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Artifacts for Covariant Conversions (CoCo): A Design Pattern

This project contains the source code illustrating the CoCo Design Pattern in multiple programming languages.


The project is self-contained and uses the Scala Build Tool (SBT) to compile and launch all test cases and benchmarks.

These instructions explain how to install the requisite software from scratch on a typical Windows 10 computer. if you have a different platform, likely you already have installed Java (and possibly Scala) and you will need to tailor these instructions to your platform.

You must have a working Java Development Kit (JDK) installation, at least Java 12.0.1 You must also make sure that $JAVA_HOME (or %JAVA_HOME%) is properly set to point to your Java installation.

To install a compatible Java version, download a suitable Java implementation. You can find freely available ones to download from Here are some that would be suitable on different platforms:

Unzip this directory and set %JAVA_HOME% or $JAVA_HOME to its location on disk.

You need to install the Scala Build Tool Version 1.5.0 ( which can be downloaded from You do not need administrator privileges to install SBT.

  • On a Windows 10 operating system, downloaded the MSI file, and execute msiexec /a sbt-1.5.0.msi TARGETDIR=SOME-DIRECTORY. Either add this TARGETDIR to your environment variables or execute sbt from this directory from within the project using %TARGETDIR%\sbt
  • On a Linux operating system, download and simply unzip the file and ensure the sbt executable is in your path or execute sbt from this directory from within the project.

Retrieve the project code from the git repository and open up a command line in the top-level directory. Launch sbt compile in the directory and wait for the tool to download all software dependencies (specifically, Java and Scala testing frameworks). The tool will state "(this may take some time)" and that is a true statement. This command will compile all source files.

The testing framework depends upon JUnit 5.

Compile the C# case study using the .NET Core SDK which you can Download and install
( Open a terminal/console window and switch to the subfolder coco_csharp/CoCo.Tests. Enter the command dotnet test and the program will compile and all missing (and necessary) components will be downloaded. On a Windows 10 installation, find this executable in C:\Program Files\dotnext\dotnet.exe; on Linux, make sure it is accessible from your Path variable.

The unit tests are automatically executed, and the test results are displayed.

Live Image

You can find a live linux iso image bundled with the release version of this repository and under ecoop_coco.iso. This image is intended for archival purposes. It allows to browse, build, and test the code of this repository without internet access. You can boot the image directly on your machine, or in a virtual machine. We have tested it to work with qemu-5.2.0 on a Linux host, starting it with

qemu-system-x86_64 \
  -enable-kvm -smp 2,sockets=1,cores=2,threads=1 -cpu host \
  -m 4096 -cdrom live/ecoop_coco.iso

which will cause it use use 2 cores of the host system (kvm line), and 4096 MB of RAM. Less ram is not recommended, because performance tests might fail.

The image has also been tested in VirtualBox 6 on Linux, Mac, and Windows hosts, where you need to:

  • Click on "New",
  • Choose a name for the machine
  • Set Type to "Linux"
  • Set Version to "Debian 64 Bit"
  • Set the memory size to 4096MB or more
  • Select "Do not add a virtual hard disk"
  • Click on Create
  • Right Click on the newly selected machine and select Settings
  • Add a new Optical Device under "Storage" by clicking on the Optical-Device-Logo next to the IDE Controller
  • Click on Add in the Medium Dialog
  • Select the ecoop_coco.iso, click on "Choose" and then on "Ok"
  • Adjust the other machine settings according to your Host Hardware (e.g. adding more cores and activating acceleration)

Similar instructions apply for other virtualization technologies.

Depending on your computer it should also be possible to burn the image on a DVD or flash it on an USB-drive and directly boot it. Using linux or similar systems the iso can be copied using

dd if=ecoop_coco.iso of=/dev/drive

where drive has to be replaced by the device file of your usb-drive (e.g. sdb). Note that this will erase all data on the target device!

The archival image contains a minimal set of software and is based on Devuan (ceres/unstable), which is a Debian fork. It is running with a Linux 5.10.6 kernel and boots into a graphical environment (xserver). If the xserver does not start, you might try selecting "no modesetting" at the boot loader. When still dropped to the console, you can login using username "coco" with password "coco" or "root" with the same password. The xserver can be started manually by typing in "startx" as user coco. This can help to debug error messages. A readme file for the artifact is located in the Desktop folder of user coco. While you can read and write files, the image is immutable and will not store anything you do with it across reboots, unless you add and mount an additional medium. License information and sources are included in the image, or available on via the devuan webpage, microsoft packages, and the vscodium repository.

Note that the image is intended for archival purposes:

  • It will not receive any security updates
  • It should only be booted on machines that are isolated (e.g. by a VM or physically) from any valuable data
  • It is not meant to provide a production-grade user experience
  • It does not contain translations
  • It does not have support for assistive technologies (though if you need any, please do not hesitate to get in contact and tell us how to improve the image for you!)

The image was created using instructions by Will Haley.

Case Studies

There are several case studies included in this project.

DOM XML Example

This example contains an object-oriented model for a subset of XML, demonstrating the CoCo design pattern applied to a familiar context.

  • dom -- Java-based dom implementation (README)
  • dom_scala -- Scala-based dom implementation (README)

Expression Problem

The Expression Problem (EP) refers to a common situation that occurs when evolving software systems, specifically with regard to the structure of the data types and the operations over these data types. As software engineers extend systems by adding new data types and/or new operations, the goal is to avoid changing existing code. As is well-documented by numerous researchers, the most common program design strategies do not simultaneously support both forms of extensibility (Krishnamurthi 1998); in functional programming, one can add new operations without modifying data types, while object-oriented programming allows new data types to be defined without modifying existing operations; however, neither approach can simultaneously avoid updating existing code when adding both new data types and new operations.

As the popularity of EP grew, researchers in programming language theory rapidly developed various strategies to address the fundamental issues so clearly exposed by EP. Torgersen (2004) presented four criteria for characterizing and evaluating “solutions” to EP, which we summarize as:

  • Open For Extension – any number of additional extensions can add both new data types and new operations.
  • Closed For Modification – an extension must not modify any existing source code previously developed in an earlier part of the system.
  • Soundness – it must be possible to detect unhandled combinations of data types and operations. This is essential for languages whose compilers detect type errors during compile time.
  • Avoid Duplicating Domain Logic – any EP approach invariably follows specific coding patterns used throughout the solution. Still, it must not copy the non-trivial code logic necessary for performing an operation on a data type.

For each of the provided EP solutions, we evaluate the success (or failure) to achieve these criteria. To this list we add two more:

  • Testable - Each new extension must provide test cases to validate the run-time execution of the operations over existing data types. Subsequent evolutions must not require changes to these test cases.
  • Mergeable - It is common software engineering practice to merge together two independent code extensions. Merging independent branches must not require changes to an individual branch.

Not every EP solution can achieve all criteria. CoCo does. We use the domain of mathematical expressions to demonstrate the various EP solutions.

Extension Graph History

In this domain, a primary development branch (m0 through m7) adds the following capabilities:

  • m0 starts with an Add and Lit data types with a supporting operation to evaluate recursive expression trees to produce a double value.
  • m1 extends with the Sub data type to represent the subtraction of two expressions.
  • m2 extends with a PrettyP operation to produce a human-readable expression with parentheses.
  • m3 extends with three new data types -- Mult, Neg, and Divd.
  • m4 extends with a Collect operation which collects all literal values in an expression tree and a Simplify producer operation that performs reasonable mathematical simplifications to produce a new expression tree: for example, "5 - 0" could be simplified to the literal "5". A Truncate operation has mutable side effects, replacing expressions at a given level in an expression tree to a literal containing their evaluated value.
  • m5 extends with an AsTree operation to produce a separate tree-like representation using Node and Leaf object. The Id operation assigns an integer for each data type.
  • m6 extends with two binary operations. Equals converts an expression and its parameter into a tree, using AsTree, to determine equality. Eql dispatches to its arguments instead.
  • m7 extends with a PowBy producer operation that returns an expression raised to an exponent value.

An independent development effort had split off from the m2 evolution, leading to:

  • alt1 extends m2 by adding a MultBy producer operation that returns an expression multiplied by an expression.
  • alt2 extends alt1 by adding a new Power data type representing an expression raised to the power of another expression.

These two developments efforts are merged together by m7alt2 which provides the necessary artifacts to ensure that every possible (data type, operation) pair has an implementation. In some cases, the result is greatly simplified: for example, now that Power and PowBy exist at the same time, the PowBy operation is replaced with logic to create a Power instance. Similarly, Mult and MultBy final coexist and a similar simplification takes place. The existing binary operations, Eql and Equals now must contend with a new data type from an independent effort.

This case study truly represents a non-trivial exploration of the expression problem. In addition, we include a significant collection of test cases to ensure code coverage.

This project contains a number of fully realized implementations of various EP approaches:

  • coco -- Java-based CoCo implementation (README)
  • coco_scala -- Scala-based CoCo implementation (README)
  • coco_csharp -- C#-based CoCo implementation (README)
  • extensible_visitor -- Java-based Extensible Visitor implementation (README)
  • interpreter - Java-based Interpreter implementation (README)
  • oo -- Strawman object-oriented implementation (README)
  • trivially -- Java-based Expression Problem Trivially! implementation (README)

Types and Programming Languages (TAPL)

This Java example implements parts of the Types and Programming Languages (TAPL) textbook by Pierce.

Our solution implements typed and untyped compiler modules for natural numbers, Booleans, floats and strings, let-bindings, function application, and lambda-calculus.

  • tapl -- Java-based TAPL implementation (README)

Launching the Benchmarks

Once all dependencies have been installed, then execute sbt test. This command will execute all tests, and in the scrolling output you will see all test cases pass.

The final output (after about 5-10 minutes) is a comprehensive set of benchmark performance results comparing the performance of CoCo against different EP solutions published from literature, including:

Three CoCo implementations are provided in multiple languages -- Java, Scala and C#. In addition, the example problem from the paper is provided as a domain.

Runtime Benchmark results

Full Benchmark results are included in an Excel spreadsheet,

All values in this summary table are the mean results from the full execution referenced above conducted on a Windows 10 machine. The numbers vary on a Linux platform. The key point is that CoCo Java compares very closely to the runtime performance of the Expression Problem Trivially solution. These benchmarks were executed within the ScalaMeter testing framework ( to guard against unpredictable JVM behavior.

The following table evaluates the time to evaluate an expression tree of a given depth. The number of individual data types in the tree is power(2,depth)-1.

Depth Coco Scala Coco Java Trivially Ext. Visitor Interpreter
7 0.01 0 01 0.01 0.01 0.01
8 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01
9 0.02 0.03 0.03 0.03 0.02
10 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.06 0.05
11 0.1 0.11 0.11 0.11 0.1
12 0.2 0.22 0.24 0.22 0.21
13 0.39 0.58 0.58 0.63 0.4

Given a similar expression tree whose final level contains a subtraction operation (5 - 0) that can be simplified by a producer operation, the following table shows the runtime performance based on the depth of the tree.

Depth Coco Scala Coco Java Trivially Ext. Visitor Interpreter
7 0.22 0 1 0.09 0.04 0.02
8 0.53 0.2 0.21 0.14 0.04
9 1.15 0.49 0.49 0.38 0.13
10 2.67 1.16 1.15 0.84 0.29
11 5.85 2.53 2.49 2.07 0.7
12 13.39 5.65 5.35 4.72 1.81
13 28.2 12.26 11.71 5.03 3.94

The table demonstrates that CoCo offers similar performance to "The Expression Problem, Trivially" while supporting producer and binary methods, in addition to independent branching and merging.

Code Statistics

Using the cloc tool ( the following are the statistics for all code in this project

All Code

Language files blank comment code
Java 656 3243 107 11295
C# 140 345 5 1970
Scala 32 364 14 1406
Sum 830 3960 126 14691

cloc `git ls-files | grep -E "\.((scala)|(java)|(cs))"`

Just Tests

Language files blank comment code
Java 89 790 16 3123
Scala 15 169 3 633
C# 11 100 3 476
Sum 116 1064 22 4247

cloc `git ls-files | grep -E "((src/test)|(CoCo\.Tests))/.*\.((scala)|(java)|(cs))`

Just Expression Problem code (excluding tests)

This covers CoCo, Extensible Visitor, Interpreter Design Pattern, Trivially, and OO.

Language files blank comment code
Java 128 536 2 1653
C# 129 245 2 1494
Scala 13 151 11 565
Sum 270 932 15 3712

cloc `git ls-files | grep -E "((coco/src/main)|(CoCo)|(coco_scala/src/main))/.*\.((scala)|(java)|(cs))"`

Just XML example domain (excluding tests)

Language files blank comment code
Java 31 127 1 465
Scala 4 44 0 208
Sum 30 124 0 673

cloc `git ls-files | grep -E "(((dom|dom_scala)/src/main))/.*\.((scala)|(java)|(cs))"`

TAPL domain (excluding tests)

Language files blank comment code
non-finalized Java 99 219 0 825
finalized Java 93 193 2 862
Sum 192 432 2 1687

Non-finalized code: cloc `git ls-files | grep -E "tapl/src/main" | grep -v "/f/"`

Finalized code: cloc `git ls-files | grep -E "tapl/src/main" | grep "/f/"`

The finalized Java code is boilerplate Java code. The non-finalized Java code is not.

Code Coverage

The project code is an IntelliJ project (Compatible with their Community Edition 2020.3) and within IntelliJ one can generate code coverage for the various Expression Problem Solutions.

Code Coverage

The testing framework has the novel feature of using a chain of test cases -- one for each evolution -- to ensure that all earlier test cases are executed using objects instantiated from newer evolutions. In this coverage report, the covered packages are:

  • coco -- Java-based CoCo implementation
  • exp -- Scala-based CoCo implementation
  • ev -- Java-based Extensible Visitor implementation
  • interpreter - Java-based Interpreter implementation
  • oo -- Strawman object-oriented implementation
  • trivially -- Java-based Expression Problem Trivially! implementation

More fine-grained details of the coverage is summarized here and you can regenerate the table above from within IntelliJ by selecting the "Run Tests with Coverage" option for each of the modules.


Torgersen, M. (2004). The Expression Problem Revisited: Four new solutions using generics, European Conference on Object-Oriented Programming, LNCS 3086, pp. 123-146.


Files in this repository, except for the contents of the live/ecop_coco.iso, archival live image are provided under the Apache 2.0 license, that is for every file:

   Copyright 2021 Jan Bessai, George Heineman, Boris Düdder

   Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
   you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
   You may obtain a copy of the License at

   Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
   distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
   See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
   limitations under the License.

A copy of the full original license text is also provided in LICENSE.