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163 lines (128 loc) · 5.66 KB

Ruck changelog



  • Updated the required Deno version to v1.21.2+.
  • Updated dependencies.


  • Replaced the media_types dependency with new Deno std APIs, fixing #5.
  • Fixed the test script not exiting with an error status when tests fail.
  • Fixed the React hook useOnClickRouteLink tests failing in Linux environments due to the different macOS Chrome browser behavior when a “meta” key is pressed while clicking a link.
  • Added a script for finding Ruck’s minimum compatible Deno version.
  • Use a more specific Deno version for the setup Deno step in the GitHub Actions CI config.



  • Removed TypeScript triple slash reference comments from Ruck modules that were originally intended to enable DOM types. Ruck projects now must have a Deno config file (deno.json or deno.jsonc), containing:

      "compilerOptions": {
        "lib": [


  • Updated dependencies.
  • Updated GitHub Actions CI config:
    • Updated actions/checkout to v3.
  • Implemented a deno.json Deno config file.



  • The navigate function powering Ruck app route navigation on the client that’s populated in the React context NavigateContext by the React component ClientProvider now converts a relative URL used for option url to an absolute URL using document.baseURI as the base instead of location.origin. This is consistent with how a native a element with a href attribute relative to a document base element navigates.


  • The function serve option clientImportMap now also accepts an import map object.


  • Updated dependencies.
  • Use development versions of React related dependencies in the development import map.
  • Function documentHasStyleSheet fixes and improvements:
    • A relative URL used for argument 1 href now converts to an absolute URL using document.baseURI as the base instead of location.origin.
    • Added runtime argument type checks.
    • Added tests.
  • React hook useOnClickRouteLink fixes and improvements:
    • Now the click event handler doesn’t do anything if the event default action is already prevented, if a non main mouse button was pressed, or if any of the following keys were pressed during the click:
      • Alt (in Safari, downloads the link)
      • Control (in Safari, displays the link context menu)
      • Meta (in Safari, opens the link in a new tab)
      • Shift (in Safari, adds the link to Reading List)
    • Added tests.
  • Added tests for the React component Effect.
  • Added tests for the function hydrate.
  • Moved code into try blocks in tests.
  • Tidied order of imports in tests.
  • Tweaked whitespace in scripts/
  • Added to the readme “Examples” section.



  • Updated the required Deno version to v1.20.1+.
  • Removed a @ts-ignore comment within tests that’s redundant for TypeScript v4.6+.


  • Updated dependencies.
  • Updated publicFileResponse.mjs:
    • Prevent directories within a Ruck project public directory from being served as if they are files.
    • Close the open file if there’s an error when preparing a public file response.



  • Route related function/module names and types have been improved to clarify in which situations route content may be a promise. When a route is being prepared and may have a promise for content it’s called a “route plan”, and when the resolved content renders it’s just called a “route”. The word “plan” was chosen because sometimes navigation to a route doesn’t go according to plan; the content promise (typically from a dynamic import) could reject or the navigation could be aborted before the content promise resolves and is ready to render.
    • Renamed the function/module routeDetailsForContentWithCss.mjs to routePlanForContentWithCss.mjs.
    • The Router type (from serve.mjs) intended for the default export of a project public/router.mjs module now returns a new RoutePlan type (also from serve.mjs) instead of RouteDetails, which has been removed.
    • The Route type (from serve.mjs) for the RouteContext React context value that the useRoute React hook returns no longer suggests the content property could be a promise. This type was previously used for both when a route was planned and rendering, and while it’s ok to plan a route without using a promise for the content, it created the false impression that the content for a rendered route might be a promise.
    • Reworded several error messages within serve.mjs.


  • Updated dependencies.
  • Fixed a readme code example comment typo.
  • Improved the readme code example for a Ruck app component.



  • The Ruck app server request handler created by the serve function from serve.mjs now reads the request headers x-forwarded-proto and x-forwarded-host when determining the route URL, which should be what the client originally used to start the request. Reverse proxy servers (load balancers, CDNs, etc.) may forward client requests to the Ruck app server using a different protocol or host. E.g. forwards https: requests to the deployed server using http:.


  • Fixed relative URLs to project files in the readme.
  • Corrected an example shell script in the readme.
  • Tweaked example code in the readme.
  • Removed a redundant image from the .github directory.


Initial release.