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Write up a simple release guide
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jaspervdj committed Apr 24, 2017
1 parent 6888814 commit cb8431e
Showing 1 changed file with 28 additions and 0 deletions.
28 changes: 28 additions & 0 deletions doc/
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
# Release checklist

1. First check if we can build against against all the newest dependencies. If
that's not the case, it's probably a good idea to first make a separate
commit to bump the dependency upper bounds (and test it).

2. Write up the `CHANGELOG`. You can inspect the log of what changed by doing
something like:

git log A.B.C.D..

Where `A.B.C.D` is the old version.

3. Now figure out whether this is a minor or major version bump. Follow the
[PVP]( guidelines. Assume the new version is

4. Create a commit with the message `Bump version to E.F.G.H`. This commit
should only change two things:

- The version number in the `.cabal` file
- The top of the `CHANGELOG`

4. Create a tarball using `cabal sdist` and upload this to Hackage. If the
upload succeeds, create an annotated git tag:

git tag -am E.F.G.H{,}
git push --tags

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