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3rd party plugin support (R#, Code Rush, etc ...)

jaredpar edited this page Nov 18, 2011 · 5 revisions

Bug Reports

Please send me any issues you find. I've got moderate experience with R# but very little with the other supported editors. There are likely a lot of common use cases I'm simply unaware of with those editors. It's really helpful when more experienced users send me common scenarios that have problems.

If you send bug reports please include the external editor and any special options you have set. This will really help me in tracking down issues.

What's supported (11/18/2011)

  • Resharper 5.1, 6.0
  • Visual Studio Snippets

What's next


What's Tested

  • ReSharper 5.1, 6.0
    • Live Templates
    • Introduce Variable
  • Visual Studio Snippets general support