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File metadata and controls

320 lines (226 loc) · 13.4 KB


In this exercise, we will create a custom service by defining a .srv file. Then we will write server and client nodes to utilize this service.


The first type of ROS communication that we explored was a one-way interaction called messages which are sent over channels called topics. Now we are going to explore a different communication type, which is a two-way interaction via a request from one node to another and a response from that node to the first. In this module we will create a service server (waits for request and comes up with response) and client (makes request for info then waits for response).

Reference Example

Create a Service Server/Client

Further Information and Resources

Scan-N-Plan Application: Problem Statement

We now have a base ROS node which is subscribing to some information and we want to build on this node. In addition we want this node to serve as a sub-function to another "main" node. The original vision node will now be responsible for subscribing to the AR information and responding to requests from the main workcell node.

Your goal is to create a more intricate system of nodes:

  1. Update the vision node to include a service server

  2. Create a new node which will eventually run the Scan-N-Plan App

    • First, we'll create the new node (myworkcell_core) as a service client. Later, we will expand from there

Scan-N-Plan Application: Guidance

Create Service Definition

  1. Similar to the message file located in the fake_ar_publisher package, we need to create a service file. The following is a generic structure of a service file:

  2. Create a folder called srv inside your myworkcell_core package (at same level as the package's src folder)

    cd ~/ros2_ws/src/myworkcell_core
    mkdir srv
  3. Create a file (gedit or QT) called LocalizePart.srv inside the srv folder.

  4. Inside the file, define the service as outlined above with a request of type string named base_frame and a response that has a geometry_msgs/Pose field named pose, and a boolean field named success:

    string base_frame
    geometry_msgs/Pose pose
    bool success
    • An explicit member of the response that indicates success or failure is usually good practice with services, often along with a string member that can provide error information when a failure does happen.
  5. Edit the package's CMakeLists.txt and package.xml to add dependencies on key packages:

    • The rosidl_default_generators package is required to build C++ code from the .srv file created in the previous step
    • The rosidl_default_runtime package provides runtime dependencies for new messages
    • geometry_msgs provides the Pose message type used in our service definition
    1. Edit the package's CMakeLists.txt file to add the new build-time dependencies alongside the existing find_package rules:

      find_package(geometry_msgs REQUIRED)
      find_package(rosidl_default_generators REQUIRED)
    2. Edit the package.xml file to add the appropriate build/run dependencies:

    3. Also add a special tag that tells the ROS build system this package defines ROS interfaces.


      This is generally placed with the package metadata, before the dependencies.

  6. Edit the package's CMakeLists.txt to add rules to generate the new service files:

    1. The following CMake function is invoked with the service file you created and creates the target to generate the interface-specific code:

        DEPENDENCIES geometry_msgs
    2. Add the following line after the call to ament_target_dependencies for the the vision_node. This makes the vision_node target depend on the generated interface target so that the generated code can be used in the node:

      rosidl_target_interfaces(vision_node ${PROJECT_NAME} "rosidl_typesupport_cpp")
  7. NOW! you have a service defined in you package and you can attempt to build the code to generate the service:

    colcon build

Service Server

  1. Edit vision_node.cpp; remember that the ros documentation is a resource.

  2. Add the header for the service we just created

     #include <myworkcell_core/srv/localize_part.hpp>
  3. Add a member variable named server_ near the other Localizer class member variables:

    rclcpp::Service<myworkcell_core::srv::LocalizePart>::SharedPtr server_;
  4. In the Localizer class constructor, advertise your service to the ROS master:

    server_ = this->create_service<myworkcell_core::srv::LocalizePart>(
      std::bind(&Localizer::localizePart, this, std::placeholders::_1, std::placeholders::_2));

    Note the use of std::bind again to create a function object that the service will use a callback. The use of two std::placeholders arguments indicates the callback will have two arguments when it is called.

  5. The create_service command above referenced a service callback named localizePart. Create an empty function with this name in the Localizer class. Remember that your request and response types were defined in the LocalizePart.srv file. The arguments to the boolean function are the request and response type, with the general structure of Package::ServiceName::Request or Package::ServiceName::Response.

    void localizePart(myworkcell_core::srv::LocalizePart::Request::SharedPtr req,
                      myworkcell_core::srv::LocalizePart::Response::SharedPtr res)
  6. Now add code to the localizePart callback function to fill in the Service Response. Eventually, this callback will transform the pose received from the fake_ar_publisher (in visionCallback) into the frame specifed in the Service Request. For now, we will skip the frame-transform, and just pass through the data received from fake_ar_publisher. Copy the pose measurement received from fake_ar_publisher (saved to last_msg_) directly to the Service Response.

    void localizePart(myworkcell_core::srv::LocalizePart::Request::SharedPtr req,
                      myworkcell_core::srv::LocalizePart::Response::SharedPtr res)
      // Read last message
      fake_ar_publisher::msg::ARMarker::SharedPtr p = last_msg_;
      if (! p)
        RCLCPP_ERROR(this->get_logger(), "no data");
        res->success = false;
      res->pose = p->pose.pose;
      res->success = true;
  7. You should comment out the RCLCPP_INFO call in your visionCallback function, to avoid cluttering the screen with useless info.

  8. Build the updated vision_node, to make sure there are no compile errors.

Service Client

  1. Create a new node (inside the same myworkcell_core package), named myworkcell_node.cpp. This will eventually be our main "application node", that controls the sequence of actions in our Scan & Plan task. The first action we'll implement is to request the position of the AR target from the Vision Node's LocalizePart service we created above.

  2. Be sure to include the standard ros header as well as the header for the LocalizePart service:

    #include <rclcpp/rclcpp.hpp>
    #include <myworkcell_core/srv/localize_part.hpp>
  3. Create a standard C++ main function, with typical ROS initialization:

    int main(int argc, char **argv)
      // This must be called before anything else ROS-related
      rclcpp::init(argc, argv);
      return 0;
  4. We will be using a cpp class "ScanNPlan" to contain the functionality of the myworkcell_node. Create a skeleton structure of this class, with an empty constructor and a private area for some internal/private variables.

    class ScanNPlan : public rclcpp::Node
      ScanNPlan() : Node("scan_n_plan")
      // Planning components
  5. Within your new ScanNPlan class, define a ROS Client as a private member variable of the class. Initialize the Client in the ScanNPlan constructor, using the same service name as defined earlier ("localize_part"). Create a void function within the ScanNPlan class named start, with no arguments. This will contain most of our application workflow. For now, this function will call the LocalizePart service and print the response.

    class ScanNPlan : public rclcpp::Node
      ScanNPlan() : Node("scan_n_plan")
        vision_client_ = this->create_client<myworkcell_core::srv::LocalizePart>("localize_part");
      void start()
        RCLCPP_INFO(get_logger(), "Attempting to localize part");
        // Create a request for the LocalizePart service call
        auto request = std::make_shared<myworkcell_core::srv::LocalizePart::Request>();
        auto future = vision_client_->async_send_request(request);
      // Planning components
      rclcpp::Client<myworkcell_core::srv::LocalizePart>::SharedPtr vision_client_;

    The async_send_request function is used on the vision_client_ object to initiate the service call. Notice that it doesn't return a response object, but instead, something called a future. This is because the function immediately returns after sending the request and does not wait for a response from the server. It is our responsibility to wait for the response to arrive, which will be known by the future object becoming 'complete'.

  6. Now add the code that will wait until the service response arrives and then prints the response:

    void start()
      RCLCPP_INFO(get_logger(), "Attempting to localize part");
      // Create a request for the LocalizePart service call
      auto request = std::make_shared<myworkcell_core::srv::LocalizePart::Request>();
      auto future = vision_client_->async_send_request(request);
      if (rclcpp::spin_until_future_complete(this->get_node_base_interface(), future) != rclcpp::executor::FutureReturnCode::SUCCESS)
        RCLCPP_ERROR(this->get_logger(), "Failed to receive LocalizePart service response");
      auto response = future.get();
      if (! response->success)
        RCLCPP_ERROR(this->get_logger(), "LocalizePart service failed");
      RCLCPP_INFO(this->get_logger(), "Part Localized: x: %f, y: %f, z: %f",
    • Note that the waiting function is a form of spinning, the same as the rclcpp::spin function used in the vision_node. This is because under the hood, the service response is arriving on a topic and a callback needs to run inside the Client class to received the response message.
    • Important: Spinning a node is exclusive, so you can't use the spin_until_future_complete function if the main function is already spinning the node. This would be the case if you were trying to call a service from inside a callback, for example. The ROS2 defaults are that only one callback can run at a time, so this scenario leads to deadlock because if you try to wait for the response inside a callback, the response callback will never be run. There are ways around this limitation but it is beyond the scope of this material.
    • An alternative to waiting for the future is to provide a callback along with the service request which will run when the response arrives. For some program designs this might make more sense and this technique can be seen in the official ROS2 examples.
  7. Now back in myworkcell_node's main function, instantiate an object of the ScanNPlan class and call the object's start function.

    // Create the ScanNPlan node
    auto app = std::make_shared<ScanNPlan>();
  8. Edit the package's CMakeLists.txt to build the new node (executable), with its associated dependencies. Add the following rules to the appropriate sections, directly under the matching rules for vision_node:

    add_executable(myworkcell_node src/myworkcell_node.cpp)
    ament_target_dependencies(myworkcell_node rclcpp)
    rosidl_target_interfaces(myworkcell_node ${PROJECT_NAME} "rosidl_typesupport_cpp")

    Also add myworkcell_node to the existing call to install along with vision_node:

    install(TARGETS vision_node myworkcell_node
  9. Build the nodes to check for any compile-time errors:

    colcon build

Use New Service

  1. Enter each of these commands in their own terminal:

    ros2 run fake_ar_publisher fake_ar_publisher_node
    ros2 run myworkcell_core vision_node
    ros2 run myworkcell_core myworkcell_node