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repdoc provides a custom output format for use with standalone R Markdown files or R Markdown websites. In combination with a Git repository for version control, it implements multiple features to facilitate reproducibility:

  • Inserts the date the HTML file was last updated
  • Inserts the version of the Git repository when the HTML file was built
  • Warns if the R Markdown file had unsaved changes when the HTML file was built
  • Reports past versions of the HTML file
  • Reports past versions of the R Markdown file
  • Sets a seed for random number generation
  • Inserts the session information at the end of the HTML file
  • Organizes the output figure files by the R Markdown file that generated them
  • Reports the status of the Git repository
  • Reports if there were variables defined in the global environment
  • Reports past versions of figure files

This package is for testing features before integrating them into workflowr.

Example screenshot of reproducibility report added to beginning of R Markdown file:


You can install repdoc from GitHub with:

# install.packages("devtools")

Give it a try

To try out repdoc, specify repdoc_html as the output format in the YAML header of one of your existing R Markdown files and then render with rmarkdown::render or the RStudio Knit button. For best results, the R Markdown file should be versioned in a Git repository:

output: repdoc::repdoc_html

You can customize the settings directly in the YAML header. The options below specify setting the seed with set.seed(3) and reporting the session information using devtools::session_info() instead of the default sessionInfo().

  seed: 3
  sessioninfo: "devtools::session_info()"
output: repdoc::repdoc_html

Example 1: A single R Markdown file

The analysis in ex1-single-file demonstrates how repdoc can add reproducibility features to a single R Markdown analysis. Use rmarkdown::render or the RStudio Knit button to render the file.

Example 2: An R Markdown website

The analysis in ex2-website demonstrates how repdoc can add reproducibility features to an entire R Markdown website by specifying repdoc::repdoc_html as the output format in the shared _site.yml file. This also requires specifying the custom site generator repdoc::repdoc_site in the YAML header of the index.Rmd file. Since it is a website, use rmarkdown::render_site or the RStudio Knit button to render the file.

site: repdoc::repdoc_site

Example 3: An R Markdown website with a different knit directory

The analysis in ex3-website-subir demonstrates how repdoc can additionally be used to set knit_root_dir across the R Markdown files. This facilitates organizing the R Markdown files into a subdirectory but still executing them from the root of the project. Furthermore, it uses _repdoc.yml to share repdoc options across the R Markdown files. Since it is a website, use rmarkdown::render_site or the RStudio Knit button to render the file.


The main challenge of repdoc is inserting code chunks at the beginning and end of R Markdown files with no disruption of the end user when writing the R Markdown document.

Custom output format

The custom output format repdoc_html extends rmarkdown::html_document. Thus any arguments for rmarkdown::html_document, e.g. toc = TRUE to add a table of contents, can be passed directly to repdoc::repdoc_html.

It sets knitr options, including modifying the path to save figures, by setting the knitr argument of output_format.

It adds a custom footer to the output HTML using the pre_processor argument of output_format to pass --include-after-body to Pandoc.

The above options follow the R Markdown documentation. In order to add code to chunks to the beginning of the file (to set the seed) and the end of the file (to record the session information), repdoc_html needs to edit the source R Markdown file before it is rendered. To accomplish this, it creates and modifies a temporary version of the R Markdown file, and then has rmarkdown::render build this temporary file by accessing the enclosing environment and changing the name of the input file. This is performed using the post_knit argument of output_format. This is quite hacky, and I would love to know if there were a better way to accomplish this.

To set knit_root_dir from the YAML header or _repdoc.yml, repdoc_html uses the same environment trick that it uses to modify the input file. It changes the argument knit_root_dir used by render.

Custom site generator

repdoc_site is a custom site generator for use with repdoc_html to create R Markdown websites using rmarkdown::render_site.

It knows that the figures file are written to figure/<basename of Rmd file>, so it moves these if there is an output_dir set in _site.yml.

It automatically sets self_contained: false and lib_dir: site_libs by passing these to render via the output_options argument. This will throw an error if the user specifies, e.g. pdf_document, in _site.yml, but they should be discouraged from doing so. If they want a non-HTML format, they can build it by passing the output format directly to render, e.g. render("file.Rmd", pdf_document()).

Configuration file

To share repdoc settings across multiple R Markdown files, create a file called _repdoc.yml. This file can be in the same directory as the R Markdown file or an upstream directory. If a relative filepath is used to set knit_root_dir, then this filepath is interpreted as relative to the location of the _repdoc.yml file. For example, in ex3-website-subdir/, _repdoc.yml sets knit_root_dir to ".". Thus the files are knit in ex3-website-subdir/ and not ex3-website-subdir/analysis/.

├── analysis
│   ├── about.Rmd
│   ├── index.Rmd
│   └── _site.yml
└── _repdoc.yml


Package for testing workflowr features



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