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Bitnation Pangea Mobile Client

Build Status Coverage Status Docs


You can find the docs here


Project setup

  1. Clone the repo
  2. Run npm install
  3. Copy to .env
  4. Set ETH_HTTP_ENDPOINT to your ethereum node json rpc endpoint (Mainnet: | Ropsten: | Rinkeby:
  5. Set PRODUCTION to true/false.

IOS specific

  1. Get cocoapods
  2. Go to the ios folder
  3. Run pod install
  4. Go back to the project root and run npm run ios

Android specific

  1. Run npm run android

Git & best practice

  • We use this branching model. Make sure to read it.
  • PLEASE prefix your commit's with a topic like this: [git] blacklisted .idea
  • Write test's for your code


  1. A github issue is created and tagged with "Needs Review". Needs Review mean that the issue need's to be reviewed by a teammeber. E.g. If it's about design by David. If it's about backend by Florian and so on.
  2. After the issue is reviewed and ready to get solved remove the "Need's review" label and add the "Reviewed" label. That show's an dev's that the issue is ready to get solved.
  3. When you decide to work on an specific reviewed issue assign it your self and start working on it.
  4. After you worked on the issue and it's done create a pull request and place a reference to the issue in the pull request body. Make sure that the CI is passing and select someone who reviews the pull request.
  5. After you created the pull request you are almost done. The reviewer will ping you if there is a problem with the pull request.

Tools & Framework's

We are using:

  • Redux for state management.
  • Redux-Saga for handling asynchronous state changes.
  • React Native Navigation for truly native navigation.
  • Lodash for great preset of utility functions on data structures.
  • Jest for unit testing.
  • Enzyme for snapshot testing.
  • Detox for end-to-end testing. Checkout docs for more infromation.
  • ESLint for checking code style and quality. Checkout docs for more information.

Project structure

  • ./src/actions contains actions contants and action creator functions.
  • ./src/assets/images contains all images. It's preferred to keep @2x and @3x files for iOS devices with different scale factor.
  • ./src/components contains all common components.
  • ./src/global contains constans like images, colors and screens.
  • ./src/reducers contains reducers and initial states.
  • ./src/sagas contains sagas (see Redux-Saga).
  • ./src/screens contains screen components.
  • ./src/services contains services.
  • ./src/utils contains functions that is useful in different parts of the app.
  • ./__tests__ contains all the tests


Pangea iOS and Android repository



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  • JavaScript 94.9%
  • Objective-C 3.1%
  • Java 1.6%
  • Other 0.4%