Author: | Jay Hesselberth <firstname dot lastname at gmail dot com> |
Organization: | University of Colorado School of Medicine |
Revision: | 1.2 |
Date: | 2010-08-08 |
We have implemented the Segway <> software framework within the Amazon compute cloud <> to enable genome segmentaions of arbitrary size and complexity to be run within a highly scalable hardware framework.
The heavy lifting is done using the StarCluster software package <>, which controls the setup and configuration of a basic compute cluster able to complete Segway runs and subsequent analyses.
Our implementation consists of a StarCluster plugin that configures Segway-specific cluster requirements, as well as specific modifications to the StarCluster configuration file that interact with the plugin.
The plugin and config file modifications enable:
- Mounting EBS volumes containing Segway installations, static data and result directories;
- Path and environment setup to place Segway and other required executables in the users PATH;
- Automatic configuration of Sun Grid Engine installation with the mem_requested consumable
Before using this software you need to set up an Amazon AWS account. See <> for details.
Please read this entire document before beginning to use Segway in the Amazon cloud. You will be paying for services rendered by Amazon when using this interface, and inapproapriate use of this method can cost you more money than you intend to spend!
We have found StarCluster to be an extremely useful utility for setting up and configuring compute clusters in the Amazon cloud. There are both stable versions of StarCluster, as well as an experimental version that allows, for example, spot bids to be requested and load balancing of jobs. Please see the StarCluster docs <> for details.
One can either obtain the stable version of StarCluster <>, or use the developmental version enabling e.g. spot instances and load balancing, currently at <>
The stable version of StarCluster can be installed with easy_install:
easy_install StarCluster
Alternatively, the devleopmental version can be downloaded, unpacked and installed with:
python install
from within the unpacked source directory. Refer to the docs and requirements of these software packages if problems are encountered.
StarCluster reads configuration and plugin information from a directory in
the users $HOME named $HOME/.starcluster
starcluster help
immediately following installation will prompt you to create the
directory and a basic config file template. In this
template, you provide your Amazon AWS user credentials that allow you to
begin using AWS services.
We provide an INI-style template with Segway-specific sections that should be
added to the basic $HOME/.starcluster/config
file. These include:
- Cluster sections that specify parameters appropriate for small, medium and large jobs
- Volume sections that specify the locations of EBS mounts containing Segway builds (required), and data and result directories (optionally).
- Plugin sections that load and execute Segway-specific functions for setting up and configuring the compute cluster.
There are several sections in this template:
[cluster smallcluster] # gsg-keypair is defined in the default StarCluster config # This name must match a key pair name in your AWS account KEYNAME = gsg-keypair CLUSTER_SIZE = 2 CLUSTER_USER = sgeadmin CLUSTER_SHELL = bash # The current base x86_64 StarCluster AMI is ami-a5c42dcc NODE_IMAGE_ID = ami-a5c42dcc MASTER_INSTANCE_TYPE = m1.large NODE_INSTANCE_TYPE = m1.large ## Volumes to mount (defined below) VOLUMES = segway-data, segway-build, segway-results ## Plugins to execute during startup (defined below) PLUGINS = segway-setup ## Additional Cluster Templates - uncomment to use # [cluster mediumcluster] # EXTENDS=smallcluster # NODE_INSTANCE_TYPE = m1.xlarge # CLUSTER_SIZE=8 # [cluster largecluster] # EXTENDS=mediumcluster # CLUSTER_SIZE=16 ## Use this 1-node cluster for data upload & code testing. ## NOTE: 32-bit installations of segway are not available, so you ## cannot run a segentation with this cluster type. Uncomment to use # [cluster smallcluster32] # KEYNAME = gsg-keypair # CLUSTER_SIZE = 1 # CLUSTER_USER = sgeadmin # CLUSTER_SHELL = bash # The base i386 StarCluster AMI is ami-d1c42db8 # NODE_IMAGE_ID = ami-d1c42db8 # NODE_INSTANCE_TYPE = m1.small # VOLUMES = segway-data, segway-build # PLUGINS = segway-setup # Required: SEGWAY BUILD VOLUME. Contains executables and libraries for running # segway, genomedata and segtools [volume segway-build] VOLUME_ID = vol-XXXXXXXX MOUNT_PATH = /segway-build # Optional: SEGWAY DATA VOLUME [volume segway-data] VOLUME_ID = vol-YYYYYYYY MOUNT_PATH = /segway-data # Optional: SEGWAY RESULTS VOLUME [volume segway-results] VOLUME_ID = vol-ZZZZZZZZ MOUNT_PATH = /segway-results ## Segway-specific plugins [plugin segway-setup] SETUP_CLASS = segway_plugin.Setup # segway_path must correspond to path setup for the SEGWAY BUILD VOLUME (above) segway_path = /segway-build
Paste these sections into the existing $HOME/.starcluster/config
file to
use them during cluster activation. Note that small / medium / largecluster
configs are specified in the default installation config file, so you need
to comment these out to prevent naming conflicts.
Multiple types of clusters can be configured to adapt to the needs of a given analysis. For example, segmentations of data collected for small genomes (e.g. Saccharomyces cerevisiae) are unlikely to have significant memory requirements during analysis, and so high CPU, low memory EC2 instance types (c1.xlarge) can be used. For more complicated runs, large-memory instances can be employed (e.g.m1.xlarge and the m2.XXX series). You should familiarize yourself with the types of instances available in EC2 <> and their costs <>.
In addition, if you use the developmental version of StarCluster you can run these instance types at significantly reduced cost using spot instances <>, which allow one to bid for the time of a given instance. One (possibly signficant) disadvantage of using spot instances is that once the bid price exceeds your maximum bid, your instances will be terminated immediately, possibly during important phases of a analysis. Luckily, Segway is flexible enough that interrupted runs can be restarted reliably.
We provide a plugin for StarCluster to setup and configure
the Segway-specific portions of the cluster, including mounting EBS
volumes, setting PATH variables and modifying the SGE configuration. The
following should be copied into a file named
moved into the StarCluster plugins directory
). Alternatively, you can put
into your
PYTHONPATH. The naming is important; if this is modified, the config file
should be updated in the plugins
#! /usr/bin/env python ''' Starcluster plugin for setting up segway requirements on a starcluster cluster instance. Uses specific PATH requirements in AWS snapshot snap-dbe720b4. Users must make a copy of the snapshot into an EBS volumne. ''' __version__ = '$Revision: 1.8 $' from starcluster.clustersetup import ClusterSetup from starcluster.logger import log ## versions SEGWAY_PKG_VER = '1.0.2' GENOMEDATA_PKG_VER = '1.2.2' SEGTOOLS_PKG_VER = '1.1.6' ## host files SGE_PROFILE = '/etc/profile.d/' SEGWAY_PROFILE = '/etc/profile.d/' ROOT_BASH_PROFILE = '/root/.bash_profile' MOTD_TAIL_FILE = '/etc/motd.tail' PYTHON_VERSION="2.6" SEGWAY_SGE_SETUP=("python %(base)s/arch/%(arch)s/lib/python%(py_version)s" "/segway-%(segway_version)s-py%(py_version)s.egg/segway/cluster/") ## Global vars # XXX:opt Make this an option eventually, only 64-bit available for now ARCH = 'Linux-x86_64' # optionally shutdown these services - must match services in /etc/init.d # XXX:opt should pass these in using config file SHUTDOWN_SERVICES = ['apache2','mysql'] PROFILE_TMPL = ''' ## Segway-specific environment export ARCH="%(arch)s" export ARCHHOME=%(base)s/arch/$ARCH # Added by install script export PYTHONPATH=%(base)s/arch/$ARCH/lib/python%(py_version)s:$PYTHONPATH export PATH=%(base)s/arch/$ARCH/bin:$PATH export HDF5_DIR=%(base)s/arch/$ARCH export C_INCLUDE_PATH=%(base)s/arch/$ARCH/include:$C_INCLUDE_PATH export LIBRARY_PATH=%(base)s/arch/$ARCH/lib:/segway-build/arch/$ARCH/lib64/R/lib:$LIBRARY_PATH export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=%(base)s/arch/$ARCH/lib:/segway-build/arch/$ARCH/lib64/R/lib:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH ## Profile additions alias ll="ls -l --color=auto" alias lll="ls -la --color=auto" cd() { builtin cd "$@" ls -F --color=auto } ''' LOCAL_PROFILE_TMPL = ''' ## Local profile additions export PS1=$'\\[\\033]0;\\u@\\h \\w\\007\\n\\033[32m\\]\\u@\\h \\[\\033[35m\\w\\033[0m\\]\\n> ' ''' MOTD_TMPL = ''' *************************************************************** === Segway %(node_type)s node === segway version: %(segway_ver)s genomedata version: %(genomedata_ver)s segtools version: %(segtools_ver)s Packages installed in %(base)s/arch/%(arch)s *************************************************************** ''' class Setup(ClusterSetup): ''' Setup the environment on each node to contain the path for segway runs. Shutdown services if requested ''' def __init__(self, segway_path): self.segway_path = segway_path def run(self, nodes, master, user, user_shell, volumes): for node in nodes: nconn = node.ssh # base PATH to segway, genomedata, segtools executables base = self.segway_path # add segway path info to each profile of each node profile = nconn.remote_file(SEGWAY_PROFILE,mode='w') profile.write(PROFILE_TMPL % {'base':base, 'arch':ARCH, 'py_version':PYTHON_VERSION}) profile.close() # Update local profile settings local_profile = nconn.remote_file(ROOT_BASH_PROFILE,mode='w') local_profile.write(LOCAL_PROFILE_TMPL) local_profile.close() # Add segway-specific msg to motd if node.is_master(): node_type = 'MASTER' else: node_type = 'COMPUTE' motd = nconn.remote_file(MOTD_TAIL_FILE, mode='a') motd.write(MOTD_TMPL % {'node_type':node_type, 'segway_ver':SEGWAY_PKG_VER, 'genomedata_ver':GENOMEDATA_PKG_VER, 'segtools_ver':SEGTOOLS_PKG_VER, 'base':base, 'arch':ARCH}) motd.close()
Once StarCluster has been configured, you are ready to launch a compute cluster.
Because you will be paying on a per-use basis for the cluster you launch, we recommend testing
the configuration on a small size cluster initially (i.e. cluster
, which will setup a cluster with 1 master + 1 compute node)
To launch a small test cluster, run:
starcluster start -c smallcluster test-cluster
where test-cluster
is a cluster-tag
that identifies your running
You will see a series of messages from StarCluster indicating that your instance(s) are coming up and the cluster is being configured, e.g.:
$ starcluster start -c smallcluster test-cluster StarCluster - ( (v. 0.9999) Software Tools for Academics and Researchers (STAR) Please submit bug reports to >>> Validating cluster template settings... >>> Cluster template settings are valid >>> Starting cluster... >>> Launching a 2-node cluster... >>> Launching master node (AMI: ami-a5c42dcc, TYPE: m1.large)... >>> Creating security group @sc-test-cluster... >>> Launching node: node001 (AMI: ami-a5c42dcc, TYPE: m1.large)... ... remaining nodes launch ... >>> The master node is >>> Attaching volume vol-YYYYYYYY to master node on /dev/sdy ... >>> Attaching volume vol-XXXXXXXX to master node on /dev/sdx ... >>> Setting up the cluster... >>> Mounting EBS volume vol-YYYYYYYYY on /segway-build... >>> Mounting EBS volume vol-XXXXXXXXX on /segway-data... >>> Creating cluster user: sgeadmin >>> Configuring scratch space for user: sgeadmin >>> Configuring /etc/hosts on each node >>> Configuring NFS... >>> Configuring passwordless ssh for root >>> Configuring passwordless ssh for user: sgeadmin >>> Generating local RSA ssh keys for user: sgeadmin >>> Installing Sun Grid Engine... >>> Done Configuring Sun Grid Engine ... # Then, Segway specific configuration ... >>> Running plugin segway-env >>> Running plugin segway-sge >>> Adding SGE mem_requested consumable... >>> Removing head node from cluster exec queue ... >>> Setting SGE mem_requested for node ip-10-202-69-124.ec2.internal ... setup on remaining nodes ...
If you are using full price instances, this setup phase can take 5-10 minutes, depending on the size of the cluster and the instance availability in the AWS zone.
You are paying for at least 1 hour of usage per image from the time each of the images instantiates.
In addition to the StarCluster command line interface, We find it helpful to use the AWS management console <> as well as the ElasticFox Firefox extenstion <> to monitor and control instances and their EBS mounts.
Once can also use spot instances to reduce the cost of running the cluster. As long as the spot instance bid doesn't reach your maximum bid, you obtain the instances at the bid price ($0.03 in the example below):
starcluster start -c smallcluter32 --bid=0.03 test-bid
Currently You must set ENABLE_EXPERIMENTAL=True
in the StarCLuster
config file to be able to use spot bids.
If you use spot instances, we have found that cluster startup times can vary
substantially. If StarCluster hangs during the startup process, one
can re-execute the starcluster start
command with the
option, which will prevent additional instances from
being launched. Monitor the startup of these jobs using the utilities
in the tip below.
After launching the compute cluster, you can login to the head node and begin running analyses:
starcluster sshmaster <cluster-tag>
where <cluster-tag>
is the cluster tag you provided to starcluster
(e.g. test-cluster
in the above example). This will take you to the master node
of your running compute cluster, and will report the versions and locations
of the segway installation you specified in the configuration files.
Once you login into the cluster for the first time, you must finish initializing the SGE mem_requested consumable. To do this, execute:
$ python /segway-build/arch/Linux-x86_64/lib/python2.6/segway-1.0.2-py2.6.egg/segway/cluster/
You should see some output indicating the success or failure of this step.
XXX: need to make this automatic during cluster config, but can't seem to get it working
Once you are logged into the master node, you can run jobs as you normally
might on another compute cluster. Segway and associated data are
available as you specified in StarCluster config file (e.g.
and /segway-data
Another useful monitoring tool is in the StarCluster experimental branch, which allows load balancing. From the local computer with StarCluster installed, run:
starcluster loadbalance <cluster-tag>
to monitor the load on the SGE queue. Currently, new instances are not launched and added to the queue, but the monitoring functionality can be helpful for tuning Segway run parameters.
Once you are finished with a run, you should stop the running cluster to stop paying for the service. On the local machine, running:
starcluster stop <cluster-tag>
will ask you whether you want to stop the running cluster. Answering yes will tear down all instances in the cluster.
For persistent storage of the results of your analysis, you should use an EBS
volume that is mounted separately. We currently create ~50 Gb EBS
volumes and mount them on running clusters for long-term storage of results
(e.g. /segway-results
in the config file). See the provided StarCluster
config template for an example of how to mount EBS volues.
StarCluster expects EBS volumes to be formatted in a specific way (i.e. with at least one partition, like /dev/sda1) See <> for details.
Because Segway runs typically consist of 100's-1000's of small jobs, you can
employ larger-size clusters to facilitate run completion in a reasonable
time. In the provided StarCluster configuration template, we have
specified mediumcluster
and largecluster
configurations that can be
used for these larger jobs.
Be careful when changing CLUSTER_SIZE
parameters in the config file. You don't want to start more instances
than the job needs.
In our limited experience so far, we have found that running Segway in the Amazon compute cloud is very cost effective.
For example, we have run several segmentations using a 12-instance cluster containing a single master node (m1.large) and 11 compute nodes (m1.xlarge). Because segmentations scale with size and complexity, it is difficult to estimate costs precisely. A modest segmentation problem (10-labels on 10-tracks) can be trained and decoded in ~4 hours. If you're using full price instances, this would amount to $32.64 (real cost). If you're using spot bids, then the cost would be $12.48 (assuming a bid price of $0.26 for m1.xlarge)
It also costs money to store the output from segmentations, but this cost is typically negligible. We do routinely transfer the output off of AWS to perform subsequent analyses (using e.g. segtools).
In addition to the above configuration file and plugin, we provide EBS snapshots containing functional Segway installations for use by others.
There is a publically available snapshot of a full segway / genomedata / segtools installation with ID: snap-dbe720b4. To use this, you'll need to copy the snapshot to an EBS volume, and then mount the EBS volume under /segway-build (if you're following the instructions from above).
I can provide support of this mode of segway use. If you use the segway mailing list ( then I can reply to those messages.