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The Celebrity Problem

Method-1: Graph Concept

  • two arrays indegree and outdegree, to store the indegree and outdegree
  • Run a nested loop, the outer loop from 0 to n and inner loop from 0 to n.
  • For every pair i, j check if i knows j then increase the outdegree of i and indegree of j
  • For every pair i, j check if j knows i then increase the outdegree of j and indegree of i
  • Run a loop from 0 to n and find the id where the indegree is n-1 and outdegree is 0

Time Complexity: O(n2). A nested loop is run traversing the array, So the time complexity is O(n2) Space Complexity: O(n). Since extra space of size n is required.

Method-2: Uses elimination technique

  • If A knows B, then A can’t be a celebrity. Discard A, and B may be celebrity.
  • If A doesn’t know B, then B can’t be a celebrity. Discard B, and A may be celebrity.
  • Repeat above two steps till there is only one person.
  • Ensure the remained person is a celebrity.
class Solution
    //Function to find if there is a celebrity in the party or not.
    boolean knows(int M[][], int a,int b){
            return true;
        return false;
    int celebrity(int M[][], int n)
    	// code here
    	Stack<Integer> stack = new Stack<Integer>();
    	for(int i=0;i<n;i++)
    	    int a = stack.pop();
    	    int b = stack.pop();
    	    if(knows(M, a, b)){
    	    } else
    	int celebrity = stack.pop();
    	for(int i=0;i<n;i++){
    	    if(i!=celebrity && (!knows(M, i, celebrity) || knows(M, celebrity, i))){
    	        return -1;
    	return celebrity;

Time Complexity: O(n). The total number of comparisons 3(N-1), so the time complexity is O(n). Space Complexity: O(n). n extra space is needed to store the stack.

Method-3: Uses two-pointer approach

  1. Create two indices i and j, where i = 0 and j = n-1
  2. Run a loop until i is less than j.
  3. Check if i knows j, then i can’t be a celebrity. so increment i, i.e. i++
  4. Else j cannot be a celebrity, so decrement j, i.e. j–
  5. Assign i as the celebrity candidate
  6. Now at last check that whether the candidate is actually a celebrity by re-running a loop from 0 to n-1 and constantly checking that if the candidate knows a person or if there is a candidate who does not know the candidate, then we should return -1. else at the end of the loop, we can be sure that the candidate is actually a celebrity.
  • Time Complexity: O(n)
  • Space Complexity: O(1) No extra space is required.
