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Demo gitops for an event-driven solution

This gitops repository supports the article about developer's experience to develop an event-driven microservice solution.

How it was created

We used KAM CLI to create the project with the following parameters:

Get Github access token, to be used in the KAM bootstrap command, in future steps.

kam bootstrap \
--service-repo-url \
--gitops-repo-url \
--image-repo image-registry.openshift-image-registry.svc:5000/ibmcase/ \
--output eda-demo-order-gitops \
--git-host-access-token <a-github-token> \
--prefix edademo --push-to-git=true

What was added

  • Added a bootstrap folder to define gitops and operator declaration and to create an ArgoCD project
  • Defined a script to install IBM Catalogs and Cloud Pak for Integration components
  • Added scripts to deploy the gitops, pipelines operators: scripts/
  • Add deployment for the producer app in environments/eda-demo-dev/app-eda-demo-order-ms
  • Added a lot of kustomize files for the different operators needed for the solution under the bootstrap folder: apicurio, elastic-search, sealed-secret...

How to use it

  • Login to the OpenShift Console, and get login token to be able to use oc cli

If you want to do a pure GitOps approach see next sections, if you want to do a manual deployment without ArgoCD, to test or understand the step by step process, go to section

Bootstrap GitOps

  • If not done already, use the script to install GitOps and Pipeline operators:

    cd ./bootstrap/scripts/

Once the operators are running the command: oc get pods -n openshift-gitops should return a list of pods like:

NAME                                                          READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
cluster-54b7b77995-7m5wg                                      1/1     Running   0          4h6m
kam-76f5ff8585-b742t                                          1/1     Running   0          4h6m
openshift-gitops-application-controller-0                     1/1     Running   0          4h5m
openshift-gitops-applicationset-controller-6948bcf87c-jdv2x   1/1     Running   0          4h5m
openshift-gitops-dex-server-64cbd8d7bd-76czz                  1/1     Running   0          4h5m
openshift-gitops-redis-7867d74fb4-dssr2                       1/1     Running   0          4h5m
openshift-gitops-repo-server-6dc777c845-gdjhr                 1/1     Running   0          4h5m
openshift-gitops-server-7957cc47d9-cmxvw                      1/1     Running   0          4h5m
  • If not done already, install IBM product catalog

  • Obtain your IBM license entitlement key

  • Update the OCP global pull secret of the openshift-operators project with the entitlement key

    oc create secret docker-registry ibm-entitlement-key \
    --docker-username=cp \ \
    --namespace=openshift-operators \
  • Install the different IBM product and open source operators as needed:

    # install cp4i namespace + navigator operator
    oc apply -f bootstrap/ibm-cp4i/cp4i-namespace.yaml
    oc apply -k bootstrap/ibm-cp4i
    # install event streams operator
    oc apply -k bootstrap/ibm-eventstreams
    # install apicurio operator
     oc apply -k bootstrap/apicurio
    # install sealed secrets operator and controller under sealed-secret namespace
    oc apply -k bootstrap/sealed-secret 
  • Create ArgoCD project named edademo:

oc project openshift-gitops
oc apply -k bootstrap/argocd-project
  • Get the ArgoCD User Interface URL and open a web browser
chrome https://$(oc get route openshift-gitops-server -o jsonpath='{.status.ingress[].host}'  -n openshift-gitops)
  • [Optional] Install any open source product operators used in this demonstration:

    # Elastic Search
    oc apply -k bootstrap/elastic-search/
    # Microcks to do API testing
    oc apply -k bootstrap/microcks-operator/operator/overlays/stable

Deploy solution

  • [Optional] Install manually the Cloud Pak for integration navigator operand.

    oc apply -f

    This can take up to 45 minutes to install, please wait.

  • Get the argocd admin password:

oc extract secret/openshift-gitops-cluster -n openshift-gitops --to=-
  • Start ArgoCD app of apps, to create instances of Event Streams, and the different services.
 oc apply -k config/argocd
  • Be sure to have the ibm-entitlement-key secret in the edademo-dev project
./bootstrap/scripts/ ibm-entitlement-key cp4i edademo-dev
  • The image below list the first ArgoCD apps:

  • edademo-dev-env is for the namespace and service account user.
  • edademo-dev-services-app is for creating an IBM event streams cluster named dev under the edademo-dev namespace, for configuring the Kafka topics, and scram and tls users.
  • edademo-dev-app-eda-demo-order-ms is the order service producer argo app.

It may take 1 to minutes to get Event streams started.

  • At this stage the application will not run successfully as the Apicurio URL in the configmap (environments/edademo-dev/apps/app-eda-demo-order-ms/services/eda-demo-order-ms/base/config/configmap.yaml) is not right as it depends on the external route and name of the cluster. So you need to update the configMap with your Apicurio URL.

Once done, push the update to the git repo and then ArgoCD will redeploy the configmap. The eda-demo-order-ms pod needs to be restarted.

See the demonstration-steps to access to the Swagger API and to verify schema and events generated.

How to add more components

Adding an app

Adding Kafka connect

As an example we want to add Kafka Connect as a service. So add the descriptor in the environment/edademo-dev/services folder.

  • create a kconnect folder and add the connector definition

  • Define the secret for the COS credential reusing the template: secrets/cos-credentials-templ.yaml

  • [Optional] Use the seal secret to transform the secret so it can be uploaded to Git repository. You need SealedSecret operator installed.

    # under secrets
    ./ cos-credentials
    # this should create a file cos-credentials.sealedsecret.yaml

    The cos-credentials.sealedsecret.yaml file can be moved to kconnect folder and rename the namespace from default to edademo-dev.

  • Define the sink connector properties

Demonstration Steps

  • Open a browser to the Swagger UI using the route of the producer app:
chrome http://$(oc get route eda-demo-order-ms -o jsonpath='{}')/q/swagger-ui/
  • Use the POST operation at the `` url with the following payload

  • Send one order via the POST orders end point api/v1/orders:

 {  "customerID": "C01",
    "productID": "P02",
    "quantity": 15,
    "destinationAddress": {
      "street": "12 main street",
      "city": "san francisco",
      "country": "USA",
      "state": "CA",
      "zipcode": "92000"
  • Verify the schema is uploaded to the schema registy

  • Verify the message is in the orders topic using the Event Streams User Interface

chrome http://$(oc get route dev-ibm-es-ui -o jsonpath='{}')

Use the admin user and to get his password use

oc get secret platform-auth-idp-credentials -o jsonpath='{.data.admin_password}' -n ibm-common-services | base64 --decode && echo ""

Manual deployment

!!! Under construction

The goal of this section is to present a step by step deployment approach without ArgoCD but still leveraging existing yaml files.

  • login to OpenShift cluster

  • Install GitOps operators if not already present:

  • Define IBM Catalog

  • Define Entitlement key

    ./bootstrap/scripts/ $(getEntitlementkey)
  • Create project:

    oc apply -k environments/edademo-dev/env/overlays 
  • Deploy IBM operators Event Streams and MQ:

    oc apply -k environments/edademo-dev/env/overlays 
  • Deploy Sealed secret

     oc apply -k bootstrap/sealed-secret
  • Once operators are succeeded, deploy the Services

    oc apply -k environments/edademo-dev/services/overlays 


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