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Restore purchase on android #504

PaoloLeva opened this issue Oct 30, 2022 · 1 comment

Restore purchase on android #504

PaoloLeva opened this issue Oct 30, 2022 · 1 comment


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In it says

        if(purchases?.Any(p => p.ProductId == productId) ?? false)
            //Purchase restored
            // if on Android may be good to 
            return true;

"if on Android may bo good to..." do what?

any idea what should be there?

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my restore purchase source code, good lock ~!

async Task RestorePurchases()
var billing = CrossInAppBilling.Current;
if (Connectivity.NetworkAccess != NetworkAccess.Internet)
TranslateExtension te = new TranslateExtension();
te.Text = AppResources.InternetCheck;
await DisplayAlert("No internet", te.Text);

	var connected = await billing.ConnectAsync();
	if (!connected)
		TranslateExtension te = new TranslateExtension();
		te.Text = AppResources.InAppBillingCheck;
		await DisplayAlert("No InAppBilling", te.Text);

	bool foundStuff = false;
	string receipt_status = string.Empty;
	string expiration_intent = string.Empty;

	//var idsToNotFinish = new List<string>(new[] { productIdSub });
	var subs = await billing.GetPurchasesAsync(ItemType.Subscription);
	string subState = string.Empty; //영수증 상태
	string transactionDate = string.Empty;
	string expirationDateMsg = string.Empty;
	DateTime nowDateTimeUtc = TimerServerUtcSync.GetNetworkTime();

	//일시 중지하면 목록 조회 되지 않음.
	if (subs?.Any(p => p.ProductId == productIdSub) ?? false)
		var sorted = subs.Where(p => p.ProductId == productIdSub).OrderByDescending(i => i.TransactionDateUtc).ToList();
		if (!sorted?.Any() ?? false) return;

		var recentSub = sorted[0];
		if (recentSub != null)
				//await CrossInAppBilling.Current.AcknowledgePurchaseAsync(recentSub.PurchaseToken);
				var ack = await billing.FinalizePurchaseAsync(recentSub.TransactionIdentifier);
				//var ack = await CrossInAppBilling.Current.FinalizePurchaseAsync(recentSub.TransactionIdentifier);
			catch (Exception ex)
				//Logger.AppendLine("Unable to acknowledge purchase: " + ex);
				Analytics.TrackEvent("PurchaseSubscription-RestoreComplete", new Dictionary<string, string>
					["purchase"] = "failed: Acknowledged " + ex.Message

			transactionDate = recentSub.TransactionDateUtc.ToString();
			subState = recentSub.State.ToString();
			// On Android as long as you have one here then it is valid subscription
			if (DeviceInfo.Platform == DevicePlatform.Android)
				if (recentSub.State == PurchaseState.Purchased || recentSub.State == PurchaseState.Restored)
					IVerifyReceiptService service = DependencyService.Get<IVerifyReceiptService>();
					SubscriptionPurchaseV2 receipt = await service.GetReceipt("app packageid EX)", recentSub.PurchaseToken ?? string.Empty);

					if (receipt != null)
						//안드로이드는 우선 상태가 구독이 되어야 한다. 취소/만료도 구독 상태로 되어 있다.
						if (receipt.AcknowledgementState == "ACKNOWLEDGEMENT_STATE_ACKNOWLEDGED")
							//SUBSCRIPTION_STATE_CANCELED : 정기 결제가 취소되었지만 아직 만료되지 않았다.
							//                              안드로이는 이 상태값인 경우도 만료일자를 확인해야 한다.
							//                              환불은 두개 상태 값이 아니기 때문에 즉시 사용 못한.            
							if (receipt.SubscriptionState == "SUBSCRIPTION_STATE_ACTIVE" || receipt.SubscriptionState == "SUBSCRIPTION_STATE_CANCELED")
								//LineItems : Item-level info for a subscription purchase
								if (receipt.LineItems != null && receipt.LineItems.Count > 0)
									IList<SubscriptionPurchaseLineItem> items = receipt.LineItems;
									var sortedSub = items.Where(p => p.ProductId == productIdSub).OrderByDescending(i => i.ExpiryTime).ToList();
									//if (sortedSub != null && sortedSub.Count > 0)
									if (sortedSub?.Any() ?? false)
										var lastSubPur = sortedSub[0];
										var expirationDate = Convert.ToDateTime(lastSubPur.ExpiryTime); //UTC
										expirationDateMsg = expirationDate.ToString();

										//구독 만료일자 체크
										if (expirationDate > nowDateTimeUtc)
											foundStuff = true;
											Settings.HasPurchasedSub = true;
											Settings.CheckSubStatus = true;
											Settings.SubReceipt = recentSub.PurchaseToken ?? string.Empty;
											Settings.SubExpirationDate = expirationDate;
											Settings.OrderId = recentSub.Id;

											var diffDays = Settings.SubExpirationDate.Subtract(nowDateTimeUtc);
											this.SubscriptionDays = diffDays.Days;
											//구독만료 일자가 지났습니다.
											receipt_status = "subscription has expired";
											expiration_intent = "ExpirationDate:" + expirationDate.ToString();
							else if (receipt.SubscriptionState == "SUBSCRIPTION_STATE_UNSPECIFIED")
								receipt_status = receipt.SubscriptionState;
								expiration_intent = "Unspecified subscription state.";
							else if (receipt.SubscriptionState == "SUBSCRIPTION_STATE_PENDING")
								receipt_status = receipt.SubscriptionState;
								expiration_intent = "Subscription was created but awaiting payment during signup. In this state, all items are awaiting payment.";
							else if (receipt.SubscriptionState == "SUBSCRIPTION_STATE_PAUSED")
								receipt_status = receipt.SubscriptionState;
								expiration_intent = "Subscription is paused. The state is only available when the subscription is an auto renewing plan. In this state, all items are in paused state.";
							else if (receipt.SubscriptionState == "SUBSCRIPTION_STATE_IN_GRACE_PERIOD")
								receipt_status = receipt.SubscriptionState;
								expiration_intent = "Subscription is in grace period. The state is only available when the subscription is an auto renewing plan. In this state, all items are in grace period.";
							else if (receipt.SubscriptionState == "SUBSCRIPTION_STATE_ON_HOLD")
								receipt_status = receipt.SubscriptionState;
								expiration_intent = "Subscription is on hold (suspended). The state is only available when the subscription is an auto renewing plan. In this state, all items are on hold.";
							else if (receipt.SubscriptionState == "SUBSCRIPTION_STATE_EXPIRED")
								receipt_status = receipt.SubscriptionState;
								expiration_intent = "Subscription is expired. All items have expiryTime in the past.";
						else if (receipt.AcknowledgementState == "ACKNOWLEDGEMENT_STATE_UNSPECIFIED")
							receipt_status = receipt.AcknowledgementState;
							expiration_intent = "Unspecified acknowledgement state.";
						else if (receipt.AcknowledgementState == "ACKNOWLEDGEMENT_STATE_PENDING")
							receipt_status = receipt.AcknowledgementState;
							expiration_intent = "The subscription is not acknowledged yet.";
					Settings.HasPurchasedSub = false;
				//iOS에서 구독을 취소만 했을 경우 어떻게 되는가 ?
				//환불은 즉시 사용 못함으로 되는데 구독을 취소 했을 경우 당월은 사용 가능 한?
				if (recentSub.State == PurchaseState.Purchased || recentSub.State == PurchaseState.Restored)
					//Debug.WriteLine(billing.ReceiptData); //iOS만 해당하고 전체 영수증 데이터가 조회 된다 
					//iOS는 GetPurchasesAsync하면 구독했던 영수증 모두를 가져온다 
					//PurchaseToken을 verifyReceipt해서 json 데이터를 가져와서
					//status : 0 : 구독 상
					//expiration_intent : 0, 구독이 만료된 이유
					RequestBody req = new RequestBody()
						password = "your password",
						exclude_old_transactions = true,
						receipt_data = recentSub.PurchaseToken ?? string.Empty

					var data = req == null ? null : JsonConvert.SerializeObject(req, Formatting.Indented);
					string url = string.Empty;
					ResponseBody responseBody = new ResponseBody();

url = "";
url = "";
using (var request = new HttpRequestMessage(HttpMethod.Post, url))
if (data != null)
request.Content = new StringContent(data, Encoding.UTF8, "application/json");

						using var client = new HttpClient();
						using var response = await client.SendAsync(request, HttpCompletionOption.ResponseContentRead);
						if (response.Content != null)
							var content = await response.Content.ReadAsStringAsync();
							if (response.IsSuccessStatusCode)
								responseBody = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<ResponseBody>(content);

					if (responseBody.status == 0)
						receipt_status = "OK";
						long elapsed_ms = long.Parse(responseBody.receipt.expires_date); //구독 만료일자
						var expirationDate = DateTimeOffset.FromUnixTimeMilliseconds(elapsed_ms).UtcDateTime;
						expirationDateMsg = expirationDate.ToString();

						//var nowDateTimeUtc = TimerServerUtcSync.GetNetworkTime();
						//구독 만료일자 체크
						if (expirationDate > nowDateTimeUtc)
							foundStuff = true;
							Settings.HasPurchasedSub = true;
							Settings.CheckSubStatus = true;
							Settings.SubReceipt = recentSub.PurchaseToken ?? string.Empty;
							//Settings.SubExpirationDate = recentSub.TransactionDateUtc.AddMonths(1).AddDays(5);
							Settings.SubExpirationDate = expirationDate;
							Settings.OrderId = recentSub.Id; //영수증 번호

							var diffDays = Settings.SubExpirationDate.Subtract(nowDateTimeUtc);
							this.SubscriptionDays = diffDays.Days;
							//구독만료 일자가 지났습니다.
							receipt_status = "subscription has expired";
							expiration_intent = "ExpirationDate:" + expirationDate.ToString();
						receipt_status = ReceiptSatusMessage(responseBody.status); //영수증 상태
						expiration_intent = ExpirationIntentMessage(responseBody.expiration_intent); //구독 만료 사유

						if(responseBody.receipt != null)
								long elapsed_ms = long.Parse(responseBody.receipt.expires_date); //구독 만료일자
								var expirationDate = DateTimeOffset.FromUnixTimeMilliseconds(elapsed_ms).UtcDateTime;
								expirationDateMsg = expirationDate.ToString();
					Settings.HasPurchasedSub = false;

	if (foundStuff)
		Analytics.TrackEvent("PurchaseSubscription-RestoreComplete", new Dictionary<string, string>
			["purchase"] = "Success: " + subState

		TranslateExtension te = new TranslateExtension
			Text = AppResources.SubscriptionRestoreSuccessMessage

		await DisplayAlert(string.Format("{0}, {1}", "Status Refreshed!", subState), te.Text + System.Environment.NewLine + transactionDate);
		//실패 사유
		Settings.HasPurchasedSub = false;
		TranslateExtension te = new TranslateExtension();
		te.Text = AppResources.SubscriptionRestoreFailMessage;

		Analytics.TrackEvent("PurchaseSubscription-RestoreComplete", new Dictionary<string, string>
			["purchase"] = "failed: misc, " + "Status : " + receipt_status
			+ "Reason : " + expiration_intent
			+ "Expiry Date : " + expirationDateMsg
			+ "Now Date : " + nowDateTimeUtc.ToString()

		//iOS Error , UIKit.UIKitThreadAccessException: UIKit Consistency error: you are calling a UIKit method that can only be invoked from the UI thread.   at UIKit.UIAppl
		await DisplayAlert(string.Format("{0}, {1}", "Restore Fail", subState),
			+ System.Environment.NewLine
			+ "Status : " + receipt_status
			+ System.Environment.NewLine
			+ "Reason : " + expiration_intent
			+ System.Environment.NewLine
			+ "Expiry Date : " + expirationDateMsg
			+ System.Environment.NewLine
			+ "Now Date : " + nowDateTimeUtc.ToString());
catch (InAppBillingPurchaseException purchaseEx)
	Analytics.TrackEvent("PurchaseSubscription-RestoreComplete", new Dictionary<string, string>
		["purchase"] = $"failed: {purchaseEx.PurchaseError}"
	var message = string.Empty;
	switch (purchaseEx.PurchaseError)
		case PurchaseError.AppStoreUnavailable:
			message = "Currently the app store seems to be unavailble. Try again later.";
		case PurchaseError.BillingUnavailable:
			message = "Billing seems to be unavailable, please try again later.";
		case PurchaseError.PaymentInvalid:
			message = "Payment seems to be invalid, please try again.";
		case PurchaseError.PaymentNotAllowed:
			message = "Payment does not seem to be enabled/allowed, please try again.";
		case PurchaseError.UserCancelled:
			//don't do anything
			message = "Something has gone wrong, please try again.";

	if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(message))

	Console.WriteLine("Issue connecting: " + purchaseEx);
	await DisplayAlert(purchaseEx.PurchaseError.ToString(), message);
catch (Exception ex)

	Analytics.TrackEvent("PurchaseSubscription-RestoreComplete", new Dictionary<string, string>
		["purchase"] = "failed: misc " + ex.Message

	//Debug.WriteLine("Issue connecting: " + ex);
	TranslateExtension te = new TranslateExtension
		Text = AppResources.SubscriptionRestoreExceptionMessage
	await DisplayAlert("Restore Error", string.Format("{0} Code: {1}", te.Text, ex.Message));
	//await billing.DisconnectAsync();
	await CrossInAppBilling.Current.DisconnectAsync();



/// iOS 구독 영수증 상태
/// 구독을 취소하고 환불 받을 경우?
/// 당월만 구독하는 경우?

private string ReceiptSatusMessage(int status)
string msg = string.Empty;

switch (status)
	case 0:
		msg = "OK";
	case 21000:
		msg = "21000,The request to the App Store was not made using the HTTP POST request method.";
	case 21001:
		msg = "21001,This status code is no longer sent by the App Store.";
	case 21002:
		msg = "21002,The data in the receipt-data property was malformed or the service experienced a temporary issue. Try again.";
	case 21003:
		msg = "21003,The receipt could not be authenticated.";
	case 21004:
		msg = "21004,The shared secret you provided does not match the shared secret on file for your account.";
	case 21005:
		msg = "21005,The receipt server was temporarily unable to provide the receipt. Try again.";
	case 21006:
		msg = "21006,This receipt is valid but the subscription has expired.";
	case 21007:
		msg = "21007,This receipt is from the test environment, but it was sent to the production environment for verification.";
	case 21008:
		msg = "21008,This receipt is from the production environment, but it was sent to the test environment for verification.";
	case 21009:
		msg = "21009,Internal data access error. Try again later.";
	case 21010:
		msg = "21010,The user account cannot be found or has been deleted.";

		msg = "";

return msg;



/// The reason a subscription expired.
/// iOS 구독기간 만료에 대한 이유

private string ExpirationIntentMessage(int expiration_intent)
string msg = string.Empty;

switch (expiration_intent)
	case 1:
		msg = "1,The customer canceled their subscription.";
	case 2:
		msg = "2,Billing error; for example, the customer’s payment information is no longer valid.";
	case 3:
		msg = "3,The customer didn’t consent to an auto-renewable subscription price increase that requires customer consent, allowing the subscription to expire.";
	case 4:
		msg = "4,The product wasn’t available for purchase at the time of renewal.";
	case 5:
		msg = "5,Unknown error.";

		msg = "";

return msg;


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