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Average results for translation quality

BLEU (bilingual evaluation understudy) is an automatic algorithm for evaluating the quality of text which has been machine-translated from one natural language to another.

COMET is also an automatic algorithm for evaluating the quality of translated text, based on neuronets.

From author: BLEU was introduced in 2002, and COMET in 2020. As for now, I recommend COMET scores more than BLEU.

Use this results just for reference.

BLEU scores

Higher is better, no_translate can be used as baseline. Average on 100 examples from FLORES, offset = 150:

fra->eng eng->fra rus->eng eng->rus
no_translate 3.98 3.9 0.57 0.56
libre_translate 47.66 49.62 32.43 30.99
fb_nllb_translate nllb-200-distilled-600M 51.92 52.73 41.38 31.41
fb_nllb_translate nllb-200-distilled-1.3B 56.81 55 46.03 33.98
fb_nllb_ctranslate2 JustFrederik/nllb-200-3.3B-ct2-float16 54.87 56.73 48.45 36.85
fb_nllb_ctranslate2 JustFr-ik/nllb-200-distilled-1.3B-ct2-int8 56.12 56.45 46.07 34.56
google_translate 58.08 59.99 47.7 37.98
deepl_translate 57.67 59.93 50.09 38.91
yandex_dev ----- ----- 46.09 40.23
openai_chat gpt-3.5-turbo (aka ChatGPT) ----- ----- 41.49 30.9
koboldapi_translate (alpaca7B-4bit) 43.51 30.54 32 14.19
koboldapi_translate (alpaca30B-4bit) ----- ----- ----- 24.0
fb_mbart50 facebook/mbart-large-50-one-to-many-mmt ----- 48.79 ----- 28.55
fb_mbart50 facebook/mbart-large-50-many-to-many-mmt 50.26 48.93 42.47 28.56
vsegpt_chat openai/gpt-3.5-turbo ----- ----- 41.93 31.12
vsegpt_chat openai/gpt-4 ----- ----- 44.16 34.88
vsegpt_chat anthropic/claude-instant-v1 ----- ----- 41.88 29.67
vsegpt_chat anthropic/claude-2 54.91 56.09 46.38 34.13
opus_mt Helsinki-NLP/opus-mt-en-ru ----- ----- ----- 30.41

LLMs with errors:

  • vsegpt_chat tiiuae/falcon-40b-instruct - a lot of fails
  • vsegpt_chat google/palm-2-chat-bison - "I'm not able to help with that, as I'm only a language model."
  • 'koboldapi_translate' on 'eng->rus' pair average BLEU score: 7.00: 80/100 on IlyaGusev-saiga_7b_lora_llamacpp-ggml-model-q4_1.bin, may be adjusting for input prompt needed

COMET scores

SOTA for opensource realization: multi_sources vsegpt_chat:lizpreciatior/lzlv-70b-fp16-hf,fb_nllb_ctranslate2 - this comparable to DeepL and Google Translate

Higher is better, no_translate2 can be used as baseline. Average on 100 examples from FLORES, offset = 150:

fra->eng eng->fra rus->eng eng->rus
no_translate2 31.66 32.06 33.03 25.58
no_translate 79.2 70.19 69.3 44.82
opus_mt Helsinki-NLP/opus-mt-en-ru ----- ----- ----- 82.22
libre_translate 86.66 82.36 80.36 83.34
lingvanex 87.92 86.99 84.75 86.3
bloomz bigscience/bloomz-1b7 87.86 84.1 ----- -----
vsegpt_chat recursal/eagle-7b 87.18 83.67 84.56 75.94
koboldapi_translate NikolayKozloff/ALMA-13B-GGUF ----- ----- 84.64 87.92
t5_mt utrobinmv/t5_translate_en_ru_zh_large_1024 ----- ----- 86.05 86.53
fb_nllb_translate nllb-200-distilled-1.3B 89.01 87.95 86.91 88.57
fb_nllb_ctranslate2 JustFrederik/nllb-200-3.3B-ct2-float16 88.74 88.32 87.25 88.83
vsegpt_chat mistralai/mixtral-8x7b-instruct 88.45 87.2 86.94 87.85
vsegpt_chat lizpreciatior/lzlv-70b-fp16-hf 88.69 87.17 86.91 88.15
multi_sources vsegpt_chat:lizpreciatior/lzlv-70b-fp16-hf,fb_nllb_ctranslate2 89.14 88.22 87.22 89.87
google_translate 89.69 88.9 87.53 89.63
deepl 89.39 89.27 87.93 89.82
vsegpt_chat anthropic/claude-instant-v1 ----- ----- 85.73 88.13
vsegpt_chat openai/gpt-3.5-turbo ----- ----- 86.87 88.76
vsegpt_chat openai/gpt-3.5-turbo-instruct ----- ----- 85.23 87.46
vsegpt_chat openai/gpt-4 ----- ----- 87.02 89.54
vsegpt_chat openai/gpt-4-1106-preview ----- ----- ----- 89.85
vsegpt_chat openai/gpt-4-turbo ----- ----- ----- 89.76
vsegpt_chat cohere/command-r-plus ----- ----- ----- 89.45
vsegpt_chat anthropic/claude-2 89.27 89.17 87.47 89.85
vsegpt_chat anthropic/claude-3-haiku ----- ----- ----- 89.5
vsegpt_chat anthropic/claude-3-sonnet ----- ----- ----- 89.49
vsegpt_chat anthropic/claude-3-opus ----- ----- ----- 90.75
vsegpt_chat google/gemini-pro ----- ----- ----- 89.69
multi_sources google_translate,deepl 89.66 89.85 87.8 90.42
multi_sources google_translate,deepl,vsegpt_chat* 89.66 89.85 87.76 90.67
yandex_dev ----- ----- 87.34 90.27
multi_sources google_translate,yandex_dev ----- ----- 87.64 90.39
multi_sources deepl,yandex_dev ----- ----- 87.64 90.62
multi_sources google_translate,deepl,yandex_dev ----- ----- 87.74 90.63
multi_sources google_translate,deepl,yandex_dev,vsegpt_chat* ----- ----- 87.71 90.66
multi_sources deepl,yandex_dev,vsegpt_chat* ----- ----- 87.67 90.77
multi_sources deepl,yandex_dev,vsegpt_chat** ----- ----- ----- 91.02

* vsegpt_chat with anthropic/claude-2 ** vsegpt_chat with anthropic/claude-3-opus

IMPORTANT: You interested how it will work on YOUR language pairs? It's easy, script already included, see "Automatic BLEU measurement" chapter.

Chain translation results (use_mid_lang plugin)

Chain translation allow to translate phrases with mid-language (usually English)

BLEU scores

no_translate 0
google_translate 27.63
deepl 27.48
use_mid_lang google_translate,deepl 28.34
use_mid_lang google_translate,google_translate 27.62
use_mid_lang deepl,deepl 27.62

COMET scores

no_translate 56.85
fb_nllb_ctranslate2 JustFrederik/nllb-200-3.3B-ct2-float16 86.46
google_translate 87.93
deepl 88.11
use_mid_lang deepl->yandex_dev 87.56
use_mid_lang google_translate->deepl 88.37
use_mid_lang google_translate->google_translate 87.67
use_mid_lang deepl->deepl 88.43
multi_sources google_translate,deepl 88.88
use_mid_lang multi_sources->multi_sources* 88.9
multi_sources google_translate,deepl,use_mid_lang** 89.05
  • * multi_sources with "google_translate,deepl"
  • ** use_mid_lang with "google_translate,deepl"

vsegpt_chat with anthropic/claude-2 get a lot of fails ("Can't understand", "Can't translate")

More results on different multi_sources settings:

multi_sources google_translate,deepl,use_mid_lang:google_translate->deepl,use_mid_lang:google_translate->google_translate 89.05
multi_sources google_translate,deepl,use_mid_lang:google_translate->deepl,use_mid_lang:deepl->deepl 89.15
multi_sources google_translate,deepl,use_mid_lang:deepl->deepl 89.04
multi_sources**** 89.25

**** model: google_translate,deepl,use_mid_lang:deepl->deepl,use_mid_lang:google_translate->deepl,use_mid_lang:google_translate->google_translate,use_mid_lang:deepl->google_translate

Automatic BLEU and COMET estimation

There are builded package to run BLEU and COMET estimation of plugin translation on different languages - so, you usually can reproduce our results.

There are pretty simple estimation based on FLORES dataset:

To estimate:

  1. install requirements-bleu.txt
  2. setup params in (at beginning of file)
  3. run


  1. debug separate plugins first!
  2. To debug, use less BLEU_NUM_PHRASES.

Settings params:

# ----------------- key settings params ----------------
BLEU_PAIRS = "fra->eng,eng->fra,rus->eng,eng->rus" # pairs of language in terms of FLORES dataset
BLEU_PAIRS_2LETTERS = "fr->en,en->fr,ru->en,en->ru" # pairs of language codes that will be passed to plugin (from_lang, to_lang params)

BLEU_PLUGINS_AR = ["google_translate", "deepl", "multi_sources:google_translate,deepl"] 
    # plugins to estimate, array
    # now you can run them in format "plugin:model", that works only if plugin support "on-the-fly" model change (usually YES for synthetic and online plugins, and NO for offline)

BLEU_NUM_PHRASES = 100 # num of phrases to estimate. Between 1 and 100 for now.
BLEU_START_PHRASE = 150 # offset from FLORES dataset to get NUM phrases

BLEU_METRIC = "bleu" # bleu | comet