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REST Builder


REST Builder provides an easy way to develop your GraphQL and REST API for your new or existing web services. This services can be invoke through HTTP requests from external systems. Decoupling your service with an API gives you flexibility to integrate with different front-end technologies, mobile apps and 3rd party or legacy systems.

What it is REST Builder?

REST Builder is a code generation tool built by Liferay that allows developers to define custom APIs following the OpenAPI Specification (OAS) in a Design First approach.

Developers can define the API's contract using OpenAPI documents to describe what the API does and what resources handles in a language agnostic and human readable way, allowing both, machines and humans, to understand what the API is supposed to do.

REST Builder generates the API resources model layer and the API implementation layer using the JAX-RS specification, one of the JAVA EE standards, and the GraphQL servlet. The generation tool implements all the necessary code to access the API defined in the API contract and advanced features such as pagination, search, filter, batch support..., letting the developer focus in the service business logic, what makes this tool very powerful and valuable.

REST Builder generate a JAVA client to communicate with the API and an integration test module to test the API from the outside as a external application.

Project Structure

REST Builder tool generates code splitted in multiple modules in order to offer a clean and decoupled implementation of your GraphQL and REST APIs.

The default project structure is a parent folder with the name of the application, usually the artifact identifier, containing a subfolder with the API module, with -api suffix, and a subfolder with the implementation module, with the -impl sufix. If API client and integration tests are configured, the parent folder should contain two additional subfolders with -client and -test suffixes, where the client and test code will be generated.

Each module should contain the usual module configuration files: bnd.bnd and build.gradle or pom.xml depending on the desired build mechanism.

Finally, the implementation module should include the API configuration file and OpenAPI documents needed by the generation tool.

The resulting folder structure should be similar to the following:

Example of the REST Builder folder structure

Defining the OpenAPI document and API Configuration file

In this section you'll learn how to configure the REST Builder generation with the API Configuration file and describe your API using the OpenAPI document (or set of documents).

API Configuration file

The API Configuration file allows you to provide the required parameters and configuration to REST Builder tool, on which the generated code will depend.

The API configuration file uses YAML format and, by default, is located inside the implementation module with the name rest-config.yaml.

The configuration parameters are:

Field Name Type Description Required
apiDir string Directory of the API module true
apiPackagePath string API package name true
application Application Object Information about the application true
author string Author name true
clientDir string Directory of the JAVA client module. If it is not set, the client will not be generated false
clientMavenGroupdId string Group identifier of the client module false
forceClientVersionDescription boolean Force adding a message to the description that reflects the last version of the client. Defaults to true false
forcePredictableContentApplicationXML boolean Force the usage of XML media type in operation request bodies and responses. If no XML definition is provided, JSON definition will be used. Defaults to true false
forcePredictableOperationId boolean Force setting a predictable operationId based on the path and the return type. Defaults to true false
forcePredictableSchemaPropertyName boolean Force a consistent naming scheme for properties based on the schema returned. Defaults to true false
generateBatch boolean Generate batch endpoints. Defaults to true false
generateGraphQL boolean  Generate GraphQL endpoints. Defaults to true false
generateREST boolean Generate REST endpoints. Defaults to true false
implDir string  Directory where the generated code will be stored inside each module. Defaults to src/main/java false
licenseName string Application license name. Defaults to Apache 2.0 false
licenseUrl string License URL. Defaults to false
testDir string Directory of the integration test module. If it is not set, the integration tests will not be generated false
warningsEnabled boolean Enable warnings during the REST Builder execution. Defaults to true false

Application Object

The Application object parameters are:

Field Name Type Description Required
baseUri string Application base URI true
className string  Name of the class with the JAX-RS application true
name string  Application name true
security Security Object Information about application security false

Security Object

The Security object parameters are:

Field Name Type Description Required
basicAuth string  Basic authentication false
guestAllowed string Allow guest access false
oAuth string  oAuth authentication false

An API Configuration example

An example of a valid API Configuration file is:

apiDir: "../guestbook-api/src/main/java"
apiPackagePath: "com.liferay.guestbook"
    baseURI: "/guestbook"
    className: "GuestbookApplication"
    name: "Guestbook"
author: "John Doe"
clientDir: "../guestbook-client/src/main/java"
testDir: "../guestbook-test/src/testIntegration/java"

OpenAPI Document

The OpenAPI Document describes what the API does and which are the resources to interact with. REST Builder is compatible with the OAS 3.*.* versions and support OpenAPI documents in YAML format.

The OpenAPI document uses YAML format and, by default, should be located inside the implementation module with the name rest-openapi.yaml

The most common fields are defined in the table below. For an exhaustive and detailed list of fields, please refer to the official OAS specification

Field Name Type Description Required
components Components Object Contains the schema resources false
info Info Object Metadata about the API true
openapi string The semantic version number of the OpenAPI Specification version used in the document true
paths Paths Object The available paths and operations for the API true

Components Object

The components field contains objects to be referenced from other places in the document by the assigned key. It usually contains the schema of the objects used in the API:

Field Name Type Description Required
schema Map[String, Schema Object] A map with schema definitions false

Schema Object

The schema is defined by description, format, type and a set of properties that are also Schema Objects. To read a complete definition of the schema object refer to the specification.

Info Object

The info object is composed by:

Field Name Type Description Required
title string The title of the application true
description string A short description of the application false
 license License Object The license information for the exposed API false
version string The version of the application true

License Object

The license object is defined by:

Field Name Type Description Required
name string The license name true
licenseUrl string A URL to the license used for the API false

Paths Object

The paths object holds the information relative to the individual endpoints and their operations:

Field Name Type Description Required
/{path} Path Item Object Information about an individual endpoint. The field name must begin with a slash false

Path Item Object

The path item object is composed by:

Field Name Type Description Required
summary string A summary, intended to apply to all operations in this path false
description string A description, intended to apply to all operations in this path false
get Operation Object A definition of a GET operation on this path  false
put Operation Object A definition of a PUT operation on this path  false
post Operation Object A definition of a POST operation on this path  false
delete Operation Object A definition of a DELETE operation on this path  false
patch Operation Object A definition of a PATCH operation on this path  false

Operation Object

The operation object describes a single API operation on a path:

Field Name Type Description Required
 summary string A short summary of what the operation does false
 description string A description of the operation behavior false
operationId string Unique string used to identify the operation. REST Builder use the operationId to uniquely identify an operation, therefore, it is recommended to follow common programming naming conventions false
parameters [Parameter Object] A list of parameters that are applicable for this operation false
requestBody Request Body Object The request body applicable for this operation false
responses Responses Object The list of possible responses as they are returned from executing this operation true
tags [string] A list of tags for the operation false

Parameter Object

The parameter object describes a single operation parameter. A unique parameter is defined by a combination of a name and location.

There possible parameter locations specified by the in field are:

  • path - The parameter value is part of the operation's URL.
  • query - The parameter is appended to the URL.
  • header - Custom headers that are expected as part of the request.
  • cookie - Used to pass a specific cookie value to the API.

The parameter is defined by:

Field Name Type Description Required
name string The name of the parameter. Parameter names are case sensitive true
in string One of the possible parameter locations explained in the previous list true
description string A brief description of the parameter false
required boolean Determines whether this parameter is mandatory true
schema Schema Object  The schema defining the type of the parameter true

Request Body Object

The request body object describes a single request body:

Field Name Type Description Required
description string A brief description of the request body  false
 content Map[string, Media Type Object] The content of the request body true
required boolean Determines if the request body is required in the request. Defaults to false  false

Media Type Object

Each Media Type Object provides schema and examples for the media type identified by its key

Field Name Type Description Required
schema Schema Object The schema defining the content of the request, response, or parameter false

Responses Object

A map from HTTP response code to the expected response. The Responses Object must contain at least one response code, and it should be the response for a successful operation call. It is not necessary to cover all possible HTTP response codes but is expected to cover a successful operation response and any known errors.

The default may be used as a default response object for all HTTP codes that are not covered individually by the specification.

Field Name Type Description Required
default Response Object The documentation of responses other than the ones declared for specific HTTP response codes false
{HTTP Status Code} Response Object The expected response for that HTTP status code  false

Response Object

The response object describes a single response from an API Operation

Field Name Type Description Required
description string A short description of the response true
 content Map[string, Media Type Object] A map containing descriptions of potential response payloads false

An OpenAPI example

An example of a simple but valid OpenAPI document is shown below:

                    format: int64
                    type: integer
                    type: string
            type: object
    description: "Guestbook API"
        name: "Apache 2.0"
        url: ""
    title: "Guestbook"
    version: v1.0
openapi: 3.0.1
                Retrieves the guests
            operationId: getGuestsPage
                                    $ref: "#/components/schemas/Guest"
                                type: array
                                    $ref: "#/components/schemas/Guest"
                                type: array
            tags: ["Guest"]
                Adds a new guest
            operationId: postGuest
                            $ref: "#/components/schemas/Guest"
                            $ref: "#/components/schemas/Guest"
                                $ref: "#/components/schemas/Guest"
                                $ref: "#/components/schemas/Guest"
            tags: ["Guest"]
                Retrieves the guest with given identifier
            operationId: getGuest
                - in: path
                  name: id
                  required: true
                      type: string
                                $ref: "#/components/schemas/Guest"
                                $ref: "#/components/schemas/Guest"
            tags: ["Guest"]

Using Blade and Project Templates

Blade CLI is a command tool to help creating a new Liferay module. It creates the folder structure and necessary files to kick-start your project, allowing the developer to select between Gradle or Maven build tools.

Blade offers many project templates, including REST Builder, providing a scaffolding to your API web service.

To create your API web service inside your Liferay Workspace with blade you should go to the modules folder and execute:

blade create --template rest-builder guestbook

This command will set your API web service folder structure, build script files of the selected build tool, and rest-config.yaml and rest-openapi.yaml with basic structure and parameters.

More detailed information can be found in Blade CLI and Project Templates documentation.

Running REST Builder and understanding the generated code

Once you have the folder structure set and the API configuration file and OpenAPI documents defined, you can run REST Builder tool to generate the scaffolding for your API web service. This can be done using Maven or Gradle REST Builder plugins.

* To find out which version of the Gradle and Maven plugins to use, go to Maven Central or Maven Repository to get the latest available version published.

Using Gradle

The REST Builder Gradle plugin lets you execute REST Builder to generate the source files of your API web service.

To use the REST Builder Gradle plugin you need to include it in your build.gradle file:

buildscript {
    dependencies {
        classpath group: "com.liferay", name: "", version: "${REST.Builder.version}"

    repositories {
        maven {
            url ""

apply plugin: ""

The plugin adds the buildRest task to your project. This task has two arguments:

Parameter Description Required
copyrightFile File with the Copyright header to be used in the generated code. Defaults to null false
restConfigDir Directory containing your API web service definition files, rest-config.yaml and rest-openapi.yaml. Usually the implementation module folder. Defaults to ${project.projectDir} false

To run the task you need to use the Gradle Wrapper to execute gradlew buildRest.

The task should finish successfully generating the source files of the configured modules. In case of error, a descriptive message should be provided to allow the developer to easily locate it and fix it.

Using Maven

REST Builder is also available in Maven with the REST Builder Maven plugin.

To use the plugin you need to include it in the project's root pom.xml file:


The plugind adds the Maven Goal build-rest:build to run the code generation. There are two optional parameters to be added in the configuration section:

Parameter Description Required
copyrightFile File with the Copyright header to be used in the generated code. Defaults to null false
restConfigDir Directory containing your API web service definition files, rest-config.yaml and rest-openapi.yaml. Usually the implementation module folder. Defaults to ${project.projectDir} false

To run the task execute the Maven goal command with mvn build-rest:build. The goal should finish generating the source files or with a meaningful error.

Understanding the generated code

The generated code is splitted at least in two modules, the API module and the implementation module.

API module

The API module contains the model of your API, your DTOs (Data Transfer Objects) and resources.

The DTOs represents the objects defined in the components section of the OpenAPI Document. They are meant to be transferred in the API request and responses. So, as a developer, you need to use it in your business logic to process the API requests and return them as response when it is needed.

The resources package contains the representation of the API resources correspondent to the paths section of the OpenAPI Document. These resources are implemented in the implementation module and mapped to the specified path.

The two packages containing DTOs and resources are exported to be used by other modules, as the implementation module.

The implementation module

Code generated in the implementation module consists of JAX-RS main entities, the resource endpoints and the GraphQL servlet, queries and mutations.

The jaxrs package contains the JAX-RS Application class that register the API web service in the portal.

The resource package contains the resource endpoints defined in the OpenAPI paths section. Each resource has a base implementation called Base*ResourceImpl offering helper methods to implement the endpoint logic. This class is extended by the correspondent *ResourceImpl class where the developer should add the business logic. There is also a OpenAPIResourceImpl class that registers an endpoint in http://[host]:[port]/o/[APPLICATION_NAME]/[API_VERSION]/openapi.[type] to obtain the OpenAPI document, the API contract, in JSON and YAML format.

The graphql package contains the GraphQL servlet and with the classes needed to access your API through GraphQL queries and mutations.

The client module

The client module will be generated if it is configured in the API configuration YAML file. It is a fully operative client for the API defined in your OpenAPI Document, with its own DTOs, resources, serializers, deserializers and the HttpInvoker class to make the HTTP requests.

The test module

The test module will be generated if it is configured in the API configuration YAML file. This module contains generated classes to test all the endpoints and methods defined in your API contract, making requests as a external service. It uses the client generated in the client module to make these requests.

Every endpoint has a Base*ResourceTestCase class that uses a Template Pattern, providing the general structure to test each endpoint method and letting the developer to fill just the specific code related to the business logic in the *ResourceTest class.

Implementing the API

The entry points to implement your API are the *ResourceImpl classes inside the implementation module. This is where you need to add your business logic to be executed when somebody access your API web service.

It is important to remark that you should not add any code inside classes annotated as @Generated as these classes will be recreated each time REST Builder is executed. This can be necessary if you need to modify the API definition or expand it.

If test module is configured you should also add the correspondent code to test your logic in the *ResourceTest classes.

Once you finished you can deploy your API web service and use it in the URL:


For example, using your Guestbook API web service locally will be in the URL:


To be sure your API web service is correctly deployed you can use the OSGi console to list all the JAX-RS endpoints with the command jaxrs:check

Version Compatibility Matrix

In the past, as we evolve the REST Builder we were not as careful as we should regarding compatibility. We have committed to improve this in the future, ensuring backwards compatibility in REST Builder.

For those that are using older versions of Liferay and REST Builder, please check the next matrix to check compatibility between versions.

Liferay Developer Tools and Frameworks

Reference the table below to learn more about supported configurations with Liferay Developer Tools

REST Builder tool

Liferay Version  Liferay Portal Vulcan API REST Builder OpenAPI Swagger Annotations OSGi Java Servlet API  JAX-RS (JSR 339) Java Bean Validation (JSR 303) Jackson JSON library
 Liferay Portal DXP 7.1 SP4 5.6.0 [1.0.80, 1.0.86] 3.0.x 2.0.x  OSGi Release 6 Java Servlet API 3.0.1 2.1 2.0.x 2.10.x
 Liferay Portal DXP 7.2 SP2 6.9.0 [1.0.93, 1.0.95] 3.0.x 2.0.x  OSGi Release 6 Apache Felix Servlet API 1.1.2 2.1 2.0.x 2.10.x
 Liferay Portal CE 7.3 GA3 7.6.0 [1.0.98, 1.0.114] 3.0.x 2.0.x  OSGi Release 6 Apache Felix Servlet API 1.1.2 2.1 2.0.x 2.10.x
 Liferay Portal CE 7.3 GA4 7.7.2 1.0.115 3.0.x 2.0.x  OSGi Release 6 Apache Felix Servlet API 1.1.2 2.1 2.0.x 2.10.x
 Liferay Portal CE 7.3 GA6 7.10.3 [1.0.136, ?] 3.0.x 2.0.x  OSGi Release 6 Apache Felix Servlet API 1.1.2 2.1 2.0.x 2.10.x
 Liferay Portal CE 7.3 GA7 7.15.2 [?, ?] 3.0.x 2.0.x  OSGi Release 6 Apache Felix Servlet API 1.1.2 2.1 2.0.x 2.10.x
 Liferay Portal DXP 7.3 GA1 7.10.2 [1.0.136, ?] 3.0.x 2.0.x  OSGi Release 6 Apache Felix Servlet API 1.1.2 2.1 2.0.x 2.10.x
 Liferay Portal DXP 7.3 SP1 7.15.1 [?, ?] 3.0.x 2.0.x  OSGi Release 6 Apache Felix Servlet API 1.1.2 2.1 2.0.x 2.10.x


REST Builder documentation






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