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Token-based authentication for your Rails API.

Pollett is a simple authentication library for your API-only Rails app. It treats sessions as a [first class domain concern] ( and takes its inspiration from Clearance.

Pollett currently requires Postgres and the use of UUID primary keys. This means you will need to have the uuid-ossp extension enabled before using Pollett.


To get started, add Pollett to your Gemfile, bundle install, and run the install generator:

$ rails g pollett:install

The generator:

  • Inserts Pollett::User into your User model
  • Inserts Pollett::Controller into your ApplicationController
  • Creates an initializer to allow further configuration
  • Creates a migration that either creates a users table or adds the necessary columns to the existing table
  • Copies over the Session model migration
  • Mounts the engine

Then, just migrate the database:

$ rake db:migrate

Finally, you must implement the render_list method in your ApplicationController. Use this method to paginate a list of records any way you want.


Override any of these defaults in config/initializers/pollett.rb:

Pollett.configure do |config|
  config.user_model = ::User
  config.minimum_password_length = 8
  config.send_welcome_email = true
  config.parent_mailer = ::ApplicationMailer
  config.from_email = ""
  config.reset_url = ->(token) { "{token}/reset" }
  config.whitelist = []

At minimum, you will need to configure reset_url so that the link will be correct in password reset emails. Also, if a default "from" email is not set in your parent_mailer, you will need to configure from_email as well.


Access Control

Pollett authentication is opt-out rather than opt-in. This means that if there is an action that does not require authentication, you will need to use skip_authentication:

class ArticlesController < ApplicationController
  skip_authentication only: :safe_action

  def safe_action
  	# something that does not require authentication

As you'd expect, current_user can be used from within controllers to access the authenticated user.

When authentication fails, Pollett raises a Pollett::Unauthorized error. You should rescue_from this to customize what is rendered.


Pollett is capable of sending two types of emails. In addition to the standard password reset email, it will send a welcome email upon registration unless config.send_welcome_email is set to false.

These emails will make use of whatever layout you have specified in your ApplicationMailer. If you need to customize the subject of these emails or make minor tweaks to the messages, you can simply override them via [i18n translations] ( See config/locales/en.yml for the default behavior.

If you need to make more elaborate changes, you'll want to override the actual views. See app/views/pollett/mailer for the default behavior.


Token-based authentication for your Rails API.







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