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File metadata and controls

151 lines (110 loc) · 4.9 KB

Django file-backed objects

Circle CI

Access file-backed objects in something resembling the ORM. You should be able to use generic views to build on them.


Statically-built sites are all the rage, but most of them concentrate on a narrow range of file formats and, often, require that your output space matches your input space.

Separately, django-bakery provides a way of taking a Django-based website and "baking" it to flat files for serving.

After playing with various static site generators for some fairly specific needs, I ended up wanting a way of controlling my output space in the manner of Django (which pointed towards django-bakery), but with a range of flat files as inputs, which required something new.

Getting started

$ pip install django_FBO
$ django-fbo-newsite --modules=pages,blog --url=<url> <sitedir> <sitename>
$ pip install -r requirements.txt

This will create a Django project, pre-configured to run a simple FBO site, including the pages and blog module configurations. It will create a Django modern-style <sitedir> directory containing, and; the settings relies on defaults provided by django_FBO, and allows 12 factor-style environment overriding.

The site will be called <sitename>, and is expected to be served at <url> (this is used for the blog Atom feed).

You have to install the requirements FBO sets up for you, because we're opinionated and we pull in a couple of things for you which aren't needed for everyone using django_FBO.

Included module: pages

A really simple FBO configuration that by default looks for files in ./pages/ and renders them using a page.html template.

Included module: blog

A more complex FBO configuration that looks for files in ./posts/YYYY/MM/DD/slug and renders them using a blog/post.html template and blog/index.html for all the indexes.

Included modules: binary and interspersed

The binary module isn't very useful; it just allows you to store binary objects in an FBO tree and expose them. Generally you're better off doing this using MEDIA_ROOT and MEDIA_URL.

However the interspersed module allows you to mix pages and binary objects in the same tree.

This isn't bootstrapped by django-fbo-newsite, because it's generally only used for migrating existing sites to use FBO.

Bake your site

$ ./ bake_site outdir/

Note that this isn't compatible with django-bakery, which uses a very different way to figure out what to bake, and (at least when I looked at it) didn't seem to support pagination.

Baking won't touch media files (generally I'd recommend you Alias them for your website, or s3sync them directly or whatever). It won't do anything about static files, because you can just use collectstatic (and you should, because it allows you to use ManifestStaticFilesStorage).

Note that only FBO views (or views where you mixin and then implement django_FBO.baking.Bakeable.get_paths yourself) will be baked. You should also be able to use FBOs with [django-staticgen] or [django-freeze].

It's a bit grotty, and will probably break if you try to push it very far. It works for me, and will stick around unless I switch to something else.

Underlying API

FBO provides something kind of like the ORM. You have to construct an FBO object, at which point it acts like an ORM model:

from django_FBO import FBO

qs = FBO(

if qs.count() > 0:
            [str(fbo) for fbo in qs]
    print("No objects found.")


  • binary shouldn't have metadata, or should use detached
  • metadata from detached file (with auto-detection of format?)
  • tests for binary, interspersed modules
  • tests for pages module template overriding
  • pages module auto-rendering for Markdown, HTML?
  • tests for .none(), .exists()
  • tests for .datetimes()
  • real documentation!
  • MetadataInFileHead is somewhat ponderous
  • Options/_meta actually overridable etc
  • Remove django-markdown-deux requirement for tests


Django 1.10, Python 3. A file system.

You probably want python-markdown-deux, to make it easy to render markdown sources. This is required to run the tests.


This is very early days for this; feedback welcome via the github project page.

James Aylett