every project is created with the default django-admin startproject command.
  • In every project, a test settings file contains all the default settings as installed by Django, but adds the djoyapp app to the list of INSTALLED_APPS.
  • Every djoyapp contains a and provides some models used for testing.
  • Initial migrations for the models also exist, created using the matching version of Django using the default ./ makemigrations command.
  • Every project has a tests folder wired into the Django project root. This contains the tests that assert that factory_djoy behaves as expected.
  • Every project's tests are executed through the default ./ test command.

Versioning notes

  • tox is used to manage versions of Python and Django installed at test time.
  • The latest point release from each major Django version is used, excluding versions that are no longer supported.
  • The current version of Django in use at testing is compiled into each django*.txt file.
  • To bump all package versions, the bump_reqs recipe can be used.

    $ . venv/bin/activate
    $ make bump_reqs

Creating Django test projects for Django version

In order to add a version of Django to the test run:

  • Install the new version of Django into the current virtual environment:

    $ pip install -U django
  • Ask the new version of Django to create projects and all test_framework structures:

    $ cd test_framework
    $ make build

    Please note that creating a Django test project will fail if the target folder already exists. All django* folders can be removed with make clean - they can be rebuilt again identically with the build recipe.

  • Add a requirements file for the new version of Django. For version 1.11:
$ cd test_framework/requirements
$ cat >
$ make all
  • Add the new Django version to tox.ini. (There's probably a better DRYer way to complete this.)
  • Remember to add the new Django version to the README and do a release.

Working locally

If there are multiple tests to run this can become inefficient with tox. Therefore, you can use the helper local environment configured inside test_framework. This installs Python 3.5 and latest Django.

Create a new virtual environment in the test_framework folder and install the requirements:

$ cd test_framework
$ make venv
$ . venv/bin/activate
$ make install

The test framework means that all the tests can be run on the test models and factories using the standard test command. So, if working with Django 1.10, after calling make build to create the app and folder structure for that Django version, then all tests can be run with:

$ make test

Release process

Decide the new version number. Semantic versioning is used and it will look like 1.2.3.

  • In a Pull Request for the release:
    • Update CHANGELOG with changes.
    • Set version number in factory_djoy/
    • Ensure Pull Request is GREEN, then merge.
  • With the newly merged master:
    • Run tests locally:

      $ make lint test
    • Clean out any old distributions and make new ones:

      $ make clean dist
    • Test upload with Test PyPI and follow it with an install direct from Test PyPI (might need to create a ~/.pypirc file with settings for the test server:

      $ make test-upload
      $ deactive
      $ virtualenv /tmp/tenv
      $ . /tmp/tenv/bin/activate
      $ make test-install
    • Tag release branch and push it:

      $ git tag v1.2.3
      $ git push origin --tags
    • Upload to PyPI:

      $ make upload

All done.

Post release:

  • Ensure that link in CHANGELOG to the new diff works OK on GitHub.
  • Check new docs are built on RTD.

Helper recipes

The root Makefile has a couple of helper recipes (note this is different to the Makefile in test_settings):

  • dist: Creates the distribution files.
  • upload: Push generated distribution to PyPI.
  • bump_reqs: Update all packages, commit updates to a new auto/bump-requirements branch and push it to origin.
  • clean: Remove all compiled Python files, distributions, etc.