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File metadata and controls

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Extending the Client

Some endpoints need sometimes custom implementation that were not possible to generate through the OpenAPI Specification. Jane OpenAPI try to be nice with this and each specific behavior of an API call has been seprated into different methods which are public or protected.

As an exemple you may want to encode in base64 a specific query parameter of an Endpoint. First step is to create your own Endpoint extending the generated one:


namespace MyApi\Endpoint;

use MyApiGenerated\Endpoint\FooEndpoint as BaseEndpoint;
use Symfony\Component\OptionsResolver\Options;
use Symfony\Component\OptionsResolver\OptionsResolver;

class FooEndpoint extends BaseEndpoint
    protected function getQueryOptionsResolver(): OptionsResolver
        $optionsResolver = parent::getQueryOptionsResolver();
        $optionsResolver->setNormalizer('bar', function (Options $options, $value) {
            return base64_encode($value);

        return $optionsResolver;

Once this endpoint is generated, you need to tell your Client to use yours endpoint instead of the Generated one. For that you can extends the generated client and override the method that use this endpoint:


namespace MyApi;

use MyApiGenerated\Client as BaseClient;
use MyApi\Endpoint\FooEndpoint;

class Client extends BaseClient
    public function getFoo(array $queryParameters = [], $fetch = self::FETCH_OBJECT)
        return $this->executePsr7Endpoint(new FooEndpoint($queryParameters), $fetch);

Then you will need to use your own client instead of the generated one. To extends other parts of the endpoint you can look at the generated code.