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1787 lines (1399 loc) · 36.8 KB
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Assertion plugin built on top of Chai.js assert package.


The Assert plugin of Japa is built on top of Chai.js assert package. However, it is not an exact copy of chai, and therefore we recommend you to consult the API documented in this guide.

Suppose you have not configured the plugin during the initial setup. Then, you can install it from the npm registry as follows.

npm i -D @japa/assert@1.4.1

And register it as a plugin within the bin/test.js file.


// title: ESM
// highlight-start
import { assert } from '@japa/assert'
// highlight-end
import { configure, processCliArgs } from '@japa/runner'

    files: ['tests/**/*.spec.js'],
    // highlight-start
    plugins: [assert()]
    // highlight-end
// title: CommonJS
// highlight-start
const { assert } = require('@japa/assert')
// highlight-end
const { configure, processCliArgs } = require('@japa/runner')

    files: ['tests/**/*.spec.js'],
    // highlight-start
    plugins: [assert()]
    // highlight-end


Once done. You can access the assert property from the Test context as follows.

test('add two numbers', ({ assert }) => {
  assert.equal(2 + 2, 4)

Open API testing

Using this plugin, you can test HTTP responses against one or more open API schemas. Just make sure to register the path to schema files when using the plugin.

const config = {
  openApi: {
    schemas: [join(__dirname, '..', './api-schema.json')]

  plugins: [
    assert(config) // 👈 register config

Once done, you can test response objects from axios, superagent, supertest, request, and light-my-request libraries using the following method.

test('get /users', async ({ assert }) => {
  const response = await supertest(baseUrl).get('/')

The response is validated as follows:

  • An error is raised if the request path is not documented in the API schema file.
  • An error is raised if the response status code is not documented in the API schema file.
  • An error is raised if the body properties are not the same as expected by the schema. Use the required array to validate required response properties.
  • The response status code is used to find the body schema for validation.
  • Response headers are also validated against the expected headers mentioned inside the API schema file.


Assert an expression to be truthy. Then, optionally define the error message.

assert(foo === 'bar')
assert(age > 18, 'Not allowed to enter the club')


Assert two values are equal but not strictly. The comparison is the same as foo == bar.

assert.equal(3, 3) // passes
assert.equal(3, '3') // passes
assert.equal(Symbol.for('foo'), Symbol.for('foo')) // passes
Name Type
actual any
expected any
message? string


Assert two values are not equal. The comparison is the same as foo != bar.

assert.notEqual(3, 2) // passes
assert.notEqual(3, '2') // passes
assert.notEqual(Symbol.for('foo'), Symbol.for('bar')) // passes
Name Type
actual any
expected any
message? string


Assert two values are strictly equal. The comparison is same as foo === bar.

  • See equal for non-strict equality.
  • See deepEqual for comparing objects and arrays.
assert.strictEqual(3, 3) // passes
assert.strictEqual(3, '3') // fails
assert.strictEqual(Symbol.for('foo'), Symbol.for('foo')) // passes
Name Type
actual any
expected any
message? string


Assert two values are not strictly equal. The comparison is same as foo !== bar.

assert.notStrictEqual(3, 2) // passes
assert.notStrictEqual(3, '2') // fails
assert.notStrictEqual(Symbol.for('foo'), Symbol.for('bar')) // passes
Name Type
actual any
expected any
message? string


Assert two values are deeply equal. The order of items in an array should be the same for the assertion to pass.

assert.deepEqual({ a: 1, b: 2 }, { a: 1, b: 2 }) // passes
assert.deepEqual({ b: 2, a: 1 }, { a: 1, b: 2 }) // passes
assert.deepEqual([1, 2], [1, 2]) // passes
assert.deepEqual([1, 2], [2, 1]) // fails
assert.deepEqual(/a/, /a/) // passes
  new Date('2020 01 22'),
  new Date('2020 01 22')
) // passes
Name Type
actual any
expected any
message? string


Assert two values are not deeply equal.

assert.notDeepEqual({ a: 1, b: 2 }, { a: 1, b: '2' }) // passes
assert.notDeepEqual([1, 2], [2, 1]) // passes
  new Date('2020 01 22'),
  new Date('2020 01 23')
) // passes
Name Type
actual any
expected any
message? string


Assert the function to reject the promise. Optionally, you can assert the rejection is from a particular class or has a specific message.

await assert.rejects(() => {
  throw new Error('')
}) // passes

await assert.rejects(() => {
  async () => throw new HttpError('Resource not found')
}, HttpError) // passes

await assert.rejects(() => {
  async () => throw new HttpError('Resource not found')
}, 'Resource not found') // passes
Name Type
fn () => void
message? string
Name Type
fn () => void | Promise<void>
errType RegExp | ErrorConstructor
message? string
Name Type
fn () => void | Promise<void>
constructor ErrorConstructor
regExp string | RegExp
message? string


Assert the function does not reject the promise. Optionally, you can assert the rejection is not from a specific class or have a particular message.

await assert.doesNotRejects(async () => {
  throw new Error('foo')
}, HttpError) // passes: Error !== HttpError

await assert.doesNotRejects(
  async () => {
    throw new HttpError('Resource not found')
  'Server not available'
) // passes: Resource not found !== Server not available

await assert.doesNotRejects(async () => {
  return 'foo'
}) // passes
Name Type
fn () => void
message? string
Name Type
fn () => void | Promise<void>
errType RegExp | ErrorConstructor
message? string
Name Type
fn () => void | Promise<void>
constructor ErrorConstructor
regExp string | RegExp
message? string


Expect the function to throw an exception. Optionally, you can assert for the exception class or message.

  • See rejects for async function calls.
function foo() { throw new Error('blow up') }

assert.throws(foo) // passes
assert.throws(foo, Error) // passes
assert.throws(foo, 'blow up') // passes
assert.throws(foo, 'failed') // fails
Name Type
fn () => void
message? string
Name Type
fn () => void
errType RegExp | ErrorConstructor
message? string
Name Type
fn () => void
constructor ErrorConstructor
regExp string | RegExp
message? string


Expect the function not to throw an exception. Optionally, you can assert the exception is not from a particular class or has a specific message.

function foo() { throw new Error('blow up') }

assert.doesNotThrows(foo) // fails
assert.doesNotThrows(foo, 'failed') // passes
assert.doesNotThrows(() => {}) // passes
Name Type
fn () => void
message? string
Name Type
fn () => void
regExp RegExp
Name Type
fn () => void
constructor ErrorConstructor
message? string
Name Type
fn () => void
constructor ErrorConstructor
regExp string | RegExp
message? string


Assert the length of an array, map, or set to match the expected value

assert.lengthOf([1, 2, 3], 3)
assert.lengthOf(new Map([[1],[2]]), 2)
assert.lengthOf('hello world', 11)
Name Type
object Array
length number
message? string


Assert value to be empty.

assert.empty([]) // passes
assert.empty('') // passes

assert.isEmpty([]) // passes
assert.isEmpty('') // passes
Name Type
object any
message? string


Assert value to not be empty.

assert.notEmpty([1, 2]) // passes
assert.notEmpty({ foo: 'bar' }) // passes
assert.notEmpty('hello') // passes
Name Type
object any
message? string


Asserts the value is not null or undefined.

assert.exists(false) // passes
assert.exists(0) // passes
assert.exists('') // passes
assert.exists(null) // fails
assert.exists(undefined) // fails
Name Type
value any
message? string


Asserts the value is null or undefined.

assert.notExists(null) // passes
assert.notExists(undefined) // passes
assert.notExists('') // fails
assert.notExists(false) // fails
assert.notExists(0) // fails
Name Type
value any
message? string


Assert the collection includes an item. Works for strings, arrays, and objects.

  { id: 1, name: 'virk' },
  { name: 'virk' }
) // passes

assert.include([1, 2, 3], 2) // passes
assert.include('hello world', 'hello') // passes
Name Type
haystack any
needle Partial<haystack>
message? string


Assert the collection NOT to include an item. Works for strings, arrays and objects.

  { id: 1, name: 'virk' },
  { name: 'virk' }
) // passes

assert.include([1, 2, 3], 2) // passes
assert.include('hello world', 'hello') // passes
Name Type
haystack any
needle Partial<haystack>
message? string


Assert the collection includes an item. Works for strings, arrays, and objects.

  { foo: { a: 1 }, bar: { b: 2 } },
  { foo: { a: 1 } }
) // passes

assert.deepInclude([1, [2], 3], [2]) // passes
Name Type
haystack any
needle Partial<haystack>
message? string


Assert the collection NOT to include an item. Works for strings, arrays, and objects.

  { foo: { a: 1 }, bar: { b: 2 } },
  { foo: { a: 4 } }
) // passes

assert.deepInclude([1, [2], 3], [20]) // passes
Name Type
haystack any
needle Partial<haystack>
message? string


Assert value to be an instance of the expected class.

assert.instanceOf(new User(), User) // passes
assert.instanceOf(new User(), Function) // fails

class User extends BaseUser {}
assert.instanceOf(new User(), BaseUser) // passes
Name Type
value any
constructor Function
message? string


Assert value NOT to be an instance of the expected class.

assert.notInstanceOf(new User(), Function) // passes
assert.notInstanceOf(new User(), User) // fails
Name Type
value any
constructor Function
message? string


Assert the value is truthy.

assert.ok({ hello: 'world' }) // passes
assert.ok(null) // fails

assert.isOk({ hello: 'world' }) // passes
assert.isOk(null) // fails
Name Type
value any
message? string


Assert the value is falsy.

assert.notOk({ hello: 'world' }) // fails
assert.notOk(null) // passes

assert.isNotOk({ hello: 'world' }) // fails
assert.isNotOk(null) // passes
Name Type
value any
message? string


Assert the object has all of the expected properties.
  { username: 'virk', age: 22, id: 1 },
  ['id', 'age']
) // passes
  { username: 'virk', id: 1 },
  ['id', 'age']
) // fails: "age" is missing
Name Type
object any
keys string[]
message? string


Assert the object not to have all of the mentioned properties.

  { id: 1, name: 'foo' },
  ['id', 'name', 'email']
) // passes
Name Type
object any
keys `string[]
message? string


Assert the object has only the expected properties. The assertion will fail when the object contains properties not mentioned in the keys array.

  { username: 'virk', age: 22, id: 1 },
  ['id', 'name', 'age']
) // passes

  { username: 'virk', age: 22, id: 1 },
  ['id', 'name']
) // fails
Name Type
object any
keys string[]
message? string


Assert the object not to have any of the mentioned properties.

  { id: 1, name: 'foo' },
  ['email', 'age']
) // passes

  { id: 1, name: 'foo' },
  ['email', 'id']
) // fails
Name Type
object any
keys `string[]
message? string


Assert an object to contain a property.
  { id: 1, username: 'virk' },
) // passes
Name Type
object any
property string
message? string


Assert an object NOT to contain a property.

  { id: 1, username: 'virk' },
) // passes
Name Type
object any
property string
message? string


Assert an object property to match the expected value.

  { id: 1, username: 'virk' },
) // passes

  { user: { id: 1 } },
  { id: 1 }
) // fails
Name Type
object any
property string
value any
message? string


Assert an object property NOT to match the expected value.

  { id: 1, username: 'virk' },
) // passes
Name Type
object any
property string
value any
message? string


Assert an object property to match the expected value deeply.

  { user: { id: 1 } },
  { id: 1 }
) // passes
Name Type
object any
property string
value any
message? string


Assert an object property NOT deeply to match the expected value

  { user: { id: 1 } },
  { email: '' }
) // passes
Name Type
actual any
property string
value any
message? string


Assert the expected array is a subset of a given collection. The values comparison is the same as the assert.equal method.

assert.includeMembers([1, 2, 4, 5], [1, 2]) // passes
assert.includeMembers([1, 2, 4, 5], [1, 3]) // fails
Name Type
superset any[]
subset any[]
message? string


Assert the expected array is NOT a subset of a given collection. The values comparison is the same as the assert.notEqual method.

assert.notIncludeMembers([1, 2, 4, 5], [1, 3]) // passes
assert.notIncludeMembers([1, 2, 4, 5], [1, 2]) // fails
Name Type
superset any[]
subset any[]
message? string


Assert the expected array is a subset of a given array. The values comparison is the same as the assert.deepEqual method.

  [{ id: 1 }, { id: 2 }],
  [{ id: 2 }]
) // passes

  [{ id: 1 }, { id: 2 }],
  [{ id: 3 }]
) // fails
Name Type
superset any[]
subset any[]
message? string


Assert the expected array is NOT a subset of a given array. The values comparison is the same as the assert.notDeepEqual method.

  [{ id: 1 }, { id: 2 }],
  [{ id: 3 }]
) // passes

  [{ id: 1 }, { id: 2 }],
  [{ id: 2 }]
) // fails
Name Type
superset any[]
subset any[]
message? string


Assert the expected array is a subset of a given array and in the same order. The values comparison is the same as the assert.equal method.

  [1, 2, 4, 5],
  [1, 2, 4]
) // passes

  [1, 2, 4, 5],
  [1, 4, 2]
) // fails

  [1, 2, 4, 5],
  [1, 2, 5]
) // fails
Name Type
superset any[]
subset any[]
message? string


Assert the expected array is either not a subset of a given array or is not in the same order. The values comparison is the same as the assert.notEqual method.

  [1, 2, 4, 5],
  [1, 4, 2]
) // passes

  [1, 2, 4, 5],
  [1, 2, 5]
) // passes

  [1, 2, 4, 5],
  [1, 2, 4]
) // fails
Name Type
superset any[]
subset any[]
message? string


Assert the expected array is a subset of a given array and in the same order. The values comparison is the same as the assert.deepEqual method.

  [{ id: 1 }, { id: 2 }, { id: 4 }],
  [{ id: 1 }, { id: 2 }]
) // passes

  [{ id: 1 }, { id: 2 }, { id: 4 }],
  [{ id: 1 }, { id: 4 }]
) // fails

  [{ id: 1 }, { id: 2 }, { id: 4 }],
  [{ id: 1 }, { id: 4 }, { id: 2 }]
) // fails
Name Type
superset any[]
subset any[]
message? string


Assert the expected array is either not a subset of a given array or is not in the same order. The values comparison is the same as the assert.notDeepEqual method.

  [{ id: 1 }, { id: 2 }, { id: 4 }],
  [{ id: 1 }, { id: 4 }]
) // passes

  [{ id: 1 }, { id: 2 }, { id: 4 }],
  [{ id: 1 }, { id: 4 }, { id: 2 }]
) // passes

  [{ id: 1 }, { id: 2 }, { id: 4 }],
  [{ id: 1 }, { id: 2 }]
) // fails
Name Type
superset any[]
subset any[]
message? string


Assert two arrays to have the same members. The values comparison is the same as the assert.equal method.

  [1, 2, 3],
  [1, 2, 3]
) // passes

  [1, { id: 1 }, 3],
  [1, { id: 1 }, 3]
) // fails
Name Type
set1 any[]
set2 any[]
message? string


Assert two arrays NOT to have the same members. The values comparison is the same as the assert.notEqual method.

  [1, { id: 1 }, 3],
  [1, { id: 1 }, 3]
) // passes

  [1, 2, 3],
  [1, 2, 3]
) // fails
Name Type
set1 any[]
set2 any[]
message? string


Assert two arrays to have the same members.

  [1, 2, 3],
  [1, 2, 3]
) // passes

  [1, { id: 1 }, 3],
  [1, { id: 1 }, 3]
) // passes
Name Type
set1 any[]
set2 any[]
message? string


Assert two arrays NOT to have the same members.

  [1, { id: 1 }, 3],
  [1, { id: 2 }, 3]
) // passes
Name Type
set1 any[]
set2 any[]
message? string


Expect two arrays to have the same members and in the same order. The values comparison is the same as the assert.equal method.

  [1, 2, 3],
  [1, 2, 3]
) // passes

  [1, 3, 2],
  [1, 2, 3]
) // fails
Name Type
set1 any[]
set2 any[]
message? string


Expect two arrays to either have different members or be in a different order. The values comparison is the same as the assert.notEqual method.

  [1, 2, 3],
  [1, 2, 3]
) // passes

  [1, 3, 2],
  [1, 2, 3]
) // fails
Name Type
set1 any[]
set2 any[]
message? string


Expect two arrays to have the same members and in the same order. The values comparison is the same as the assert.deepEqual method.

  [1, { id: 1 }, { name: 'virk' }],
  [1, { id: 1 }, { name: 'virk' }]
) // passes

  [1, { id: 1 }, { name: 'virk' }],
  [1, { name: 'virk' }, { id: 1 }]
) // fails
Name Type
set1 any[]
set2 any[]
message? string


Expect two arrays to either have different members or be in a different order. The values comparison is the same as the assert.notDeepEqual method.

  [1, { id: 1 }, { name: 'virk' }],
  [1, { name: 'virk' }, { id: 1 }]
) // passes

  [1, { id: 1 }, { name: 'virk' }],
  [1, { id: 1 }, { name: 'virk' }]
) // fails
Name Type
set1 any[]
set2 any[]
message? string


Assert an array or an object to contain a subset of the expected value. Useful for testing API responses.

  { id: 1, created_at: Date },
  { id: 1 }
) // passes

    { id: 1, created_at: Date },
    { id: 2, created_at: Date }
  [{ id: 1 }, { id: 2 }]
) // passes
Name Type
haystack any
needle any
message? string


Assert an array or an object not to contain a subset of the expected value.

  { id: 1, created_at: Date },
  { email: '' }
) // passes
Name Type
haystack any
needle any
message? string


Assert the value is available in the provided list. This method only works with literal values.

assert.oneOf('foo', ['foo', 'bar', 'baz']) // passes
assert.oneOf('foo', ['bar', 'baz']) // fails
Name Type
value any
collection any[]
message? string


Assert the object is sealed.

assert.sealed(Object.seal({})) // passes
assert.sealed({}) // fails

assert.isSealed(Object.seal({})) // passes
assert.isSealed({}) // fails
Name Type
object any
message? string


Assert the object is not sealed.

assert.notSealed({}) // passes
assert.notSealed(Object.seal({})) // fails

assert.isNotSealed({}) // passes
assert.isNotSealed(Object.seal({})) // fails
Name Type
object any
message? string


Assert if the actual value is above the expected value. Supports numbers, dates and luxon datetime object.

assert.isAbove(5, 2) // passes
assert.isAbove(new Date('2020 12 20'), new Date('2020 12 18')) // passes
Name Type
valueToCheck Date
valueToBeAbove Date
message? string
Name Type
valueToCheck number
valueToBeAbove number
message? string


Assert if the actual value is below expected value. numbers, dates and luxon datetime object.

assert.isBelow(2, 5) // passes
assert.isBelow(new Date('2020 12 20'), new Date('2020 12 24')) // passes
Name Type
valueToCheck Date
valueToBeBelow Date
message? string
Name Type
valueToCheck number
valueToBeBelow number
message? string


Assert if the actual value is above or the same as the expected value. Supports numbers, dates and luxon datetime object.

assert.isAtLeast(2, 2) // passes
assert.isAtLeast(new Date('2020 12 20'), new Date('2020 12 20')) // passes
Name Type
valueToCheck Date
valueToBeAtLeast Date
message? string
Name Type
valueToCheck number
valueToBeAtLeast number
message? string


Assert if the actual value is below or the same as the expected value. numbers, dates and luxon datetime object.

assert.isAtMost(2, 2) // passes
assert.isAtMost(new Date('2020 12 20'), new Date('2020 12 20')) // passes
Name Type
valueToCheck Date
valueToBeAtMost Date
message? string
Name Type
valueToCheck number
valueToBeAtMost number
message? string


Assert the value to match the given regular expression.

assert.match('foobar', /^foo/) // passes
Name Type
value string
regexp RegExp
message? string


Assert the value NOT to match the given regular expression.

assert.notMatch('foobar', /^foo/) // fails
Name Type
expected string
regexp RegExp
message? string


Assert the typeof value that matches the expected type.

assert.typeOf({ foo: 'bar' }, 'object') // passes
assert.typeOf(['admin'], 'array') // passes
assert.typeOf(new Date(), 'date') // passes
Name Type
value any
type string
message? string


Assert the typeof value is not the same as the expected type.

assert.notTypeOf({ foo: 'bar' }, 'array') // passes
assert.notTypeOf(['admin'], 'string') // passes
Name Type
value any
type string
message? string


Assert the object is frozen.

assert.frozen(Object.freeze({})) // passes
assert.frozen({}) // fails

assert.isFrozen(Object.freeze({})) // passes
assert.isFrozen({}) // fails
Name Type
object any
message? string


Assert the object is not frozen.

assert.notFrozen({}) // passes
assert.notFrozen(Object.freeze({})) // fails

assert.isNotFrozen({}) // passes
assert.isNotFrozen(Object.freeze({})) // fails
Name Type
object any
message? string


Assert the value to be a valid array

assert.isArray([]) // passes
assert.isArray({}) // fails
Name Type
value any
message? string


Assert the value not to be an array

assert.isNotArray([]) // fails
assert.isNotArray({}) // passes
Name Type
value any
message? string


Assert the value is a boolean.

assert.isBoolean(true) // passes
assert.isBoolean(false) // passes
assert.isBoolean(1) // fails
Name Type
value any
message? string


Assert the value is anything, but not a boolean.

assert.isNotBoolean(1) // passes
assert.isNotBoolean(false) // fails
assert.isNotBoolean(true) // fails
Name Type
value any
message? string


Asserts the value is anything, but not undefined.

assert.isDefined(undefined) // fails
assert.isDefined(0) // passes
assert.isDefined(false) // passes
assert.isDefined('') // passes
assert.isDefined(null) // passes
Name Type
value any
message? string


Asserts the value is explicitly "undefined."

assert.isUndefined(undefined) // passes
assert.isUndefined(false) // fails
assert.isUndefined(0) // fails
assert.isUndefined('') // fails
assert.isUndefined(null) // fails
Name Type
value any
message? string


Assert the value is boolean (false)

assert.isFalse(false) // passes
assert.isFalse(true) // fails
assert.isFalse(0) // fails
assert.isFalse(null) // fails
Name Type
value any
message? string


Assert the value is anything but not false.

assert.isNotFalse(false) // fails
assert.isNotFalse(true) // passes
assert.isNotFalse(null) // passes
assert.isNotFalse(undefined) // passes
Name Type
value any
message? string


Assert the value to be a number and no NaN or Infinity

assert.isFinite(1) // passes
assert.isFinite(Infinity) // fails
assert.isFinite(NaN) // fails
Name Type
value any
message? string


Assert the value is a function.

assert.isFunction(function foo () {}) // passes
assert.isFunction(() => {}) // passes
assert.isFunction(class Foo {}) // passes
Name Type
value any
message? string


Assert the value is not a function

assert.isNotFunction({}) // passes
assert.isNotFunction(null) // passes
assert.isNotFunction(() => {}) // fails
Name Type
value any
message? string


Assert the value is NaN

assert.isNaN(NaN) // passes
assert.isNaN(Number('hello')) // passes
assert.isNaN(true) // fails
assert.isNaN(false) // fails
assert.isNaN(null) // fails
Name Type
value any
message? string


Assert the value is anything, but not NaN.

assert.isNotNaN(NaN) // fails
assert.isNotNaN(Number('hello')) // fails
assert.isNotNaN(true) // passes
assert.isNotNaN(false) // passes
assert.isNotNaN(null) // passes
Name Type
value any
message? string


Assert the value is null

assert.isNull(null) // passes
assert.isNull(true) // fails
assert.isNull(false) // fails
assert.isNull('foo') // fails
Name Type
value any
message? string


Assert the value is anything but not null

assert.isNotNull(null) // fails
assert.isNotNull(true) // passes
assert.isNotNull(false) // passes
assert.isNotNull('foo') // passes
Name Type
value any
message? string


Assert the value to be a valid number.

assert.isNumber(1) // passes
assert.isNumber(new Number('1')) // passes
assert.isNumber('1') // fails
Name Type
value any
message? string


Assert the value not to be a valid number.

assert.isNotNumber('1') // passes
assert.isNotNumber(1) // fails
Name Type
value any
message? string


Assert the value to a valid object literal.

assert.isObject({}) // passes
assert.isObject(new SomeClass()) // passes
assert.isObject(null) // fails
assert.isObject([]) // fails
Name Type
object any
message? string


Assert the value not to be an object literal.

assert.isNotObject(null) // passes
assert.isNotObject([]) // passes
assert.isNotObject({}) // fails
assert.isNotObject(new SomeClass()) // fails
Name Type
value any
message? string


Assert the value to be a literal string.

assert.isString('') // passes
assert.isString(new String(true)) // passes
assert.isString(1) // fails
Name Type
value any
message? string


Assert the value not to be a string literal.

assert.isNotString(1) // passes
assert.isNotString('') // fails
assert.isNotString(new String(true)) // fails
Name Type
value any
message? string


Assert the value is a boolean (true).

assert.isTrue(true) // passes
assert.isTrue(false) // fails
assert.isTrue(1) // fails
assert.isTrue('foo') // fails
Name Type
value any
message? string


Assert the value is anything, but not true.

assert.isNotTrue(true) // fails
assert.isNotTrue(false) // passes
assert.isNotTrue(1) // passes
assert.isNotTrue('foo') // passes
Name Type
value any
message? string


Assert the value is closer to the expected value + delta.

assert.closeTo(10, 6, 8) // passes
assert.closeTo(10, 6, 4) // passes
assert.closeTo(10, 20, 10) // passes


Throw an error. Optionally accepts actual and expected values for the default error message.

:::note The actual and expected values are not compared. However, they are available as properties on the AssertionError. ::: // fail'Error message for the failure'), 2, 'expected 1 to equal 2'), 2, 'expected 1 to be greater than 2', '>')
Name Type
message? string
Name Type
actual any
expected any
message? string
operator? string


Plan assertions for the test. The test will be marked as failed when the actual assertions count does not match the planned assertions count.

Name Type
assertionsToExpect number