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Christo de Klerk edited this page Nov 7, 2016 · 2 revisions

Activities are projects, actions, or interventions that explore borders and enable people to meet others

What is an activity?

Activity Image Gallery

departure_images Gallery

Where is your activity?

departure location Google Map

Are you partnering with other stations?

partner User

What border are you exploring?


from Text


to Text

Other borders explored in this activity

other_borders Repeater

Brief Description

brief_description Text Area

Why are you doing this?

why_description Wysiwyg Editor

What are the characteristic of your activity

Is it held in an urban or rural area?

urban_rural_rel True / False

Pull the slider to a value that resembles the characteristic of your activity

urban_rural Number Slider

Is it held in a rich or poor area?

rich_poor_rel True / False

Pull the slider to a value that resembles the characteristic of your activity

rich_poor Number Slider

Is it held in a homogenous or pluralistic area?

homo_plural_rel True / False

Pull the slider to a value that resembles the characteristic of your activity

homo_plural Number Slider

Describe the setting

setting_desc Text Area

Does it affect a person or people?

one_many_rel True / False

Pull the slider to a value that resembles the characteristic of your activity

one_many Number Slider

Does it affect the young or the old?

young_old_rel True / False

Pull the slider to a value that resembles the characteristic of your activity

young_old Number Slider

Does it affect known or unknown people?

known_unknown_rel True / False

Pull the slider to a value that resembles the characteristic of your activity

known_unknown Number Slider

Describe the audience/participants (your target group)

audience_desc Text Area

How do/did you find, select, or reach out to your audience/participants (your target group)?

audience_discovery Wywiwyg Editor

Select the methods you're using from the list of icons

method_icons Checkbox

How are you using the above method(s)?

how_description Wysiwyg Editor

What was the results?

results_description Wysiwyg Editor

Was it a success or failure?

success_rating Number Slider

In what way did it succeed/fail, and what were the main lessons?

success_desc Wysiwyg Editor

What were your inspirations?

inspiration_description Wysiwyg Editor


credits_description Text Area

Activity timeline and/or diary

timeline Repeater

Creative Commons License

cc_license True / False

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