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Software Carpentry Steering Committee Meeting Minutes

Date: 2016-07-07


Steering Committee Members

  • Karin Lagesen
  • Jason Williams
  • Raniere Silva
  • Rayna Harris
  • Belinda Weaver
  • Kate Hertweck


  • Jonah Duckles
  • Greg Wilson
  • Maneesha Sane


Not attending

  • Bill Mills
  • Tracy Teal


Update #2016-07-07/1

Presenter: Jonah Duckles.

Text: Takealot Inc in South Africa (Anelda set up this meeting) is interested in training staff as instructors and running workshops at universities in order to train students who have software development skills necessary to work at Takealot in the future.

Update #2016-07-07/2

Presenter: Jonah Duckles.

Text: Oregon State University is close to signing a Silver Partnership.

Update #2016-07-07/3

Presenter: Jonah Duckles.

Text: The University of Michigan is looking at going for a Gold level partnership.

Update #2016-07-07/4

Presenter: Jonah Duckles.

Text: The University of Washington plans to renew.

Update #2016-07-07/5

Presenter: Jonah Duckles.

Text: The University of Wisconsin would like to work out an in-kind partnership in exchange for the ongoing work that Christina Koch does for us.

Update #2016-07-07/6

Presenter: Jonah Duckles.

Text: We’re finalizing an in-kind partnership with New Zealand.

Update #2016-07-07/7

Presenter: Jonah Duckles.

Text: National Institute of Standards and Technology has put our agreement through their legal team and will be coming back with recommendations on how to word things so-as to enable National Institute of Standards and Technology to be able to sign an agreement that gets them membership benefits.

Update #2016-07-07/8

Presenter: Jonah Duckles.

Text: Macquarie University in Sydney, Australia is close to signing and would like to run an instructor training perhaps in September.

Update #2016-07-07/9

Presenter: Jonah Duckles.

Text: Attended debrief session to report on Irapuato, Mexico workshop.

Update #2016-07-07/10

Presenter: Jonah Duckles.

Text: Met with Tracy and planned an in-person staff meeting in Davis, California for Tracy, Erin, Maneesha, Greg and the new Assessment position (if hired in time).

Update #2016-07-07/11

Presenter: Jonah Duckles.

Text: Worked with Tracy on Joint Partnership tracking and the beginnings of a system for managing shared revenue.

Update #2016-07-07/12

Presenter: Jonah Duckles.

Text: Paper accepted to SciDataCon as part of International Data Week September 11, 2016 Denver.

Update #2016-07-07/13

Presenter: Jonah Duckles.

Text: Conversation with Doane University about launching Improving Undergraduate STEM Education undergraduate media-based-computing lesson development.

Update #2016-07-07/14

Presenter: Jonah Duckles.

Text: We have to find some system administration help since our volunteer need other obligations now.

Update #2016-07-07/15

Presenter: Jonah Duckles.

Text: I talked to Cam Macdonell about becoming an interim/temporary recipient of emails to Tracy and I feel this should be replaced by the CoC committee proposal tat was circulated by Erin Becker

Update #2016-07-07/16

Presenter: Jonah Duckles.

Text: Stanford received an NIH supplement that will pay for some post-doctoral researchers to do lesson development. Applications are being accepted from interested students and researchers at Stanford over the next few weeks.

Update #2016-07-07/17

Presenter: Jonah Duckles.

Text: Conversation with University of Melbourne.

Update #2016-07-07/18

Presenter: Jonah Duckles.

Text: Conversation with Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory

Update #2016-07-07/19

Presenter: Maneesha Sane.

Text: The number of workshops is below the expected for this month but we have a few workshops schedule for the begin of the school semester (September).

Update #2016-07-07/20

Presenter: Maneesha Sane.

Text: AMY has documentation (in progress).

Update #2016-07-07/21

Presenter: Maneesha Sane.

Text: New workshop coordinators in Canada and Australia have been trained.

Update #2016-07-07/22

Presenter: Greg Wilson.

Text: Christina Koch ran class with Lex Nederbragt and Karin Lagesen in Oslo. Raniere attended that instructor training.

Update #2016-07-07/23

Presenter: Greg Wilson.

Text: New version of AMY released. We are now ready to open registration for August and November events.

Update #2016-07-07/24

Presenter: Greg Wilson.

Text: We have 20 acceptances for R instructor training in Cambridge but the gender balance isn’t as great as we intended. Invites to waitlisted have gone out.

Update #2016-07-07/25

Presenter: Greg Wilson.

Text: Delivered first demo of AMY/Symposion integration for NumFOCUS.

Update #2016-07-07/26

Presenter: Greg Wilson.

Text: Beta versions of new-format lessons on the web for comment.

Update #2016-07-07/27

Presenter: Greg Wilson.

Text: Doing instructor training next week at SciPy in Austin with Ariel Rokem.

Update #2016-07-07/28

Presenter: Rayna Harris.

Text: Instructor discussion sessions have been going really well. Most have too many participants, so we are experimenting with capping at 6 people.

Update #2016-07-07/29

Presenter: Rayna Harris.

Text: Erin and Beth have been coding the notes and are attempting to generate some quantitative data from all these discussions.

Update #2016-07-07/30

Presenter: Rayna Harris.

Text: We are close to having a formal web page that makes our presence easily know when perusing the SWC and DC websites.

Update #2016-07-07/31

Presenter: Rayna Harris.

Text: Will have defined goals (in line with the SC request for all sub-committees) by the next meeting.


Motion #2016-07-07/1

Presenter: Rayna Harris.

Text: Specifying a procedure for handling violations of Code of Conduct on discuss list.

Resolution: Postponed.

Details: Discussion on swcarpentry#114 (comment) is a few months old and we should process it in one way or another. Kate is going to restart the conversation on the GitHub issue.

Motion #2016-07-07/2

Presenter: Jonah Duckles.

Text: Approve Software Carpentry Foundation becoming a participating project in the Python 3 Statement.

Resolution: Passed.

Motion #2016-07-07/3

Presenter: Belinda Weaver.

Text: Approve communication plan for next three months.

Resolution: Passed.

Details: Belinda has some ideas to improve Software Carpentry communication.

Motion #2016-07-07/4

Presenter: Greg Wilson.

Text: Changes to terms under which Steering Committee members are elected must be ratified by the membership in a vote following the same rules of Steering Committee election taking place no less than one month in advance of the election to which the revised rules apply.

Resolution: Passed.

Details: Discussion of switching to two-year terms for Steering Committee members and/or election to specific roles is ongoing but the Steering Committee shouldn’t be able to vote itself Benevolent Dictators For Life and the rules shouldn’t change the day before an election. So this motion gives to the Steering Committee a deadline for approving changes on the election.

Motion #2016-07-07/5

Presenter: Jason Wiliams.

Text: We propose the following change to Steering Committee elections to be reviewed by the AC and then presented to the community for approval.

Any member can run for Chair, which will be a 2-year position

  1. Elections will be held early enough such that the newly elected members will have an overlap of not less than 60 days.
  2. During the overlap period, incoming members (with the exception of the incoming chair) will attend SC meetings, but will not have a vote until their term starts.
  3. It is highly encouraged that committee members interested in occupying the other officer roles (vice chair, secretary, treasurer) include this in their blog post, along with credentials that qualify them for those positions.
  4. Steering Committee members may not serve for more than two-consecutive terms.

Resolution: Postponed.

Motion #2016-07-07/6

Presenter: Raniere Silva.

Text: We propose the following change to Steering Committee elections to be reviewed by the AC and then presented to the community for approval.

  1. Elections will be held early enough such that the newly elected members will have an overlap of not less than 60 days.
  2. During the overlap period, incoming members will attend SC meetings but will only vote on the motion related with their officers nomination. 3.Steering Committee members may not serve for more than three-consecutive terms.
  3. It is highly encouraged that any Steering Committee member on his/her third consecutive term be the chair.

Resolution: Postponed.

Motion #2016-07-07/7

Presenter: Jonah Duckles.

Text: Appoint two SC members and Jonah to serve on the joint “Carpentries Bridge Committee”.

Resolution: Passed.

Details: - There had been a bridge committee that was supposed to coordinate activities between Data and Software Carpentry. It stopped meeting before Jonah started as Exec Director. - Because of joint partnerships and a need for a common front on CoC enforcement, we’re reconvening this committee and need to appoint representatives. - The committee will meet once per month and coordinate activities which involve both Carpentries.


Discussion #2016-07-07/1

Presenter: Karin Lagesen.

Text: Specifying what core topics are

Resolution: Postponed

Details: We have several times heard from people that they have or would like to expand on our lessons. Some want to teach everything using an IDE, some want to push the git lesson to include PRs, etc. I would like to specify in all channels (website, teacher training, debrief sessions, etc) that people should (unless they discuss things with us first) settle for doing at most a remix of the existing lesson material. I.e. cut or move already existing material, but not include (big) chunks of new stuff. Note: only goes for SC branded workshops.

Discussion #2016-07-07/2

Presenter: Greg Wilson.

Text: RSE Conference (Manchester, September)

Resolution: Not Applicable.

Details: The first conference for Research Software Engineers (RSEs) is in Manchester in September. Many of our key members in the UK are RSEs, or involved with the RSE movement, and there’s considerable interest from like-minded groups in Canada, Australia, and New Zealand. Raniere Silva will be there wearing his SSI hat; will we have any other presence?

Discussion #2016-07-07/3

Presenter: Raniere Silva.

Text: Supporting alone instructors

Resolution: Postponed

Details: Last week when having pizza after instructor training Karin raise the question of what we can do to support alone instructors, i.e. when they are the only Software and Data Carpentry Instructor somewhere. Some instructions mention that travelling to one workshop gave them more confidence to run a workshop but for some alone instructors we can't send them to any workshop because they are far away from our hot cities. Karin and Raniere have some ideas but want to hear yours before suggest something.


  1. Bill Mills: Provide update of the joined partnership finances.

  2. Rayna Harris: Present Mentoring Subcommittee Proposal.

  3. Greg Wilson: Talk with Jonah Duckles about budget.

  4. Kate: read swcarpentry#114 (comment) and reply to the questions on that discussion.

  5. Jonah Duckles: Reply to statement organizers mention that we are going to sign.

  6. Belinda Weaver: Start putting in practice the communication plan.

  7. Kate Hertweck: Clean the proposal based on the discussion.

  8. Raniere Silva: Clean the proposal based on the discussion.

  9. Jonah Duckles: Will talk with Steering Committee members to clear how is going to be member of the bridge committee.