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Shellpool Documentation

See also the Installation instructions.

Minimal Example

The typical way to use Shellpool is to start some bash processes and then run some commands.

$ ccl                                ;; start lisp
? (ql:quickload :shellpool)          ;; load shellpool (see installation instructions!)
? (shellpool:start)                  ;; start a bash shell
? (shellpool:run "echo hello")       ;; run a command
hello                                ;; some output printed by the command
0                                    ;; the resulting exit status

Why are start and run separated? Launching external programs involves forking your Lisp. Forking is not reliable when your Lisp has many GB of memory allocated or multiple threads are already running. (Here are some articles for background.)

Separating start from run largely solves these problems: you can start your shells early while your program is booting up, before creating any helper threads or allocating lots of memory. You can then freely run external programs from these shells without having to fork Lisp.

Starting Shells

(start [n]) --> nil


(shellpool:start)       ;; start a single bash shell
(shellpool:start 3)     ;; start 3 more bash shells
(shellpool:start 10000) ;; causes an error

The start command launches bash shells that can be used for running sub-commands. Typically start is only called once at the start of your program, but you can also call it subsequently to start up additional shells, as shown above.

How many shells should you start? The number of shells you create will limit how many simultaneous external programs you can run at a time. So:

  • If your Lisp program is single-threaded, a single shell will be fine.

  • If your Lisp program is multi-threaded (e.g., a web server or similar), and you need to be able to invoke external programs from many threads, then you may want many shells. (The run command will wait until a shell becomes available, so running out of shells might throttle your program.)

As a basic precaution, start will call error if you try to create more than shellpool:*max-shells*, which defaults to 1000.

(ensure [n]) --> nil


(shellpool:ensure)       ;; make sure at least 1 bash shell is running
(shellpool:ensure 3)     ;; make sure at least 3 bash shells are running
(shellpool:ensure 10000) ;; causes an error

The ensure command makes sure that at least n bash shells are available for running sub-commands. This is nearly identical to start, except that ensure considers how many shells are already running.

Example 1. Suppose you have 5 shells already running.

  • (shellpool:start 3) would leave you with 8 shells running, but
  • (shellpool:ensure 3) would leave you with 5 shells running.

Example 2: Suppose you have 1 shell running.

  • (shellpool:start 3) would leave you with 4 shells running, but
  • (shellpool:ensure 3) would leave you with 3 shells running.

Note that ensure also considers shellpool:*max-shells* and will call error if you try to create too many shells.

Running Commands

(run script [options]) --> exit-status


(shellpool:run "echo hello")
(shellpool:run "convert-image photo.png" :each-line #'parse-convert-image)

The run function runs a bash script and waits for it to finish (so it can give you the exit status). For instance, you can expect (time (shellpool:run "sleep 5")) to report something like 5.001 seconds and return 0.

The run command will call error if no shells have been started. Otherwise, it will try to reserve a shell and use it to run your script.

The script to execute must be a string. This string will be written into a temporary script that will be run by bash. You can, therefore, write whole bash scripts and freely make use of functions, sequences of commands, etc.

The temporary script will be run with /dev/null as its input. This isn't suitable for running scripts that need to prompt the user for input.

Handling Output

By default, output that your script prints is forwarded sensibly:

  • output to stdout goes to *standard-output*
  • output to stderr goes to *error-output*

An easy way to change where the output goes is to let-bind these streams. For instance, to collect stdout instead of streaming it, you could do this:

? (let* ((stream            (make-string-output-stream))
         (*standard-output* stream))
    (shellpool:run "echo Hello")
    (shellpool:run "echo World")
    (get-output-stream-string stream))

For more flexibility, you can write your own line-handling function. Your function will get the line to process and its type (i.e., whether it is a stdout or stderr line). For example:

? (defun my-handle-line (line type)
    (format t "On ~s, got ~s~%" type line))

? (shellpool:run "echo hello
                  echo world 1>&2
                  echo foo
                  echo bar 1>&2
                  exit 7"
                 :each-line #'my-handle-line)
On :STDERR, got "world"
On :STDERR, got "bar"
On :STDOUT, got "hello"
On :STDOUT, got "foo"
7                          ;; <-- return value from (shellpool:run ...)

You can use this to collect up output, transform it on the fly, filter it, stream it to any number of places, etc. For example, here is a way to separately collect the stdout and stderr lines without any streaming:

? (defun fancy-runner (cmd)
    (let ((out-lines nil)
	  (err-lines nil)
	  (return-code nil))
      (setq return-code
	    (shellpool:run cmd
                           (lambda (line type)
                             (case type
                               (:STDOUT (push line out-lines))
                               (:STDERR (push line err-lines))
                               (otherwise (error "unexpected line type from shellpool: ~s" type))))))
      (list :return-code return-code
            :out-lines (nreverse out-lines)
            :err-lines (nreverse err-lines))))

? (fancy-runner "echo hello
                 echo world 1>&2
                 echo foo
                 echo bar 1>&2")
(:RETURN-CODE 0 :OUT-LINES ("hello" "foo") :ERR-LINES ("world" "bar"))

Aborting Programs

Sometimes you may not want to wait for your script to finish. For instance:

  • You may be streaming the output from your script into your Lisp's read-eval-print loop. If your script (or some program it calls) is running slowly or misbehaving in some way, you may want to interrupt it and get back to the Lisp prompt.

  • You may be parsing the output from your script as it is produced using custom each-line functions. Your parser might notice that your script is having problems or producing invalid output, and you may want to call error instead of letting the script continue to run.

In these situations, you would like to quickly and cleanly terminate your script and make the shell it was using become available again.

Shellpool's run uses unwind-protect to clean up in case of errors or interrupts. In short, this involves:

  • killing your script and any processes it has started (with kill -9)

  • flushing any remaining output from your script (and ignoring it, i.e., any extra output is not streamed anywhere or sent to each-line)

  • deleting the temporary shell script file

This behavior should work well in most cases. However, it will not work well if your sub-programs are unsafe to kill, e.g., because killing them will cause you to lose valuable data.

There are other various caveats...

  • To kill your program and the programs it has spawned, we walk the process listing to figure out all of the children processes, recursively, and then send kill signals to them. If your program (or its descendents) are rapidly creating new processes, then we may not kill them all because time will pass between our process listing and kill commands.

  • On Windows, the killing mechanism should work well for Cygwin processes, but it may not work well with native Windows programs.

Background Commands

(run& script) --> nil


(shellpool:run& "xclock")
(shellpool:run& "firefox http://localhost:9876/")

The run& command can be used to run a scripts in the background. Unlike run, which waits for your script to finish so that you can capture its output and exit code, run& simply starts your script and then returns without waiting.

This may be useful for launching separate programs for the user to interact with, or for starting long-running jobs that don't need to be monitored.

Stopping Shells

Shellpool does not currently provide a way to stop the shells after they have been created.