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3. Configuring Experiments

Now it's time to put everything together and actually train our model. Here's where the hard work of the previous two sections will pay off!

To train our model, we'll be editing the configuration file. I like to create new configuration files for each set of experiments or model type. This gives our experiments maximum repeatability, as we can always go back and run an old configuration file. Lets do that now:

cp configs/test_reader.jsonnet configs/train_lstm.jsonnet

This will give us our old configuration file to start out with.

To be able to train a model, we're going to need to fill in the 3 empty configuration keys from Section 1:

  1. data_loader
  2. model
  3. trainer

The data_loader describes how to batch the data and iterate over it. AllenNLP has a number of built-in iterators that we'll be using, though for more advanced projects you might be inclined to write your own.

The model configures each of those sub-modules that we defined in the last section. I.e. how big should our LSTM be, what embeddings do we want to use, etc.

The trainer configures the AllenNLP Trainer object, which handles all the training and optimizing for us. We pass it an optimizer, a number of epochs, maybe some early-stopping parameters, etc.

We'll start by looking at each of these in depth.

3.1 Iterators

An Iterator determines how the trainer will batch and order the data. There are two main types of iterators that you will likely be using: a basic iterator and a bucket iterator.

The basic iterator batches it into a fixed batch size, and then (by default) shuffles those batches every epoch. You can use it in the configuration file by adding this bit of code:

  data_loader: {
    batch_size: 10,
    shuffle: true

AllenNLP also offers batch_samplers, which allow you to specify how to construct batches. For instance, you can use a bucket sampling strategy, which is slightly more advanced. It's used to minimize the memory foot-print of all the batches. When batching a variable length sequence, AllenNLP will pad all the sequences to the length of the longest sequence in the batch. If you randomly sample from the data, you could end up with some long sequences and some short sequences in the same batch, leading to a lot of extra memory used for padding. For example, that might look something like this:

8 3 7 0 0 0
1 4 3 9 8 7

Where one sequence is padded to double its length. Using a bucket iterator sorts all the examples by length and then batches them. This minimizes the amount of padding in each batch, as the sequences are only batched with other similar-length sequences.

  data_loader: {
    batch_sampler: {
      type: 'bucket',
      batch_size: 10

For the purposes of this tutorial, we'll go with the bucket iterator. That one extra line of configuration can yield decent speedups, and though the contents of each batch are the same between epochs, the batches are by default shuffled.

3.1 Model Configuration

Once we have the iterator configured, we have to configure the model. We begin by specifying the type of the model as the one we built in the last section:

  model: {
    type: 'ner_lstm'

Remember that our model took in 2 parameters (besides vocab), an embedder, and an encoder. So we'll have to fill those in:

  model: {
    type: 'ner_lstm',
    embedder: {},
    encoder: {}

A TextFieldEmbedder can take in one set of embeddings per token namespace we defined earlier. In our case, we're still using the default tokens namespace for our token_indexers:

  model: {
    type: 'ner_lstm',
    embedder: {
      token_embedders: {
        tokens: {}
    encoder: {}

To see where we get the tokens namespace from, imagine that we instead told our DatasetReader to use words as the name for the token_indexer:

  dataset_reader: {
    type: 'conll_03_reader',
    token_indexers: {
      words: {
        type: 'single_id'
  model: {
    embedder: {
      token_embedders: {
        words: {}

You can see in the above configuration that we've created a different namespace called words in the dataset reader, and then use that namespace later in the model's text field embedder.

For the tokens namespace, we want to use pretrained GloVe embeddings. This is where we could do something fancier with BERT or eLMO, but I'll leave that for a future section.

  model: {
    type: 'ner_lstm',
    embedder: {
      token_embedders: {
        tokens: {
        type: 'embedding',
          pretrained_file: "(",
          embedding_dim: 50,
          trainable: false
    encoder: {

We've defined the embedder type as embedding and passed it a pretrained_file --- AllenNLP will automatically download this on the first experimental run, and cache it for use in future experiments!

Now we need to define our Seq2SeqEncoder. For this run, we'll use a Bidirectional LSTM:

  model: {
    type: 'ner_lstm',
    embedder: {
      token_embedders: {
        tokens: {
        type: 'embedding',
          pretrained_file: "(",
          embedding_dim: 50,
          trainable: false
    encoder: {
      type: 'lstm',
      input_size: 50,
      hidden_size: 25,
      bidirectional: true

Though you could just as easily change it to a gru or rnn, or make bidirectional false. The ability to use JSON to configure your experiments and search for hyperparameters is one of the things that makes AllenNLP so useful for fast iterations.

3.2 Trainers

The last bit we need to define is the trainer:

  trainer: {
    num_epochs: 10,
    patience: 3,
    cuda_device: -1,
    grad_clipping: 5.0,
    validation_metric: '-loss',
    optimizer: {
      type: 'adam',
      lr: 0.003

In the trainer, patience and validation_metric are used for early stopping. cuda_device specifies whether or not you want to run on the GPU (I have left this set to -1 for CPU-only training).

3.3 Training

Now that we have our configuration file completed, we can use the allennlp train command to train our NER model!

allennlp train -f --include-package tagging -s /tmp/tagging/lstm configs/train_lstm.jsonnet

Most of the arguments you've seen before, but I've added the additional -f flag. The -f flag tells AllenNLP to overwrite whatever the serialization directory is when training. This is useful if you're debugging models, but if you want to store experimental results leave out the -f flag and just specify a new directory!!!