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This repository contains an official implementation of TriPosT, which is described in this paper:

Teaching Language Models to Self-Improve through Interactive Demonstrations
Xiao Yu, Baolin Peng, Michel Galley, Jianfeng Gao, Zhou Yu


The core dependencies used in this projects are:

transformer deepspeed wandb ray openai
  • for a full list of library versions, checkout the requirements.txt file
  • we also provide a Docker image docker pull jasonyux/tripost:latest. Everything should already be configured under the /workspace/ folder if you use this image!

TriPoST Training

This section contains examples of training TriPoST on each task. Check out:

For a quickstart we have uploaded some of our baseline models (LLaMA-7b finetuned with ground-truth rationale) in this Google Drive folder. Since models weights are large in size, we are only able to upload a few of them. Please refer to Section FT with ground-truth rationales for examples of how obtain those for other tasks!

Logical Deduction:

pytho runners/trainer/ \
--output_dir model_checkpoints/logical_deduction/ld_llama-7b_text003_s1 \
--task logical_deduction \
--train_world_dset data/training/logical_deduction/logical_deduction_world_rationale_3-5.jsonl \
--max_input_length 1024 --min_input_length 256 \
--per_device_train_batch_size 1 \
--gradient_accumulation_steps 4 \
--learning_rate 1e-6 \
--run_group llama_logical_deduction_rl \
--model_name_or_path model_checkpoints/logical_deduction/baselines/llama7b_rationale_3-5_5epoch_allsamples_s1/checkpoint-440 \
--init_eval_rationale true \
--bf16 True --tf32 True \
--deepspeed configs/ds_config.json \
--verifier_llm text003 \
--collect_train_data_window 360 \
--max_data_length 80 --min_data_length 20 \
--improve_data_ratio 1.5 \
--self_improve_section_weight 1.5 \
--convert_to_turns true \
--verifier_use_scripted False \
--mask_before_att_start_text False

Date Understanding:

python runners/trainer/ \
--output_dir model_checkpoints/date_understanding/du_llama-7b_text003_s1 \
--task date_understanding \
--train_world_dset data/training/date_understanding/date_understanding_world_rationale_1-2.jsonl --max_input_length 1024 --min_input_length 256 \
--per_device_train_batch_size 1 \
--gradient_accumulation_steps 4 \
--learning_rate 1e-6 \
--run_group llama_date_understanding_rl \
--model_name_or_path model_checkpoints/date_understanding/baselines/llama7b_rationale_1-2_5epoch_allsamples_s1/checkpoint-240 \
--init_eval_rationale true \
--bf16 True --tf32 True \
--deepspeed configs/ds_config.json \
--verifier_llm text003 \
--collect_train_data_window 191 \
--max_data_length 100 --min_data_length 40 \
--improve_data_ratio 1.5 \
--self_improve_section_weight 1.5 \
--convert_to_turns true \
--verifier_use_scripted False \
--mask_before_att_start_text False

Multistep Arithmetic:

python runners/trainer/ \
--output_dir model_checkpoints/multistep_arithmetic/scripted_msa_llama7b_s1 \
--task multistep_arithmetic \
--train_world_dset data/training/multistep_arithmetic/multistep_arithmetic_world_rationale_l3-4d2-22.jsonl \
--max_input_length 1024 --min_input_length 256 \
--per_device_train_batch_size 1 --gradient_accumulation_steps 4 \
--learning_rate 1e-6 \
--run_group llama_multistep_arithmetic_rl \
--self_improve_section_weight 1.5 \
--model_name_or_path model_checkpoints/multistep_arithmetic/baselines/llama7b_rationale_l3-4d2-22_5epoch_allsamples_s1/checkpoint-680 \
--init_eval_rationale true \
--bf16 True --tf32 True \
--deepspeed configs/ds_config.json \
--verifier_llm chatgpt \  # dummy value
--collect_train_data_window 550 \
--max_data_length 150 \
--min_data_length 60 \
--improve_data_ratio 1.5 \
--convert_to_turns true \
--verifier_use_scripted true \  # because we are using a scripted verifier
--mask_before_att_start_text False

Word Sorting:

python runners/trainer/ \
--output_dir model_checkpoints/word_sort/scripted_ws_llama7b_s1 \
--task word_sort \
--train_world_dset data/training/word_sorting/word_sorting_world_rationale_1-7.jsonl \
--max_input_length 1024 --min_input_length 256 \
--per_device_train_batch_size 1 \
--gradient_accumulation_steps 4 \
--learning_rate 1e-6 \
--run_group llama_word_sorting_rl \
--model_name_or_path model_checkpoints/word_sort/baselines/ws_llama7b_rationale_1-7_5epoch_allsamples_s1/checkpoint-440 \
--init_eval_rationale true \
--bf16 True --tf32 True \
--deepspeed configs/ds_config.json \
--verifier_llm chatgpt \  # dummy value
--collect_train_data_window 433 \
--max_data_length 120 \
--min_data_length 60 \
--improve_data_ratio 1.5 \
--self_improve_section_weight 1.5 \
--convert_to_turns true \
--verifier_use_scripted true \  # because we are using a scripted verifier
--mask_before_att_start_text False

For LLaMA-2 results, simply switch the model_name_or_path to the finetuned LLaMA-2 model.


You can evaluate the performance of:

  1. few-shot prompting LLM
    # e.g. on the multistep arithmetic task
    python runners/tester/ \
    -o model_checkpoints/multistep_arithmetic/baselines/llm/codex_perf.pkl \
    --task multistep_arithmetic \
  2. few-shot prompting LLM + self improvement prompting
    # e.g. on the multistep arithmetic task
    python runners/tester/ \
    -o model_checkpoints/multistep_arithmetic/baselines/llm/codex_w_text003_perf.pkl \
    --task multistep_arithmetic \
    --return_if_correct \
  3. finetuned small LM (e.g. LLaMA-7b) + self improvement prompting
    # e.g. on the multistep arithmetic task
    python runners/tester/ \
    -o model_checkpoints/multistep_arithmetic/baselines/prompt/blablabla_perf.pkl \
    --model_name_or_path model_checkpoints/multistep_arithmetic/blablabla/checkpoint-120 \
    --task multistep_arithmetic \
    --return_if_correct \


We stored all our training data under the data folder.

├── raw  # full data, including train, valid, and test
├── training  # just used for training
└── validation  # just used for validation

Additionally, we open-source the script we used to obtain those data for each task under runners/data_collector/<task> folder.

For example:

  • LMSI (Huang et al. (2023)) training data at runners/data_collector/<task>/
  • LLM-generated rationale runners/data_collector/<logical_deduction, date_understanding>/
  • rationale filtering scripts at runners/data_collector/<logical_deduction, date_understanding>/
  • script-generated rationale runners/data_collector/<multistep_arithmetics, word_sorting>/

Other Training Scripts

This section contain example training scripts for doing finetuning the baseline models, training from LLM demonstrations, and LMSI training.

FT from ground-truth rationales

Basically performing knowledge distillation from the LLM-genreated or script-generated ground-truth rationales.

python runners/trainer/ \
--output_dir model_checkpoints/multistep_arithmetic/baselines/llama7b_rationale_l3-4d2-22_5epoch_allsamples_s1 \
--seed 1 \
--num_train_epochs 5 \
--train_dset data/training/multistep_arithmetic/multistep_arithmetic_baseline_rationale_l3-4d2-22.jsonl \
--eval_dset data/validation/multistep_arithmetic/multistep_arithmetic_baseline_rationale_l3-4d2-22_val.jsonl \
--max_input_length 1024 \
--min_input_length 1024 \
--per_device_train_batch_size 2 \
--gradient_accumulation_steps 2 \
--learning_rate 1e-6 \
--run_group llama_multistep_arithmetic_baseline \
--mask_before_att_start_text false \
--deepspeed configs/ds_config.json \
--model_name_or_path model_checkpoints/llama_hf \
--bf16 True --tf32 True \
--task multistep_arithmetic \
--eval_model_wrapper_cls rationale \
--eval_steps 40 \
--save_steps 40 \
--logging_steps 10

for LLaMA-2 baseline, swap the model_name_or_path to an LLaMA-2 checkpoint (e.g. from huggingface). For other tasks, simply change the output_dir, train_dset, eval_dset, model_name_or_path, and task accordingly.

FT from LLM self-improvement demonstrations

here you can choose which LLMs to use as the verifier (to generate feedbacks) and the llm (to generate an initial attempt, as well as the improvements). We recommend using Codex (or code-davinci-002) as generating improvements may be costly (since the prompt + attempt may be long!).

python runners/trainer/ \
--output_dir model_checkpoints/multistep_arithmetic/baselines/llm_llama7b_rationale_l3-4d2-22_5epoch_all_samples_s1_verifier_codex \
--max_data_length 75 \
--min_data_length 30 \
--improve_data_ratio 1.5 \
--task multistep_arithmetic \
--llm code-davinci-002 \
--verifier_llm code-davinci-002 \
--train_world_dset data/training/multistep_arithmetic/multistep_arithmetic_world_rationale_l3-4d2-22.jsonl \
--model_name_or_path model_checkpoints/multistep_arithmetic/baselines/llama7b_rationale_l3-4d2-22_5epoch_allsamples_s1/checkpoint-680 \
--max_input_length 1024 \
--min_input_length 256 \
--per_device_train_batch_size 1 \
--gradient_accumulation_steps 4 \
--learning_rate 1e-6 \
--run_group llama_multistep_arithmetic_baseline \
--mask_before_att_start_text false \
--convert_to_turns true \
--bf16 True --tf32 True \
--deepspeed configs/ds_config.json

for other tasks, simply change the output_dir, train_world_dset, model_name_or_path, and task accordingly.

LMSI training

First collect data using the script at runners/data_collector/<task>/, then:

# e.g. training on the multistep arithmetic task
python runners/trainer/ \
--output_dir model_checkpoints/multistep_arithmetic/to_be_moved/baselines/LMSI_llama7b_s1 \
--num_train_epochs 5 \
--train_dset data/training/multistep_arithmetic/multistep_arithmetic_LMSI_rationale_l3-4d2-22.jsonl \
--eval_dset data/validation/multistep_arithmetic/multistep_arithmetic_baseline_rationale_l3-4d2-22_val.jsonl \
--max_input_length 1024 \
--min_input_length 1024 \
--per_device_train_batch_size 2 \
--gradient_accumulation_steps 2 \
--learning_rate 1e-6 \
--run_group llama_multistep_arithmetic_baseline \
--mask_before_att_start_text false \
--deepspeed configs/ds_config.json \
--model_name_or_path model_checkpoints/multistep_arithmetic/baselines/llama7b_rationale_l3-4d2-22_5epoch_allsamples_s1/checkpoint-680 \
--bf16 True --tf32 True \
--task multistep_arithmetic \
--eval_model_wrapper_cls rationale \
--eval_steps 40 \
--save_steps 40 \
--logging_steps 10

for other tasks, simply change the output_dir, train_dset, eval_dset, model_name_or_path, and task accordingly.


      title={Teaching Language Models to Self-Improve through Interactive Demonstrations}, 
      author={Xiao Yu and Baolin Peng and Michel Galley and Jianfeng Gao and Zhou Yu},