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Business Architecture & Product Services

Jason Lam edited this page Sep 5, 2022 · 1 revision

What is Vileware?

Vileware is made up a number of backend RESTful API services with the intent to be being utilized for video games. It does NOT provide game engine services or any game specific behaviours but it rather provides common cross cutting concerns for one or more games. The key value of the services are

  • Re-usability of services across more than one game franchise and/or game title.
  • KYP, Know Your Player, by having the capability to manage your each player across multiple titles allows you to more easily gain insights to your players behaviours and ultimately provide a improve player experience
  • Each service is individualized, you select the services of interest and are able to scale each service when required

Services Overview

Authorization Service

The Authorization service is the service that engaged first prior to any other service to obtain authorized access upon being successfully authenticated. The service uses the standard OAuth 2.0 grant_type client credential (defined in OAuth 2.0 RFC 6749, section 4.4) in other words it is assumed the Vileware is used by an organization with the assumption consuming clients utilizing Vileware is trusted, M2M.


without getting into anymore technical detail at high level it provides a valid token with appropriate permissions (claims), the token normally called the access_token is used as Authorization Bearer token in JWT format for subsequent calls to other services.

Core Service

Stat Service

Event Service

Campaign Service