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113 lines (82 loc) · 4.55 KB


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Various cmdlets that can be used to dynamically define C# structs and methods for PInvoking native Win32 APIs.


Cmdlets included with this module are;

As well as generating these cmdlets, importing this module will also define the class PInvokeHelper.SafeNativeHandle. This class can be used as a substitution for System.IntPtr in PInvoke methods that return a handle. The benefits of using this is that you are able to guarantee the closing of the native handle when the object is garbage collected or .Dispose() is manually called.

An example of how to use this for a PInvoke method would be;

$module_builder = New-DynamicModule -Name 'Process'
$type_builder = $module_builder.DefineType('NativeMethods', 'Public, Class')
Import-PInvokeMethod -TypeBuilder $type_builder `
    -DllName 'Kernel32.dll' `
    -Name 'OpenProcess' `
    -ReturnType ([PInvokeHelper.SafeNativeHandle]) `
    -ParameterTypes @([System.UInt32], [System.Boolean], [System.UInt32]) `
$type_builder.CreateType() > $null

$h_process = [NativeMethods]::OpenProcess(
); $err_code = [System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal]::GetLastWin32Error()

if ($h_process.IsInvalid) {
    $msg = Get-Win32ErrorMessage -ErrorCode $err_code
    throw "Failed to open process '$PID': $msg"

try {
} finally {
    # Not necessary but it is recommended to manually dispose the handle when
    # it is no longer needed.


These cmdlets have the following requirements

  • PowerShell v3.0 or newer
  • Windows PowerShell (not PowerShell Core)
  • Windows Server 2008 R2/Windows 7 or newer


The easiest way to install this module is through PowerShellGet. This is installed by default with PowerShell 5 but can be added on PowerShell 3 or 4 by installing the MSI here.

Once installed, you can install this module by running;

# Install for all users
Install-Module -Name PInvokeHelper

# Install for only the current user
Install-Module -Name PInvokeHelper -Scope CurrentUser

If you wish to remove the module, just run Uninstall-Module -Name PInvokeHelper.

If you cannot use PowerShellGet, you can still install the module manually, here are some basic steps on how to do this;

  1. Download the latext zip from GitHub here
  2. Extract the zip
  3. Copy the folder PInvokeHelper inside the zip to a path that is set in $env:PSModulePath. By default this could be C:\Program Files\WindowsPowerShell\Modules or C:\Users\<user>\Documents\WindowsPowerShell\Modules
  4. Reopen PowerShell and unblock the downloaded files with $path = (Get-Module -Name PInvokeHelper -ListAvailable).ModuleBase; Unblock-File -Path $path\*.psd1;
  5. Reopen PowerShell one more time and you can start using the cmdlets

Note: You are not limited to installing the module to those example paths, you can add a new entry to the environment variable PSModulePath if you want to use another path.


Contributing is quite easy, fork this repo and submit a pull request with the changes. To test out your changes locally you can just run .\build.ps1 in PowerShell. This script will ensure all dependencies are installed before running the test suite.

Note: this requires PowerShellGet or WMF 5 to be installed


  • Fix up doc generation to product a correct markdown file