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Utrecht wrapping (WIP)
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jaspervdj committed Nov 20, 2012
1 parent 9ce6434 commit 80cba59
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Showing 8 changed files with 143 additions and 67 deletions.
9 changes: 9 additions & 0 deletions data/stylish-haskell.yaml
Expand Up @@ -64,6 +64,15 @@ steps:
# to. Different steps take this into account. Default: 80.
columns: 80

# How most things are wrapped.
# - regular: Default style, trailing commas
# - utrecht: Leading commas
# Default: regular.
wrap_style: regular

# Sometimes, language extensions are specified in a cabal file or from the
# command line instead of using language pragmas in the file. stylish-haskell
# needs to be aware of these, so it can parse the file correctly.
Expand Down
8 changes: 6 additions & 2 deletions src/Language/Haskell/Stylish.hs
Expand Up @@ -10,6 +10,7 @@ module Language.Haskell.Stylish
, trailingWhitespace
, unicodeSyntax
-- ** Data types
, WrapStyle (..)
, Imports.Align (..)
, LanguagePragmas.Style (..)
-- ** Helpers
Expand All @@ -34,6 +35,7 @@ import Language.Haskell.Stylish.Config
import Language.Haskell.Stylish.Step
import Language.Haskell.Stylish.Verbose
import Language.Haskell.Stylish.Parse
import Language.Haskell.Stylish.Wrap
import Paths_stylish_haskell (version)
import qualified Language.Haskell.Stylish.Step.Imports as Imports
import qualified Language.Haskell.Stylish.Step.LanguagePragmas as LanguagePragmas
Expand All @@ -44,14 +46,16 @@ import qualified Language.Haskell.Stylish.Step.UnicodeSyntax as UnicodeSyntax

imports :: Int -- ^ columns
imports :: WrapStyle
-> Int -- ^ columns
-> Imports.Align
-> Step
imports = Imports.step

languagePragmas :: Int -- ^ columns
languagePragmas :: WrapStyle
-> Int -- ^ columns
-> LanguagePragmas.Style
-> Bool -- ^ remove redundant?
-> Step
Expand Down
19 changes: 15 additions & 4 deletions src/Language/Haskell/Stylish/Config.hs
Expand Up @@ -35,6 +35,7 @@ import qualified Language.Haskell.Stylish.Step.Tabs as Tabs
import qualified Language.Haskell.Stylish.Step.TrailingWhitespace as TrailingWhitespace
import qualified Language.Haskell.Stylish.Step.UnicodeSyntax as UnicodeSyntax
import Language.Haskell.Stylish.Verbose
import Language.Haskell.Stylish.Wrap

Expand All @@ -45,6 +46,7 @@ type Extensions = [String]
data Config = Config
{ configSteps :: [Step]
, configColumns :: Int
, configWrapStyle :: WrapStyle
, configLanguageExtensions :: [String]

Expand All @@ -56,7 +58,7 @@ instance FromJSON Config where

emptyConfig :: Config
emptyConfig = Config [] 80 []
emptyConfig = Config [] 80 Regular []

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -116,12 +118,19 @@ parseConfig (A.Object o) = do
-- First load the config without the actual steps
config <- Config
<$> pure []
<*> (o A..:? "columns" A..!= 80)
<*> (o A..:? "columns" A..!= 80)
<*> (o A..:? "wrap_style" >>= parseEnum wrapStyles Regular)
<*> (o A..:? "language_extensions" A..!= [])

-- Then fill in the steps based on the partial config we already have
steps <- (o A..: "steps" >>= fmap concat . mapM (parseSteps config))
return config {configSteps = steps}
wrapStyles =
[ ("regular", Regular)
, ("utrecht", Utrecht)

parseConfig _ = mzero

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -159,7 +168,8 @@ parseEnum strs _ (Just k) = case lookup k strs of
parseImports :: Config -> A.Object -> A.Parser Step
parseImports config o = Imports.step
<$> pure (configColumns config)
<$> pure (configWrapStyle config)
<*> pure (configColumns config)
<*> (o A..:? "align" >>= parseEnum aligns Imports.Global)
aligns =
Expand All @@ -173,7 +183,8 @@ parseImports config o = Imports.step
parseLanguagePragmas :: Config -> A.Object -> A.Parser Step
parseLanguagePragmas config o = LanguagePragmas.step
<$> pure (configColumns config)
<$> pure (configWrapStyle config)
<*> pure (configColumns config)
<*> (o A..:? "style" >>= parseEnum styles LanguagePragmas.Vertical)
<*> o A..:? "remove_redundant" A..!= True
Expand Down
33 changes: 17 additions & 16 deletions src/Language/Haskell/Stylish/Step/Imports.hs
Expand Up @@ -111,16 +111,17 @@ prettyImportSpec x = H.prettyPrint x

prettyImport :: Int -> Bool -> Bool -> Int -> H.ImportDecl l -> [String]
prettyImport columns padQualified padName longest imp =
regularWrap columns (length base + 2) $
prettyImport :: WrapStyle -> Int -> Bool -> Bool -> Int -> H.ImportDecl l
-> [String]
prettyImport wrapStyle columns padQualified padName longest imp =
wrapWith wrapStyle columns $
case importSpecs of
Nothing -> [Open base] -- Import everything
Just [] -> [Open base, Space, Close "()"] -- Instance only imports
Nothing -> [String base] -- Import everything
Just [] -> [String base, Space, String "()"] -- Instance only
Just is ->
[Open base, Space, String "("] ++
[String (base ++ " (")] ++
intersperse Comma (map (String . prettyImportSpec) is) ++
[Close ")"]
[String ")"]
base = unwords $ concat
[ ["import"]
Expand All @@ -145,10 +146,10 @@ prettyImport columns padQualified padName longest imp =

prettyImportGroup :: Int -> Align -> Bool -> Int -> [H.ImportDecl LineBlock]
-> Lines
prettyImportGroup columns align fileAlign longest imps =
concatMap (prettyImport columns padQual padName longest') $
prettyImportGroup :: WrapStyle -> Int -> Align -> Bool -> Int
-> [H.ImportDecl LineBlock] -> Lines
prettyImportGroup wrapStyle columns align fileAlign longest imps =
concatMap (prettyImport wrapStyle columns padQual padName longest') $
sortBy compareImports imps
longest' = case align of
Expand All @@ -165,15 +166,15 @@ prettyImportGroup columns align fileAlign longest imps =

step :: Int -> Align -> Step
step columns = makeStep "Imports" . step' columns
step :: WrapStyle -> Int -> Align -> Step
step wrapStyle columns = makeStep "Imports" . step' wrapStyle columns

step' :: Int -> Align -> Lines -> Module -> Lines
step' columns align ls (module', _) = flip applyChanges ls
step' :: WrapStyle -> Int -> Align -> Lines -> Module -> Lines
step' wrapStyle columns align ls (module', _) = flip applyChanges ls
[ change block $ const $
prettyImportGroup columns align fileAlign longest importGroup
prettyImportGroup wrapStyle columns align fileAlign longest importGroup
| (block, importGroup) <- groups
Expand Down
26 changes: 14 additions & 12 deletions src/Language/Haskell/Stylish/Step/LanguagePragmas.hs
Expand Up @@ -52,27 +52,28 @@ verticalPragmas pragmas' =

compactPragmas :: Int -> [String] -> Lines
compactPragmas columns pragmas' = regularWrap columns 13 $
[Open "{-# LANGUAGE"] ++
compactPragmas :: WrapStyle -> Int -> [String] -> Lines
compactPragmas wrapStyle columns pragmas' = wrapWith wrapStyle columns $
[String "{-# LANGUAGE", Space] ++
intersperse Comma (map String pragmas') ++
[Space, Close "#-}"]
[Space, String "#-}"]

prettyPragmas :: Int -> Style -> [String] -> Lines
prettyPragmas _ Vertical = verticalPragmas
prettyPragmas columns Compact = compactPragmas columns
prettyPragmas :: WrapStyle -> Int -> Style -> [String] -> Lines
prettyPragmas _ _ Vertical = verticalPragmas
prettyPragmas wrapStyle columns Compact = compactPragmas wrapStyle columns

step :: Int -> Style -> Bool -> Step
step columns style = makeStep "LanguagePragmas" . step' columns style
step :: WrapStyle -> Int -> Style -> Bool -> Step
step wrapStyle columns style = makeStep "LanguagePragmas" .
step' wrapStyle columns style

step' :: Int -> Style -> Bool -> Lines -> Module -> Lines
step' columns style removeRedundant ls (module', _)
step' :: WrapStyle -> Int -> Style -> Bool -> Lines -> Module -> Lines
step' wrapStyle columns style removeRedundant ls (module', _)
| null pragmas' = ls
| otherwise = applyChanges changes ls
Expand All @@ -84,7 +85,8 @@ step' columns style removeRedundant ls (module', _)
uniques = filterRedundant $ nub $ sort $ snd =<< pragmas'
loc = firstLocation pragmas'
deletes = map (delete . fst) pragmas'
changes = insert loc (prettyPragmas columns style uniques) : deletes
changes =
insert loc (prettyPragmas wrapStyle columns style uniques) : deletes

Expand Down
78 changes: 62 additions & 16 deletions src/Language/Haskell/Stylish/Wrap.hs
@@ -1,7 +1,10 @@
module Language.Haskell.Stylish.Wrap
( Wrap (..)
( WrapStyle (..)
, Wrap (..)
, wrapWith
, regularWrap
, utrechtWrap
) where

Expand All @@ -10,45 +13,88 @@ import Language.Haskell.Stylish.Step
import Language.Haskell.Stylish.Util

data WrapStyle
= Regular
| Utrecht
deriving (Show)

data Wrap
= Open String
| Close String
| String String
= String String
| Space
| Comma
deriving (Show)

wrapWith :: WrapStyle -- ^ Wrapping style to use
-> Int -- ^ Maximum line width
-> [Wrap] -- ^ Stuff to wrap
-> Lines -- ^ Resulting lines
wrapWith Regular = regularWrap
wrapWith Utrecht = utrechtWrap

regularWrap :: Int -- ^ Maximum line width
-> Int -- ^ Indentation
-> [Wrap] -- ^ Stuff to wrap
-> Lines -- ^ Resulting lines
regularWrap maxWidth indentation wraps =
let (leading, strs) = regularJoin wraps
in wrap " " maxWidth indentation leading strs
regularWrap maxWidth wraps =
let (leading : strs) = regularJoin wraps
in wrap " " maxWidth (length leading) leading strs

regularJoin :: [Wrap] -> (String, [String])
regularJoin wraps = case wraps of
(Open x : xs) -> (x, go xs)
_ -> error $ "Language.Haskell.Stylish.Wrap.regularJoin: " ++
"wrap spec should start with Open but got: " ++ show wraps
regularJoin :: [Wrap] -> [String]
regularJoin wraps = go wraps
go (String x : String y : xs) = go (String (x ++ y) : xs)
go (String x : Comma : xs) = (x ++ ",") : go xs
go (String x : Space : xs) = x : go xs
go (String x : Close y : []) = [x ++ y]
go (Close x : []) = [x]
go (String x : xs) = x : go xs
go (Space : xs) = go xs
go [] = []
go ws = error $
"Language.Haskell.Stylish.Wrap.regularJoin: go: " ++
show ws ++ " is invalid, in: " ++ show wraps

utrechtWrap :: Int -- ^ Maximum line width
-> [Wrap] -- ^ Stuff to wrap
-> Lines -- ^ Resulting lines
utrechtWrap maxWidth wraps =
-- If we can put everything on one line, we use regular wrapping
case regularWrap maxWidth wraps of
[line] -> [line]
| length utrechts < 3 -> xs -- Should not happen!
| otherwise ->
let (leading : strs) = utrechts
in wrap "" maxWidth (length leading - 1)
(leading ++ " ") (init strs) ++
[replicate (length leading - 1) ' ' ++ last strs]
utrechts = utrechtJoin wraps

utrechtJoin :: [Wrap] -> [String]
utrechtJoin wraps = case wraps of
(String x : xs) -> x : go xs -- Never join first string in utrecht style
_ -> go wraps -- Should this ever happen?
go (Space : xs) = go xs
go (String x : String y : xs) = go (String (x ++ y) : xs)
go (Comma : String x : xs) = (", " ++ x ) : go xs
go (String x : xs) = x : go xs
go [] = []
go ws = error $
"Language.Haskell.Stylish.Wrap.regularJoin: go: " ++
show ws ++ " is invalid, in: " ++ show wraps

wrap :: String -- ^ Optional space string
-> Int -- ^ Maximum line width
Expand Down

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