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Misleading Exception #760

fqmoon opened this issue Sep 24, 2020 · 17 comments

Misleading Exception #760

fqmoon opened this issue Sep 24, 2020 · 17 comments


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fqmoon commented Sep 24, 2020

When I want to obfuscate one directory like this:
javascript-obfuscator <srcDir> --output <destDir> --config <myConfig>
If in my config I assign value to sourceMapFileName , then an exception thown:

----- now run cmd: 'javascript-obfuscator dist\dev-bundle       --output dist\prod-bundle       --config buildScripts\obfuscate.config.json' -----
Error: EPERM: operation not permitted, mkdir 'D:\'
    at Object.mkdirSync (fs.js:947:3)
    at mkdirpNativeSync (D:\workspace\HiEarthSdk\node_modules\mkdirp\lib\mkdirp-native.js:25:17)
    at Object.sync (D:\workspace\HiEarthSdk\node_modules\mkdirp\index.js:21:7)
    at t.ObfuscatedCodeWriter.writeFile (D:\workspace\HiEarthSdk\node_modules\javascript-obfuscator\dist\webpack:\JavaScriptObfuscator\src\cli\utils\ObfuscatedCodeWriter.ts:82:16)
    at j.apply (D:\workspace\HiEarthSdk\node_modules\javascript-obfuscator\dist\webpack:\JavaScriptObfuscator\src\cli\JavaScriptObfuscatorCLI.ts:195:39)
    at j.processSourceCodeWithSourceMap (D:\workspace\HiEarthSdk\node_modules\javascript-obfuscator\dist\webpack:\JavaScriptObfuscator\src\decorators\Initializable.ts:61:39)
    at j.apply (D:\workspace\HiEarthSdk\node_modules\javascript-obfuscator\dist\webpack:\JavaScriptObfuscator\src\cli\JavaScriptObfuscatorCLI.ts:178:18)
    at j.processSourceCode (D:\workspace\HiEarthSdk\node_modules\javascript-obfuscator\dist\webpack:\JavaScriptObfuscator\src\decorators\Initializable.ts:61:39)
    at D:\workspace\HiEarthSdk\node_modules\javascript-obfuscator\dist\webpack:\JavaScriptObfuscator\src\cli\JavaScriptObfuscatorCLI.ts:165:22
    at Array.forEach (<anonymous>)
(node:6204) UnhandledPromiseRejectionWarning: Error: Command failed: javascript-obfuscator dist\dev-bundle       --output dist\prod-bundle       --config buildScripts\obfuscate.config.jso

The exception is too terrible and I found out reason after one day...

Expected Behavior

So when obfuscating one directory the option sourceMapFileName should not be set?
If set I want get correct prompt... Thanks!

Your Environment

  • Obfuscator version used: windows10
  • Node version used: v14.10.0
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fqmoon commented Sep 25, 2020

No, I think the root reason is OUTPUT PATH IS WRONG
You can:

  1. In the config file:
    set any value to option sourceMapFileName
    set true to option sourceMap
  2. obfuscate a directory: javascript-obfuscator <srcDir> --output <distDir> --config <yourConfigFile>

So I can get the exception say Error: EPERM: operation not permitted, mkdir 'D:\'
Of course you can't make a dir named "D:\" but the app want to

Reproduce Repos

I create a reproduce repos:
You can clone it for test
test cmds:

git clone
cd test-obfuscator
npm i
npm test

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sanex3339 commented Sep 25, 2020

Ok. But the problem is that i can't test it, because i'm developing under UNIX environment (

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da411d commented Sep 25, 2020

Yes, i managed to reproduce the problem.
Will investigate tonight.

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sanex3339 commented Sep 25, 2020

Thank you.
The main problem, i'm not sure how to properly test cross-platform code. I mean, I can test it with the Travis CI, but I want to emulate windows behaviour locally too under Unix.

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da411d commented Sep 25, 2020

First, I added some console.log to mkdirp and javascript-obfuscator.
On the left is displayed current configuration, on the right - test proccess.
We can see that this problem is not caused by saving obfuscated file, this is problem with saving source map file.

Code from screenshot config.json
    "optionsPreset": "default",
    "sourceMap": true,
    "sourceMapFileName": "abcdefg"

Console output

writeFile: "dist\src\a.js" obfuscatedCode.getObfuscatedCode()
mkdirpSync: dist\src undefined
writeFile: "/" obfuscatedCode.getSourceMap()
mkdirpSync: / undefined

[javascript-obfuscator-cli] Error in file: src\a.js...
Error: EPERM: operation not permitted, mkdir 'D:\'
    at Object.mkdirSync (fs.js:840:3)
    at mkdirpNativeSync (D:\_PROJECTS\_WEB\test2\test-obfuscator\node_modules\mkdirp\lib\mkdirp-native.js:26:17)
    at Object.this (D:\_PROJECTS\_WEB\test2\test-obfuscator\node_modules\mkdirp\index.js:22:7)
    at t.ObfuscatedCodeWriter.ObfuscatedCodeWriter [as writeFile] (D:\_PROJECTS\_WEB\test2\test-obfuscator\node_modules\javascript-obfuscator\dist\webpack:\JavaScriptObfuscator\src\cli\utils\SourceCodeReader.ts:21:32)
    at F.apply (D:\_PROJECTS\_WEB\test2\test-obfuscator\node_modules\javascript-obfuscator\dist\webpack:\JavaScriptObfuscator\src\cli\JavaScriptObfuscatorCLI.ts:226:74)
    at F.obfuscatedCodeWriter (D:\_PROJECTS\_WEB\test2\test-obfuscator\node_modules\javascript-obfuscator\dist\webpack:\JavaScriptObfuscator\src\decorators\Initializable.ts:61:39)
    at F.apply (D:\_PROJECTS\_WEB\test2\test-obfuscator\node_modules\javascript-obfuscator\dist\webpack:\JavaScriptObfuscator\src\cli\JavaScriptObfuscatorCLI.ts:197:14)
    at F.value (D:\_PROJECTS\_WEB\test2\test-obfuscator\node_modules\javascript-obfuscator\dist\webpack:\JavaScriptObfuscator\src\decorators\Initializable.ts:61:39)
    at D:\_PROJECTS\_WEB\test2\test-obfuscator\node_modules\javascript-obfuscator\dist\webpack:\JavaScriptObfuscator\src\cli\JavaScriptObfuscatorCLI.ts:188:5
    at Array.forEach ()
npm ERR! Test failed.  See above for more details.

The exception is caused by mkdirp when it attempts to create folder "/".

Code from screenshot test.js
const mkdirp = require("mkdirp");

Console output

    throw err;

Error: EPERM: operation not permitted, mkdir 'D:\'
�[90m    at Object.mkdirSync (fs.js:840:3)�[39m
    at mkdirpNativeSync (D:\_PROJECTS\_WEB\test2\test\node_modules\�[4mmkdirp�[24m\lib\mkdirp-native.js:25:17)
    at Function.mkdirpSync [as sync] (D:\_PROJECTS\_WEB\test2\test\node_modules\�[4mmkdirp�[24m\index.js:21:7)
    at Object. (D:\_PROJECTS\_WEB\test2\test\test.js:2:8)
�[90m    at Module._compile (internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:1158:30)�[39m
�[90m    at Object.Module._extensions..js (internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:1178:10)�[39m
�[90m    at Module.load (internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:1002:32)�[39m
�[90m    at Function.Module._load (internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:901:14)�[39m
�[90m    at Function.executeUserEntryPoint [as runMain] (internal/modules/run_main.js:74:12)�[39m
�[90m    at internal/main/run_main_module.js:18:47�[39m {
  errno: �[33m-4048�[39m,
  syscall: �[32m'mkdir'�[39m,
  code: �[32m'EPERM'�[39m,
  path: �[32m'D:\\'�[39m

The problem is that function getOutputSourceMapPath is generating strange paths.
I copied function to separate file and did some random tests.
First example is for our case. The second and last also look the most strange for me.

Code from screenshot test_codeWriter__getOutputSourceMapPath.js
const getOutputSourceMapPath = (outputCodePath, sourceMapFileName = '') => {
  if (sourceMapFileName) {
    outputCodePath = `${outputCodePath.substring(
        0, outputCodePath.lastIndexOf('/')

if (!/$/.test(outputCodePath)) {
outputCodePath = ${outputCodePath.split(".")[0]};
} else if (/.js$/.test(outputCodePath)) {
outputCodePath += '.map';

return outputCodePath;

const tests = [
["", "abcdefg"],
["./", "./abcdefg"],
["", "./abcdefg"],
["", "./abcdefg"],

["path.with/", "abcdefg"],
["pathwith/", "abcdefg"],
["dir/dist", "abcdefg.some.suffix.maybe"],
["path.with/", "abcdefg.some.suffix.maybe"],

["/dir/dist", "abcdefg"],
["/dir", "abcdefg"],
["dir/dist", "abcdefg"],
["dir", "abcdefg"],

["D:/dir/dist", "abcdefg"],
["D:/dir/dist", "../abcdefg"],

tests.forEach(args => {
const result = getOutputSourceMapPath(...args);
console.log(\ngetOutputSourceMapPath(${ => "${a}").join(", ")}) = ${result});

Console output

getOutputSourceMapPath("", "abcdefg") = /

getOutputSourceMapPath("./", "./abcdefg") =

getOutputSourceMapPath("", "./abcdefg") = /

getOutputSourceMapPath("", "./abcdefg") = /

getOutputSourceMapPath("path.with/", "abcdefg") =

getOutputSourceMapPath("pathwith/", "abcdefg") = pathwith/

getOutputSourceMapPath("dir/dist", "abcdefg.some.suffix.maybe") = dir/

getOutputSourceMapPath("path.with/", "abcdefg.some.suffix.maybe") =

getOutputSourceMapPath("/dir/dist", "abcdefg") = /dir/

getOutputSourceMapPath("/dir", "abcdefg") = /

getOutputSourceMapPath("dir/dist", "abcdefg") = dir/

getOutputSourceMapPath("dir", "abcdefg") = /

getOutputSourceMapPath("D:/dir/dist", "abcdefg") = D:/dir/

getOutputSourceMapPath("D:/dir/dist", "../abcdefg") = D:/dir/

Also i remember that getOutputCodePath also had problems on Windows #576

So I think that working with paths needs refactoring and more tests, but I don't know good ways to do it. Maybe path.resolve is better for this? Also it may exclude bugs with splitting by ".".

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Same here on Windows even with one file instead of whole directory. My workaround is to specify a full path for the source map file. I guess this doesn't work for directories.

I remember that I had a problem creating nested directories on Windows and Linux a few years ago. I didn't look into the problem in detail, but I leave you this code which is still in use and maybe helpul here if it's the same issue. It works like mkdir -p but takes Windows traits into account:

icl.pathDelimRegex = /[\/\\]/;

icl.getDirPathByFilePath = function(path)
   var pathEntities = path.split(icl.pathDelimRegex);
   return pathEntities.join("/");

icl.createDirDone = function(dir, fprops)
   if (fprops === undefined)
      fprops = 0o777;

   var d = icl.Deferred();

   function createDirRcsv(dirEntities, i)
      var curDir = dirEntities.slice(0, i).join("/");
      fs.mkdir(curDir, fprops, function(err) {
         if (err && err.code !== "EEXIST")
         else if (i <= dirEntities.length)
            createDirRcsv(dirEntities, i+1);

   var dirEntities = dir.split(icl.pathDelimRegex);
   var i = 1;
   if (/^[\\\/]{2}/.test(dir))
      i = 3;
   else if (!dirEntities[0].length || dirEntities[0][dirEntities[0].length - 1] === ":")
      // absolute path beginning with "/" (Linux etc.) or "X:" (Windows)
      i = 2;
   createDirRcsv(dirEntities, i);

   return d.promise();

// Then it's used like that:

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I managed to setup TravisCI build under windows.

It fails with the same error. So, now i'll try to fix it

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Anybody can test this PR:
#772 ?

@sanex3339 sanex3339 reopened this Oct 8, 2020
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Merged to the master branch. I'll release a new version soon.

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Thank you!
I couldn't test it yesterday. Did someone else test it?

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sanex3339 commented Oct 8, 2020

You can test it right now directly from master branch. I'll plan to release the next version only in 10 hours.

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sanex3339 commented Oct 8, 2020

Have anybody tested this?

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Sorry, I need more time, I think I'm ready in a few hours

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I tested it and it works with master. I also reproduced the error from last week with the old version before, to make sure I can trust the positive result. Thanks for fixing it!

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Nice! I'll release the new version soon.

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Released as 2.5.0

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