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Recipe-Cat is a Rails-based recipe catalog application.

It was developed using Ruby v2.3.1.

The user can add recipes, view recipes, search recipes by ingredient, favorite a recipe, and comment on a recipe.

This application was created to meet the requirements of the Rails portfolio project.

12-Dec-20  Mitigate CVE-2015-9284.
10-Dec-20  Update Heroku stack from 16 to 20.
           Upgrade Ruby to 2.6.6 for Heroku requirement.
           Update Gemfile.lock. Update Heroku Postgres from 9 to 12.
19-Apr-18  Updated gems.
           Fixed typo on recipe author display.
14-Dec-17  Merged feature-js into master.
01-Aug-17  feature-js complete.
14-Jul-17  Branch feature-js created to meet the requirements of the
           "Rails App with a jQuery Front End" portfolio project.
08-May-17  Initial release.

Installation and Usage

  • Fork and clone the recipe-cat repository.
  • Update config/initializers/devise.rb's config.secret_key or instead, for full functionality, create a config/secrets.yml file, to include
    • secret_key_base
    • facebook_key (optional, for Facebook login ability)
    • facebook_secret (optional, for Facebook login ability)
  • Execute bundle install.
  • rake db:migrate
  • rake db:seed (If you want to load test data.)
  • Start a rails server, rails s.
  • Connect to the rails server with a browser, localhost:3000.
  • From there you can log in to the application for full functionality or browse the data as a guest.
  • To run tests, bundle exec rspec.


Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at This project is intended to be a safe, welcoming space for collaboration, and contributors are expected to adhere to the Contributor Covenant code of conduct.


The application is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.