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Explainable deep learning for tumor dynamic modeling and overall survival prediction using Neural-ODE

This repository provides an implementation of Tumor Dynamic Neural-ODE (TDNODE), a pharmacology-informed neural network that enables model discovery from longitudinal tumor size data. This implementation of TDNODE provides a standardized workflow for the following:

  1. Fitting models to a series of observed sum-of-longest diameter (SLD) measurements.
  2. Generating continuous predictions of tumor dynamics for estimation and extrapolation.
  3. A series of analysis and visualization utilities for assessing TDNODE's predictive capabilities: a) Bootstrapped calculation of root mean-squared error (RMSE) and R2 scores using TDNODE-generated predictions and SLD labels. Optionally enable data subsetting with respect to treatment arm. b) Comparative visualizations of TDNODE's predictions and observed SLD data. c) Residual visualizations of TDNODE's predictions and observed SLD data. d) Visualization of individual patient TDNODE predictions and observed SLD data. e) Prediction and evaluation of patient Overall Survival (OS) using TDNODE's generated patient-specific kinetic rate parameters and XGBoost-ML. f) SHAP analysis depicting the contribution of kinetic rate parameters and (optionally) baseline covariates to OS prediction. g) Visualization of the effect of composite kinetic rate parameter changes on tumor dynamic predictions for individual patients.
  4. Synthetic data containing de-identified clinical trial data for user experimentation.

This codebase is implemented in Pytorch and contains supporting GPU functionality.


To get started, first clone the repository:

git clone


Then, using the provided environment.yml file, create an Anaconda environment that contains all necessary packages for model training and prediction. Ensure that Anaconda is installed on your machine in order to proceed:

conda env create -f environment.yml

Finally, activate the virtual environment via the following:

conda activate TDNODE

Example data

We provide a synthetic dataset that contains de-identified SLD time series from patients in different treatment arms. This dataset can be found in assets/data. To experiment with your own longitudinal data, please provide a .csv file that contains the folllowing schema:

  1. NMID: a unique integer that corresponds to the patient from which the measurement was collected.
  2. SLD: tumor sum of longest diameter measurement, in mm.
  3. TIME: the time at which the corresponding SLD feature was observed.
  4. ARM: the treatment arm in which the patient was enrolled.

Basic usage

This repository provides functionality for either training or evaluating an instantiation of TDNODE

Training TDNODE

TDNODE uses a single configuration file for defining the parameters used for training. All varialbes fall into the following scopes: NAME, NOTE, DATA, TRAIN, TEST, MODEL. This configuration file can be found in experiments/SLD/configs. We define the variables below.


TDNODE uses a single configuration file for defining the parameters used for training. All varialbes fall into the following scopes: NAME, NOTE, DATA, TRAIN, TEST, MODEL. This configuration file can be found in experiments/SLD/configs. We define the variables below.


NAME: str: The name of the model. Determines the name of the run directory located in DATA/OUTPUT_DIR


NOTE: str: Notes for a particular run. This field can be referred to in {DATA}/{OUTPUT_DIR}/run_config.json for future reference.


ROOT_DIR: str: The root directory of the data used for model training. Place any additional datasets here.

TGI_DATA: str: The path of the dataset used for training and evaluating the model.

OUTPUT_DIR: str: The directory to store model checkpoints and analysis. In this directory, the model run will be saved with a timestamp (at initiation of model training) that is prepended to NAME. This value is considered the RUN_ID of the model and is used as an identifier when performing model evaluation. The directory contains the cached model dimensions, training parameters, epoch checkpoints, and summarization assets such as a loss vs. epoch curve and a csv file containing the running performance of the model on the training and validation set.

SPLIT: float [0.0, 1.0]: The train/test split proportion: specifically defines the proportion of subjects to be assigned to the training set.

SEED: int: The seed used to split the dataset and perform other functions that require randomness to execute. Leave as constant to ensure deterministic results.

AUGMENTATION: bool: Indicator of whether to perform pointwise augmentation on the training set. If True, subsamples patient data with pre-observation window tumor size measurements and (optionally) post-treatment tumor size measurements. If False, does not augment the training set.

Example: Patient A has the following measurements: [[0, 120], [10, 35], [20, 45], [40, 30]]. With a 24 week observation window, the input SLD tensor used is the follwing: [[0, 120], [10, 35], [20, 45]]. With augmentation, additional SLD tensors are generated with the following two truncated time-series measurements: [[0, 120], [10, 35]], & [[0, 120]].

TRAIN_ALL: bool: Indicator for whether to subsample post-treatment tumor size measurements while augmenting the training set. In the above example, the SLD tensor [[0, 120], [10, 35], [20, 45], [40, 30]] would be included for training in addition to [[0, 120], [10, 35]], & [[0, 120]].

CUTOFF: float: The observation window to use during model training and evaluation. During training, sets the maximum time measurement at which SLD measurements can be included in the input tensor. During evaluation, evaluates TDNODE's extrapolation capabilities at time points after the observation window. This value is fixed for all subjets in the dataset.

NORM_METHOD: str: Normalization method for patient observation times: can be one of 'cohort' or 'patient'. If 'cohort', performs Z-score nromalization on the times series data using the mean and standard deviation of all times. If 'patient', performs patient-level normalization of time using the last observed measurement as a scale factor. The last observed measurement for a given patient is derived as the measurement with the observation time that is closest to but does not exceed the CUTOFF parameter.


LR: float: Model learning rate. Adjust to experiment with the model's rate of convergence.

L2: float: L2 weight decay. Adjusts the degree of regularization of the model to address possible issues of variance or bias.

NUM_EPOCH: int: The number of epochs used to train the model.

BATCH_SIZE: int [1, num_patients(training set)]: The number of samples to process per iteration.

PAD_VALUE: float: The pad value used when creating sample batches. Applies to both initial condition tensor and SLD tensor. See IMPLEMENTATION.pdf for details related to TDNODE's custom batching operation.

USE_COLLATE_FN: bool [True, False]: Indicator for whether to use the custom collate function to create padded batches of samples. Keep as True to avoid runtime errors, as setting this parameter to False uses the default Pytorch collate function, which strictly assumes equal number of patient SLD measurements.

USE_PRETRAINED: bool: Indicator for whether to use a pre-trained model as the starting point for evlauation. If False, begins training TDNODE using a new set of random weights. If True, uses MODEL.FROM_PRETRAINED_ID and MODEL.FROM_PRETRAINED_EPOCH_START to load model. TDNODE will also load the previous model's parameters and make a new results directory using cfg.NAME.


EVAL_ALL: bool [True, False]: Indicator for whether to evaluate predictions at all times, instead of the standard procedure to evaluate predictions at times after the CUTOFF. If True, evaluates predictions at all time points for each patient. If False, evaluates predictions where t > DATA.CUTOFF for the test set. Does not apply to the training set, where all measurements are evaluated regardless of this parameter setting


NAME: str [TDNODE]: Name of the model to use. References model architecture specified in src/model/

TOL: float: NODE-specific hyperparamter used in the torchdiffeq library. Refers to the "tolerance for convergence of the Adams-Moulton corrector" link:

FROM_PRETRAINED_ID: str: The RUN_ID of the desired model to load as the starting state for a new training run.

FROM_PRETRAINED_EPOCH_START: int: The epoch number from which to load the pretrained model.

PARAMETERS: Dict[str, dynamic]: Model architecture dimenstions. Cached in {OUTPUT_DIR}/{NAME}/model_config.json for reference during analysis.

Training TDNODE

Once your parameters are set, run the following:

sh experiments/SLD/scripts/

Real-time loss curves and R2 scores will be plotted as the model trains. Track these plots to assess convergence.


We have implemented several analysis functions to assess TDNODE's capabilities in predicting both tumor dynamics and overall survival (OS). The configuration file for analysis can be found in experiments/analysis/compound/compound.yaml. Descriptions for each parameter can be referenced below.

To control which analysis to perform, modify the list of function names in ANALYSIS.FUNCTIONS. To modify the observation windows used, modify ANALYSIS.WINDOWS.

Function names: ["cumulative", "boostrapping", "individual", "encodings", "OS", "feature_dependence", "loss_curve", "log_residual"]


ROOT_DIR: str: The root directory of the data used for model training. Place any additional datasets here.

TGI_DATA: str: The path of the dataset used for training and evaluating the model.

OUTPUT_DIR: str: The directory to store model checkpoints and analysis. In this directory, the model run will be saved with a timestamp (at initiation of model training) that is prepended to NAME. This value is considered the RUN_ID of the model and is used as an identifier when performing model evaluation. The directory contains the cached model dimensions, training parameters, epoch checkpoints, and summarization assets such as a loss vs. epoch curve and a csv file containing the running performance of the model on the training and validation set.

TGIOS_DATA: str: The name of the TGI-OS file to use for any type of OS analysis. This file should contain a column names OS that contains OS data for each patient

PTNM_DATA: str: The name of the IMPower dataset csv file to load during survival analysis.

SPLIT: float [0.0, 1.0]: The train/test split proportion (i.e. the proportion of subjects to assign to the training set)

SEED: int: The seed used to split the dataset and perform other functions that require randomness to execute. Leave as constant to ensure deterministic results.

AUGMENTATION: bool: Indicator of whether to perform pointwise augmentation on the training set. If True, subsamples patient data with pre-observation window tumor size measurements and (optionally) post-treatment tumor size measurements. If False, does not augment the training set.

Example: Patient A has the following measurements: [[0, 120], [10, 35], [20, 45], [40, 30]]. With a 24 week observation window, the input SLD tensor used is the follwing: [[0, 120], [10, 35], [20, 45]]. With augmentation, additional SLD tensors are generated with the following two truncated time-series measurements: [[0, 120], [10, 35]], & [[0, 120]].

TRAIN_ALL: bool: Indicator for whether to subsample post-treatment tumor size measurements while augmenting the training set. In the above example, the SLD tensor [[0, 120], [10, 35], [20, 45], [40, 30]] would be included for training in addition to [[0, 120], [10, 35]], & [[0, 120]].

CUTOFF: float: The observation window to use during model training and evaluation. During training, sets the maximum time measurement at which SLD measurements can be included in the input tensor. During evaluation, evaluates TDNODE's extrapolation capabilities at time points after the observation window. This value is fixed for all subjets in the dataset.

NORM_METHOD: str: Normalization method for patient observation times: can be one of 'cohort' or 'patient'. If 'cohort', performs Z-score nromalization on the times series data using the mean and standard deviation of all times. If 'patient', performs patient-level normalization of time using the last observed measurement as a scale factor. The last observed measurement for a given patient is derived as the measurement with the observation time that is closest to but does not exceed the CUTOFF parameter.

COHORT: str [train, test]: The cohort on which to evaluate TDNODE.

ARM: Union[str, int] [all, 1, 2, 3]: The treatment arm to evaluate. Use all to evaluate all treatment arms.


RUN_ID: str: The directory name of the model run to evaluate. Can be found in DATA.OUTPUT_DIR.

EPOCH_TO_TEST: int. The epoch number to evaluate. Loads the saved model with this epoch ID for evaluation.

EVAL_ALL: bool [True, False]: Indicator for whether to evaluate predictions at all times, instead of the standard procedure to evaluate predictions at times after the observation window. If True, evaluates predictions at all time points for each patient. If False, evaluates predictions where t > DATA.CUTOFF for the test set. Does not apply to the training set.


Name: cumulative.

Function(s): Generates scatter plots comparing predicted SLD and observed SLD data, obtains csv file of prediction-observation pairs for all patients in selected cohort.

CUMULATIVE_PLOT_TITLE: str: The title to use when generating scatter plots displaying the correlations between TDNODE predictions and obvervations.


Name: bootstrapping

Function: generates bootstrapped mean and median RMSE and R2 values with standard deviations and median absolute deviation. More specifically, metrics are derived from NUM_SAMPLE distrubution of RMSE and R2 values each calculated from a random sample of individual metrics collected with replacement.

NUM_SAMPLE: int: The number of bootstrap iterations to perform. For each iteration, n samples are picked from a list of prediction-observation pairs with replacement, where n is the number of prediction-observation pairs in the cohort.


Name: Arm

Function: Same functionality as CUMULATIVE, but specifically for the selected arm.

PTID_PATH: The path to a .json file specifying which patients belong to which treatment arm. Auto-generated upon running the 'cumulative' analysis function.


Name: individual

Function: generates plots comparing individual patients' TDNODE predictions and discrete observed SLD measurements

NUM_PRED_POINTS: int: The number of predictions to generate. Range is [0, last observed time measurement].

PATIENT_IDS: List[int]: The list of patient IDS to plot.

PATIENT_COLORS: List[str]: The list of colors to assign to each patient ID. Shape must match PATIENT_IDS.


Name: encodings

Function: generates initial condition and kinetic rate parameters for each patient given a trained model.

CUTOFF_TO_SET: float: Obvervation window that constrains data observable by TDNODE when generating the predictions.


Name: OS

Function: Performs OS analysis and SHAP analysis using generated encodings.

CUTOFF_TO_USE: float: Identifier for encoding file to use when calculating OS.

LATENT_DIM: int: The shape of the latent encoder, should be same as MODEL.PARAMETERS.ODE_FUNC.LATENT_DIM to avoid error.

DROP_VARS: List[str]: The list of variables to exclude when performing the analyses. Format: [latent-x, IC-x]. Raises error if either the variable is not found in the list of available variables, or if all variables are excluded.

USE_COVARS: bool: Indicator for whether to use baseline covariates in the analysis. If False, only uses kinetic rate metrics to predict OS. If True, uses baseline covariates provided in the TGIOS_DATA entry.


Name: feature_dependence

Function: Plots invididual patient predictions with variations for either a single or mulitple encoding variables. Allows for observation of possible connection between OS prediction and tumor dynamic prediction via SHAP analysis of kinetic rate metrics.

VARIABLE_IDX: int [0, np.sum(latent.shape, IC.shape)]: The variable index to perturb.

NUMBER_PERTURBED: int: The number of perturbations to make, including the original trained values.

RANGE: List[float]: The upper and lower relative bounds of the perturbation. The first entry in the list represents the lower bound, while the second entry represents the upper bound.

MULTIVAR: bool [True, False]: Indicator for whether to perturb multiple encoding variables at a time. If True, allows for perturbation of multiple encoding variables at a time. If False, refers to VARIABLE_IDX for the encoding index to perturb.

MULTIVAR_IDX: List[int]: A list of 1-indexed encoding variables to perturb. Note that the index of this variable will be used in MULTIVAR_DIRECTION and MULTIVAR_MAGNITUDE. Only used when MULTIVAR is set to True.

MULTIVAR_DIRECTION: List[str]: a list of directions with which to perturb the list of encoding variabls. If up, perturbs the encoding in the direction specified by MULTIVAR_MAGNITUDE. If set to down, the ranges are flipped such that the upper bound is the first entry of RANGE while the lower bound is the second entry of RANGE.

PATIENT_IDS: List[int]: The list of patients to plot feature dependence.


Name: log_residual

Function: Plots the Logarithm of the residuals between all cohort predictions and all cohort measurements. Also plots LOWESS smoothing curve with confidence interval to identify the direction, if any, of systemic bias in the TDNODE predictions.

COLOR: str: The color of the plot.

CONFIDENCE_INTERVAL: float: The confidence interval of the LOWESS smoothes curve prediction to set. A higher confidence interval tends to leave a wider spread of possible residual predictions.


NAME: str [Baseline TDNODE]: Name of the model to use. References model architecture specified in src/model/ Other model configurations are currently deprecated.

TOL: float: NODE-specific hyperparamter used in the torchdiffeq library. Refers to the "tolerance for convergence of the Adams-Moulton corrector" link:

PARAMETERS.PARAMETER_PATH: str: The name of the JSON file that contains the model dimensions. Leave as-is to prevent errors in model loading.

Running the Analysis

Once your functions and their corresponding factors are delineated, run the analysis with the following:

sh experiments/analysis/compound/

Running all Analysis

If automated analysis is desired, simply adjust the following parameter:



Refer to the following for the paper that this code supports:

  title={Explainable deep learning for tumor dynamic modeling and overall survival prediction using Neural-ODE},
  author={Laurie, Mark and Lu, James},
  journal={npj Systems Biology and Applications},
  publisher={Nature Publishing Group UK London}


Any questions or issues with the code can be referred to either James Lu ( or Mark Laurie (


Tumor Dynamic Neural-ODE







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