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240 lines (147 loc) · 6.37 KB

rulecat - A Suricata rule update tool

.. automodule:: idstools.scripts.rulecat


idstools-rulecat [OPTIONS]


idstools-ruleset aims to be a simple to use rule download and management tool for Suricata. It can also be used for Snort when no SO rule stub generation is required.


.. option:: -h, --help

   Show help.

.. option:: -v, --verbose

   Be more verbose.

.. option:: -t <directory>, --temp-dir=<directory>

   Temporary working directory (default: /var/tmp/idstools-rulecat).

   This is where downloaded files will be stored.

.. option:: --suricata=<path>

   The path to the Suricata program used to determine which version of
   the ET pro rules to download if not explicitly set in a ``--url``

.. option:: --suricata-version <version>

   Set the Suricata version to a specific version instead of checking
   the version of Suricata on the path.

.. option:: --force

   Force remote rule files to be downloaded if they otherwise wouldn't
   be due to just recently downloaded, or the remote checksum matching
   the cached copy.

.. option:: -o, --output

   The directory where rule individual rules files will be written
   to. One of ``-o`` or ``--merged`` is required.

.. option:: --merged=<filename>

   Write a single file containing all rules. This can be used in
   addition to ``--output`` or instead of ``--output``.

.. option:: --yaml-fragment=<filename.yaml>

   Output a fragment of YAML containing the *rule-files* section will
   all downloaded rule files listed for inclusion in your

.. option:: --url=<url>

   A URL to download rules from. This option can be used multiple

.. option:: --local=<filename or directory>

   A path to a filename or directory of local rule files to
   include. May be specified multiple times and should not include
   files in the output path.

   If the path is a directory all files ending in *.rules* will be

   Wildcards are accepted but to avoid shell expansion the argument
   must be quoted, for example::

     --local '/etc/suricata/custom-*.rules'

.. option:: --sid-msg-map=<filename>

   Output a v1 style file.

.. option:: --sid-msg-map-2=<filename>

   Output a v2 style file.

.. option:: --disable=<disable.conf>

   Specify the configuration file for disabling rules.

.. option:: --enable=<enable.conf>

   Specify the configuration file for enabling rules.

.. option:: --modify=<modify.conf>

   Specify the configuration file for rule modifications.

.. option:: --drop=<drop.conf>

   Specify the configuration file for rules to change to drop.

.. option:: --ignore=<filename>

   Filenames to ignore. This is a pattern that will be matched against
   the basename of a rule files.

   This argument may be specified multiple times.

   Default: *deleted.rules

   Alternatively the **group** matcher may be used in the file passed
   to ``--disable``.

.. option:: --no-ignore

   Disable the --ignore option. Most useful to disable the default
   ignore pattern without adding others.

.. option:: --etopen

   Download the ET open ruleset. This is the default if ``--url`` or
   ``--etpro`` are not provided.

   If one of ``etpro`` or ``--url`` is also specified, this option
   will at the ET open URL to the list of remote ruleset to be

.. option:: --etpro=<code>

   Download the ET pro ruleset using the provided code.

.. option:: -q, --quiet

   Run quietly. Only warning and error message will be displayed.

.. option:: --dump-sample-configs

   Output sample configuration files for the ``--disable``,
   ``--enable``, ``--modify`` and ``--threshold-in`` commands.

.. option:: --threshold-in=<>

   Specify the threshold.conf input template.

.. option:: --threshold-out=<threshold.conf>

   Specify the name of the processed threshold.conf to output.

.. option:: --post-hook=<command>

   A command to run after the rules have been updated; will not run if
   not change to the output files was made.  For example::

     --post-hook=sudo kill -USR2 $(cat /var/run/

   will tell Suricata to reload its rules.

.. option:: -V, --version

   Display the version of **idstools-rulecat**.


Download ET Open rules for the version of Suricata found on the path, saving the rules in /etc/suricata/rules:

idstools-rulecat -o /etc/suricata/rules

Download ET Pro rules for the version of Suricata found on the path, saving the rules in /etc/suricata/rules:

idstools-rulecat --etpro XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX -o /etc/suricata/rules

Download ET open rules plus an additional rule files and save the rules in /etc/suricata/rules:

idstools-rulecat --etopen \
    --url \
    -o /etc/suricata/rules

Configuration File

Command line arguments can be put in a file, one per line and used as a configuration file. By default, idstools-rulecat will look for a file in the current directory named rulecat.conf.

Example configuration file:

--post-hook=sudo kill -USR2 $(cat /var/run/

If rulecat.conf is in the current directory it will be used just by calling idstools-rulecat with no arguments. Otherwise you can point idstools-rulecat at a configuration with the command idstools-rulecat @/path/to/rulecat.conf.

Example Configuration Files

Example Configuration to Enable Rules (--enable)

.. literalinclude:: ../../idstools/rulecat/configs/enable.conf

Example Configuration to Enable Disable (--disable)

.. literalinclude:: ../../idstools/rulecat/configs/disable.conf

Example Configuration to convert Rules to Drop (--drop)

.. literalinclude:: ../../idstools/rulecat/configs/drop.conf

Example Configuration to modify Rules (--modify)

.. literalinclude:: ../../idstools/rulecat/configs/modify.conf

