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Feedback Plugin


Feedback plugin is a valuable addition to backstage which allows project managers to get feedbacks for entites in Backstage Catalog.

It is dedicated to simplifying the process of gathering and managing user feedback for service catalog entities. This plugin seamlessly integrates with the feedback-backend-plugin and extends its capabilities by allowing users to create Jira tickets associated with their feedback.


Global Page Entity Page
globalPage entityPage
Feedback Details Modal Create Feedback Modal
feedbacDetails entityPage
Opc Feedback Component
initialDialog issueDialog feedbackDialog finalDialog

Key Features

  • List all the feedbacks and bugs for the componnets on global page.
  • List all the feedbacks and bugs for each component on entity page.
  • Create Bugs, Feedbacks directly on JIRA and also sends a mail to reporter.
  • Unique feedback links for each feedback.
  • Works with all knex supported databases.


Plugin Setup

  1. Install the plugin in your environment

    yarn workspace app add @janus-idp/backstage-plugin-feedback
  2. Add configuration to app-config.yml

      # A ref to base entity under which global feedbacks gets stored
      # in format: kind:namespace/name
      baseEntityRef: 'component:default/example-website'
      # Limit the number of characters for summary field
      # should be between 1-255
      summaryLimit: 240
  3. Add GlobalFeedbackPage, OpcFeedbackComponent component to the src/App.tsx.

    import {
    } from '@janus-idp/backstage-plugin-feedback';
    // ...
    const app = createApp({
      bindRoutes({ bind }) {
        // ...
        // Bind techdocs root route to feedback plugin externalRoute.viewDocs to add "View Docs" link in opc-feedback component
        bind(feedbackPlugin.externalRoutes, {
          viewDocs: techdocsPlugin.routes.root,
      featureFlags: [
        // ...
    const routes = (
        // Insert this line to add feedback route
        <Route path="/feedback" element={<GlobalFeedbackPage />} />
    export default app.createRoot(
        // ...
          // ...
          <OpcFeedbackComponent />
  4. Then add the feedback route to sidebar to easily access /feedback, in src/components/Root/Root.tsx.

    import TextsmsOutlined  from '@material-ui/icons/TextsmsOutlined';
    export const Root = ({ children }: PropsWithChildren<{}>) => (
          // ...
          <SidebarGroup label="Menu" icon={<MenuIcon />}>
            // ...
            // Insert these lines in SidebarGroup
              <SidebarItem icon={TextsmsOutlined} to="feedback" text="Feedback" />
            // ...
          // ...
  5. Add EntityFeedbackPage component to the Component page, Api page in src/components/catalog/EntityPage.tsx.

    <EntityLayout.Route path="/feedback" title="Feedback">
      <EntityFeedbackPage />


To configure only mail:

  • Add these annotations to your catalog-info.yaml file.
    # Set to MAIL, if you want to recevie mail
    # on every feedback.
    feedback/type: 'MAIL'

    # Type in your mail here, it will be kept in cc,
    # while sending mail on feedback generation.
    feedback/email-to: ''

To configure Jira + mail:

  • Add these annotations to your catalog-info.yaml file.
    # Set to JIRA to create ticket when
    # creating feedbacks.
    feedback/type: 'JIRA'

    # Enter your jira project key,
    jira/project-key: '<your-jira-project-key>'

    # (optional) Enter the url of you jira server.
    # If not set then it will use first host from app-config
    feedback/host: '<your-jira-host-url>'

    # (optional) Type in your mail here,
    #  it will be kept in cc,
    #  while sending mail on feedback generation.
    feedback/email-to: '';
